
Star Wars: A New Order.

Rey Palpatine and what remains of the Resistance are onboard the Millennium Falcon. Only a spark of hope remains for the Jedi Order. The Yuzhan Vong grows in strength and number. But the Resistance as more allies than they know. An old war that was never won will rage. Old enemies will stand against each other once again. But the Father and Daughter of Mortis will reunite with Rey Palpatine and the Resistance to bring freedom and peace to the galaxy.

Travis_LaRowe26 · Theater
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63 Chs

(The redemption of the Son.)

Chapter thirty one:

Meanwhile back on the second Death Star... the New Confederacy of Independent Systems overheard Starkiller's order via an intercepted transmission from a Dove Fighter.

"Rey! General Grievous! We're going to have company! Shimrra Jamaane is coming this way!" The Daughter called to them over the intercom.

Rey Palpatine then reached for her yellow lightsaber, only to find that it wasn't there. "Um, General Grievous, could I borrow one of your lightsabers?" Said Rey Palpatine.

"Grah! Don't loose this Jedi!" Replied General Grievous as he handed Rey Palpatine Darth Zannah's double bladed crimson red lightsaber.

"That lightsaber was an ancient Sith Lord's, but the blades are naturally red. I hope you know how to use it." Said the Daughter of Mortis.

"I've used a staff my whole life, this won't be any different." Replied Rey Palpatine.

"Good." Said the Daughter of Mortis. Skye Palpatine then gasped as she held the double bladed crimson red lightsaber, brief images of Darth Zannah and battles long ago flashed in her mind.

"Incoming here they come!" Replied the Father of Mortis. That pulled Rey Palpatine back to reality, and she shook her head to clear the thought. Then she raised the double bladed crimson red lightsaber, and was ready to fight.

The Yuzhan Vong's Atmosphere Assault Lander's began to land in the second Death Star hangar. Chewbecca immediately opened fire on them with his bow caster.

The Scorponek Annihilator Droids, B3 Ultra Droids, and Protodekas began to viciously attack the Stormtroopers to defend their Masters battle station.

Rey Palpatine watched as the droids fought the Stormtroopers. Several fired their blaster's at her. Rey Palpatine then ignited the lightsaber and scarlet blades appeared from both ends of the hilt. Rey Palpatine held the lightsaber in front of her and spun it in circles, deflecting the blasts.

"This lightsaber is nice." Said Rey Palpatine.

"Yes, it is nice. I killed an assassin to get it." Replied General Grievous.

"You are both doing great, but it's time to step it up, Shimmra Jamaane had arrived." Said the Daughter of Mortis.

"Indeed he has." Replied a voice. They then turned around to see the Son of Mortis approaching them.

"The Son of Mortis, you are more childish than expected." Said General Grievous before he coughed.

"General Grievous. Your shorter than I expected." Replied the Son of Mortis.

"Yuzhan Vong scum." Said General Grievous before taking out his four green and blue lightsabers.

"Quite the army you have here." Replied the the Son of Mortis as he started to look around the room.

"Better than yours. No offense brother." Said the Daughter of Mortis.

"You haven't seen half of our army yet. We have an army of clones waiting." The Son of Mortis stopped herself from revealing their location.

"Father wants you to come back home brother i." Said the Daughter of Mortis.

"It is too late. No one will ever forgive me, not even father." Replied the Son of Mortis.

"Don't say that! And father as already forgiven you." Said the Daughter of Mortis.

"Why?" Replied the Son of Mortis.

"Because we love you." Said the Daughter of Mortis.

The Daughter of Mortis then hugged her brother. "I will make things right. I promise." Replied the Son of Mortis.Then he looked over to Rey Palpatine and her apprentice Cale Lestin and the Daughter of Mortis. "To all of you." The Son of Mortis added.

The Daughter of Mortis then saw a Stormtrooper about to take a point shot at the Son of Mortis. "Look out!" Was all she could say before she pushed her brother out of the way. The Daughter of Mortis then got shot in the arm.

A few of the droids then began to shot at the Stormtrooper who tried to assassinate the Son of Mortis. Rey Palpatine and her apprentice Cale Lestin then went over to the Daughter of Mortis. "Are you okay?" Said Rey Palpatine.

"Ugh. I'll live. Help the droids that are shooting at the assassin's." Replied the Daughter of Mortis.

"That Stormtrooper had already alerted Grand Admiral Thrawn." Replied another Stormtrooper.

Rey Palpatine and her apprentice Cale Lestin then charged at the assassin's with their double bladed crimson red lightsaber, blue lightsaber.

The Daughter of Mortis then watched as the Yuzhan Vong's Star Destroyers jumped into hyper space.

"You saved my life." The Son of Mortis told his sister.

"No need to thank me." Replied the Daughter of Mortis.

"I should be the one to thank you.... For helping out the Resistance." Said Rey Palpatine.

"You don't need to thank me, all of you would have done the same thing for me." Replied the Daughter of Mortis.

General Grievous then picked up the Daughter of Mortis before leaving. "You better let my father know what happened. Those Stormtroopers who shot at the assassin's has joined our cause. I'll see you after General Grievous has taken me to the bacta tank." Said the Daughter of Mortis.

Rey Palpatine then her nodded solemnly.

"Stormtroopers, I'm putting you all on guard duty for the second Death Star. Welcome to the New Confederacy of Independent Systems troopers. Make us proud." Replied the Daughter of Mortis before leaving the room.

The Stormtroopers just nodded their heads, as they were wanting to earn her trust.