
Star Wars: A New Order.

Rey Palpatine and what remains of the Resistance are onboard the Millennium Falcon. Only a spark of hope remains for the Jedi Order. The Yuzhan Vong grows in strength and number. But the Resistance as more allies than they know. An old war that was never won will rage. Old enemies will stand against each other once again. But the Father and Daughter of Mortis will reunite with Rey Palpatine and the Resistance to bring freedom and peace to the galaxy.

Travis_LaRowe26 · Theater
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63 Chs

(Rey's new training temple.)

Chapter sixty two:

It has been three months since the defeat of Abeloth and Cale Lestin was deep in thought. Cale Lestin was in Rey Palpatine's new Jedi temple as one of the teachers. Cale Lestin taught the Grey Jedi, and Grogu helped around as well. And Cale's Jedi Master Rey Palpatine was teaching the future line of the Jedi.

The Father of Mortis, the Daughter of Mortis, and the Son of Mortis decided to construct a new government system. One for Force user's, the second for government system was just for normal criminal's, and the third was made for war.

Finn and Poe Dameron decided to work together on training the new world into not taking any more shit. Rose Tico and Asoka Tano made a decision and became a officer which was efficient. Life was indeed brighter.

Including the fact that Cale Lestin was not only a Jedi Knight but... he was Rey Palpatine's best friend and favorite apprentice.

And Rey Palpatine was happy to have Cale Lestin as a best friend, and apprentice.