
Star Wars: A New Order.

Rey Palpatine and what remains of the Resistance are onboard the Millennium Falcon. Only a spark of hope remains for the Jedi Order. The Yuzhan Vong grows in strength and number. But the Resistance as more allies than they know. An old war that was never won will rage. Old enemies will stand against each other once again. But the Father and Daughter of Mortis will reunite with Rey Palpatine and the Resistance to bring freedom and peace to the galaxy.

Travis_LaRowe26 · Theater
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63 Chs

(Jedi training.)

Chapter thirty nine:

"Sorry that I said that you were short." Rey Palpatine told General Grievous.

"Me too. I just thought that it was something that mother would say." Replied The Son of Mortis.

"Listen well Jedi, we are returning to our fleet and heading to our planetary base of operation. There will be a Jedi temple where you can train the next generation of Jedi's." Said General Grievous.

"And I am used to being called short yes, your grandfather Emperor Palpatine used to call me that." Replied General Grievous before coughing.

"There are more Jedi? I thought Jaina, Cale and I were the last one's." Said Rey Palpatine.

"There are more Jedi's than you know." Replied Grogu through the comm link.

Grogu was with Finn in the comm room. "Urai Fenn's are Force sensitive, as are the god's of Mortis. Finn is also Force sensitive." Replied Grogu.

"I am?" Said Finn.

"Yes you are, I could feel it." Replied Grogu.

"That's amazing Finn!" Said Rose Tico.

"Yes it is! Can I lift rocks like Rey? Or even project my character onto another planet like Luke Skywalker?" Replied Finn.

"You have to learn how to use the Force, Finn. But yes when you learn how to." Said Grogu.

"I can't wait!" Replied Finn.

"Finn, you do realize that teleporting himself to Crait was what killed Luke Skywalker, not the fight?" Said Cale Lestin.

"Oh." Replied Finn.

"But I can teach you how to use the Force." Said Rey Palpatine.

"Sounds great." Replied Finn before he went to go join them.

"I'm going to teach you the first thing that Luke Skywalker taught me on Ahch- To." Said Rey Palpatine.

"Great!" Replied Finn.

"Close your eyes." Said Rey Palpatine and Finn and Jaina Solo did so. "Now reach out."

Finn and Jaina Solo then stretched out their hands. Rey Palpatine then took out a piece of grass and tickled their hands with it.

"Is that the Force?" Replied Jaina Solo.

"Yes." Said Rey Palpatine. Cale Lestin covered his mouth with their hand to keep himself from laughing. Rey Palpatine then swatted Finn's and Jaina Solo's hand with the grass.

"Ow!" Replied Jaina Solo as she looked at Rey Palpatine confused. "What?"

"A little trick I learned from Luke Skywalker." Said Rey Palpatine.

"Sounds like something Uncle Luke would do, he used to play all kinds of games like that on me." Replied Jaina Solo.