
Star Wars: A New Order.

Rey Palpatine and what remains of the Resistance are onboard the Millennium Falcon. Only a spark of hope remains for the Jedi Order. The Yuzhan Vong grows in strength and number. But the Resistance as more allies than they know. An old war that was never won will rage. Old enemies will stand against each other once again. But the Father and Daughter of Mortis will reunite with Rey Palpatine and the Resistance to bring freedom and peace to the galaxy.

Travis_LaRowe26 · Theater
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63 Chs

(Recruiting the Crimson Dawn.)

Chapter fifty five:


Ever since Rey Palpatine became the Chosen One she became more powerful. And she loves it. The Resistance was getting stronger everyday. Of course she had to execute a few people to keep the peace, but that was no big deal.

Rey Palpatine still even had Darth Zannah's double bladed crimson red lightsaber. Of course she had her yellow lightsaber whenever training with her apprentice Cale Lestin but the double bladed crimson red lightsaber made it easier to fight the Yuzhan Vong.

The Confederacy of Independent Systems even made a huge army for the Resistance. And Qi' ra had put the Crimson Dawn as officer's. There was also a special branch of of the Crimson Dawn that did all of the dirty work, and they were called the Death Watch. Even though Rey Palpatine and her apprentice Cale Lestin usually did there on duty work but sometimes they were just too busy doing other things. Rey Palpatine had only visited Mandalor a few times but the people came to love and respect her.

She even had her own palace on Malachor 5 that she barely goes to. As she's usually to busy collecting knowledge, and she's been in a few Jedi temples, and discovered new powers. Force Stun was easy but Force Wall of light took a little work.

She only used blue Force Lightning on a Yuzhan Vong once after he tried to kill her. But Rey Palpatine did promise that whoever did follow the Resistance and the Confederacy of Independent Systems would have a good life of safety and order within the Resistance and Confederacy of Independent Systems. And Rey Palpatine never went back on her word.

She may be a Jedi Master but she respected her followers and those who were intelligent enough to join the Resistance. The ones that did follow the Resistance would live a good life. The Confederacy of Independent Systems hadn't recruited to many planets yet because they were to busy building their army.

Cale Lestin had a good idea about their army. They had built a few ships but was going to send the Death Watch to capture Star Destroyers. The Star Destroyers would give them a good advantage over the Yuzhan Vong. And the planets that they did go to, they showed respect and kindness to.

The ones that were rejected by Lord Starkiller and the Sith Inquisitors the Confederacy of Independent Systems had asked for their help. And for those who didn't join, they took care of it. The thing about the Confederacy of Independent Systems was that everyone got a education and a good job.

The Confederacy of Independent Systems did not take there money away from them. And the children would get a good education and strive to become Jedi younglings. That would limit the balance between the Force. After the Sith and the Yuzhan Vong was defeated everything would come into place and the Confederacy of Independent Systems would rule the galaxy.

Rey Palpatine and her apprentice Cale Lestin was not stupid, they new that the Sith was building a army to defeat them. But they wouldn't win, Sara Palpatine had gotten Force visions of the future too. She knew about their little scout mission. Rey Palpatine would send her apprentice Cale Lestin and the Death Watch to capture the Star Destroyers.

But she would stay on Malachor 5, and gather more knowledge. She was learning so many new Force powers that she couldn't distract herself with petty missions. She would get stronger and then go into battle. She would wipe out the Sith once and for all.

They would see her power and fear it. Rey Palpatine could have stopped a whole squadron with just Force Storm. And she didn't even have to lift a finger. For nothing was in her way. Abeloth was old and weak, and Rey could just kill her with the dagger of Mortis.

The Sith Inquisitors was a little bit harder. But Rey Palpatine and her apprentice Cale Lestin would do what they must. The Sith Inquisitors would be easy to kill as they were much weaker than Rey Palpatine and her apprentice Cale Lestin.

Bevel Lemelisk... Would be harder to beat. But he still had to die. For he was to dangerous to be kept alive. And Rey Palpatine would be the one to do it.

She didn't know why she was the one that had to kill Abeloth. And that just made her more angrily.

But Rey Palpatine couldn't wait to destroy Abeloth once and for all. For the Sith had taken everything that she ever cared about away from her and her revenge would be excruciating. Abeloth would wish that she was dead and that would be the only wish that Rey Palpatine would grant her. She would not be merciful.