
Star Wars: A New Order.

Rey Palpatine and what remains of the Resistance are onboard the Millennium Falcon. Only a spark of hope remains for the Jedi Order. The Yuzhan Vong grows in strength and number. But the Resistance as more allies than they know. An old war that was never won will rage. Old enemies will stand against each other once again. But the Father and Daughter of Mortis will reunite with Rey Palpatine and the Resistance to bring freedom and peace to the galaxy.

Travis_LaRowe26 · Theater
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63 Chs

(Six years later.)

Chapter sixty three:

Cale Lestin sat on the porch. The cool haze giving him happiness. Cale Lestin looked at the beautiful sight. A waterfall, was present in the distance. Bird's chirped and bug's flew by. It was beautiful and peaceful.

Rey Palpatine's feet pattered behind him making her presence known. Rey Palpatine then wrapped her arms around Cale's waist from behind.

"Good morning, Rey." Said Cale Lestin as he turned around to face her.

"Good morning, Cale." Replied Rey Palpatine before she gave Cale a quick kiss on the cheek.

"So what's the plan for today?" Said Cale Lestin.

"Just the usual. Training. Government meetings and stuff like that." Replied Rey Palpatine.

"We need a vacation." Said Cale Lestin.

They both then laughed at themselves. They couldn't get a vacation. Especially with the load of work that they had. And by load of work I mean...


Cale Lestin turned around to see a set of Jedi Padawans running at him. They tackled him onto the grass as they tried to pin him down. The grass causing itches upon his skin.

"Oh so you wanna play rough huh?" Replied Cale Lestin.

The Jedi Padawans rolled on him laughing all the way. However Cale Lestin had a plan. He Force Pushed them into the air causing them to scream in good nature. Cale Lestin called them back to him and they landed in his arms.

"Again." Said Zayne.

"Yeah." Replied Tahiri Veila.

"I think that's enough playing around. We don't want crack necks do we?" Said Rey Palpatine.

"You heard Rey peasants." Replied Cale Lestin.

Zayne and Tahiri Veila laughed as they got off him and Rey Palpatine rolled her eyes, a smile growing on her face. Suddenly, they all looked to see it. The sunrise. It was beautiful. It glared at all of them and made it's presence known. Cale Lestin couldn't help but look at Rey Palpatine. Cale Lestin kissed Rey's cheek after he stood up, admiring his Jedi Master. Zayne and Tahiri Veila then wrapped their arms around Rey Palpatine.

Cale Lestin couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if Rey Palpatine haven't found him on Batuu. What Rey Palpatine's life would be like. If the new Jedi Order would even exist. But Cale was glad that everything played out as it did.

And fate was sealed.

All from Rey Palpatine and her apprentice Cale Lestin.