
Star Wars: A New Order.

Rey Palpatine and what remains of the Resistance are onboard the Millennium Falcon. Only a spark of hope remains for the Jedi Order. The Yuzhan Vong grows in strength and number. But the Resistance as more allies than they know. An old war that was never won will rage. Old enemies will stand against each other once again. But the Father and Daughter of Mortis will reunite with Rey Palpatine and the Resistance to bring freedom and peace to the galaxy.

Travis_LaRowe26 · Theater
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63 Chs

(The second Death Star.)

Chapter forty eight:

Rey Palpatine was on her way back to the second Death Star. He had just finished up on Malachor 5 and wanted to go her new home. She may be a Jedi Master but she was human too. Rey Palpatine then got a transmission from her apprentice Cale Lestin saying that the plan was a success.

Now the Resistance had 50 vessels, 205 shuttles, and 487 X- wings. They needed a Navy and that was the start of it. The Yuzhan Vong didn't stand a chance against the elites. The Resistance was just too skilled for them now and they had many prisoners which would be good for ransom.

Rey Palpatine also heard that Shimmra Jamaane was one of them. After the Resistance had executed him and he would never be able to go back and tell the rest of the Yuzhan Vong how powerful the Resistance became.

Rey Palpatine then laughed to herself as she could feel that the Yuzhan Vong's hope got crushed as Shimmra Jamaane was executed for his crimes against the New Confederacy of Independent Systems. Rey Palpatine then made it back to the second Death Star and landed the Millennium Falcon. Her new home, which also had a dining room, ball room, a training room for the new Jedi order, and a meditation temple.

Rey Palpatine's new quarters was actually very luxurious. As the god's and goddess of Mortis built it for her out of a token of gratitude. The god's and goddess of Mortis truly did love Rey Palpatine. They had helped the Resistance cut down on crime and poverty, they let them continue to express their culture as well as give an education.

"I'm just happy to be home." Rey Palpatine said to herself as she sat on her bed. Of course she loved being a Jedi Master but it exhausted her. And she was the last Sith Empress. Even though she was going to make learning the dark side of the Force illegal.

And those who respected the Resistance would live a good life. Rey Palpatine cared for the Resistance and the new Jedi Order. And her closest friend was her apprentice Cale Lestin and she made sure that he had everything that they ever wanted.

Rey Palpatine then walked over to her wardrobe and changed into a black tunic and pants. And Darth Zannah's double bladed crimson red lightsaber was on her hip.

Rey's blue Force Lightning could take care of many people but sometimes the double bladed crimson red lightsaber got the job done. She then walked down the stairs and into the throne room. It had a 100 foot ceiling and was 200 feet long.

Rey Palpatine then sat on the throne and felt the light side of the Force surround her. Before a sequel disturbed her. Rey Palpatine then looked up to see Jaina Solo running towards her. "May I help you Jaina?" Said Rey Palpatine.

"You are the new Empress!" Replied Jaina Solo. "Yes I am." Said Rey Palpatine.

Rey Palpatine then picked her up and carried her outside. "Looking for someone?" Rey Palpatine asked Finn. "Yes, thank you so much Jaina just wanted to see you. And I'm sorry if she bothered you." Replied Finn.

"Don't worry about it, Jaina wasn't a bother." Said Rey Palpatine. "Thank you Rey." Replied Finn . Usually Rey Palpatine would get on to Finn for losing a youngling but she was in a generous mood.

Rey Palpatine then turned around to see her apprentice Cale Lestin standing behind her. "Welcome back Master." Said Cale Lestin as he bowed.

"Cale if it's only us I told you to just call me Rey." Replied Rey Palpatine before helping her apprentice up to his feet.

"Oh, sorry my Master. But anyway the Separatist fleet will stay on Kamino but the Resistance will go to Mandalore. We will soon have the adjustments made to the X- wings." Said Cale Lestin.

"Good. The plans have gone right. Now we have the foundation to the navy. Also did you get any formation?* Replied Rey Palpatine.

"Yes. The Yuzhan Vong has been asking for volunteers for the service and many had joined them. They are all in hardcore training and currently haven't been to battle. They also don't have the active numbers so this is a good time for a land attack my Master. Also we have a quarter of the new Resistance fleet." Said Cale Lestin.

"Excellent. We will plan an attack tomorrow." Replied Rey Palpatine before walking away.

She then walked back to her room and looked out the balcony. "We will win this war." Rey Palpatine said to herself.