
Star Wars: A New Order.

Rey Palpatine and what remains of the Resistance are onboard the Millennium Falcon. Only a spark of hope remains for the Jedi Order. The Yuzhan Vong grows in strength and number. But the Resistance as more allies than they know. An old war that was never won will rage. Old enemies will stand against each other once again. But the Father and Daughter of Mortis will reunite with Rey Palpatine and the Resistance to bring freedom and peace to the galaxy.

Travis_LaRowe26 · Theater
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63 Chs

(A little while longer.)

Chapter fifty one:

"Rey, we need more ships, do you know where we can get some?" Said Poe Dameron.

Rey Palpatine stood there, chewing on her nails. She didn't know of a place where they could easily access ship's, but she wasn't sure if she would have the strength to go back there. Rey Palpatine was struggling to focus on the task at hand, she had set up her own training temple, and all she wanted to do was train with her apprentice Cale Lestin.

"Hello Rey, ship's like now?" Replied Poe Dameron.

"Yeah, yeah, I know a place on Jakku." Said Rey Palpatine.

She guessed that she would have to wait a little longer to properly start her training program.

"There you go, Rey we need you present, focus on the task at hand or whatever Yoda used to say." Replied Poe Dameron.

"Yes, General." Said Rey Palpatine.

She didn't know why she suggested going back to Jakku. All of her bad memories made her want to stay well away, but she guessed she would have to commit now.

"Where do we have to go back to Jakku?" Replied Finn.

"Come on bro let's go get these ships and get back here already." Said Poe Dameron before he walked off towards the Millennium Falcon.

"Reyyyy!" Replied Finn.

"Come on, Daughter of Mortis, let's do this." Said Rey Palpatine with a touch of sadness in her voice.

The Daughter of Mortis flicked the switches and the Millennium Falcon emerged from hyperspace and landed at Jakku. Rey Palpatine took a deep breath as she looked out the window. They landed just outside of the Nilma Outpost and walked down the ramp and into the sunlight.

"I don't like sand stuff. It's coarse. It's rough, and gets everywhere." Replied Poe Dameron.

He, Finn and the Daughter of Mortis began to walk off, but Rey Palpatine just stood there. All of her bad memories came flooding back to her.

"Rey, come on, we don't have time, what are you doing?" Said Poe Dameron.

"Poe, chill." Replied the Daughter of Mortis before she walked over to Rey Palpatine.

"I shouldn't have come here. If they see me, they will punish me for taking the Millennium Falcon. I'm endangering the mission." Said Rey Palpatine.

"No, Rey, what are you talking about?" Replied the Daughter of Mortis.

"I can't come with you. You, Poe and Finn go sweep the town's. I'll look through the desert's around here." Said Rey Palpatine.

The Daughter of Mortis knew when Rey Palpatine wanted to be alone, and judging by the look in her eyes, the Daughter of Mortis knew that it was best to listen to Rey Palpatine.

"Rey take this." Replied the Daughter of Mortis before she handed Rey Palpatine a communicator.

"Thank you, and I'll see you later." Said Rey Palpatine before walking away.

The Daughter of Mortis watched as Rey Palpatine walked away. Before joining Poe Dameron and Finn in the search of finding new ships for the New Confederacy of Independent Systems.