
Stand in the multiverse

When the world turned into a game where the strong devour the weak. What will our protagonist do?. Because I am starting to take this a little bit seriously. I will change this synopsis. My grammar isn't the best. I am trying to fix it bit by bit so bear with me and if I didn't succeed well... that it. I will mostly update one chapter by day... hopefully. This my first story. So, I am just doing my best and nothing more. I don't own anything. I just write for fun and because I am bored.

SROOT_CAUSE · Anime und Comics
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58 Chs

weapons, items and teacher.







akashi was walking in the trading street according to Edward information.

Akashi anger calmed down a little after he knew that game space played him with that trial.

he was able to think of a few reasons and they were his talent and his talent.

the game created by the being to protect the balance of the multiverse and here Akashi comes with his talent that breaks that balance.

the game can do nothing to her players because it not fair, but for candidates it can change some rules like difficulty and choice or adaptation.

these are just Akashi guesses. he needs more information to confirm them so he just shacked his head and started to looking around.

the more Akashi spends in this space the more he sees the wonders of the game.

all the worlds collide in a certain place, making something amazing be it the abilities or the technology.

one world may have his limits, but when couples or unlimited numbers of them combine they create miracles.

admiring the street while walking Akashi arrived at a shop in the far left of the street.

compare to the other shops this one isn't crowded or has a lot of fancy decoration just some weapons hanging outside the door.

"...if he was lying to me, I swear I will make D4C smash his skull" Akashi said before moving towards the door.

opening the door as the bell rings. Akashi started to look at the shop more carefully.

the shop seemed to be old and antique with different things laying around from guns to swords and some weird things here and there.

but Akashi noticed that every weapon or object in the store was cleaned carefully as their owner really care about them.

"welcome" Akashi heard a sound as he turned to see an old man setting in the counter. the man was wearing glasses while cleaning a dagger that looked expensive.

Akashi moved towards the old man as he was still cleaning the dagger.

"I need a weapon" Akashi said while the old man didn't raise his head.

"There are weapons all around. you can pick the one you like" the old man said while checking the dagger.

"I don't think you heard me correctly...I need a weapon" Akashi said while focusing on the word weapon as the old man stopped his work.

"and what might the weapon you are referring to?" the old man said while looking at Akashi.

"something that comes with...evaluation" Akashi said as the old man put the dagger away.

"ah, so you are not a visitor, but a customer" the old man said while looking up and down at Akashi before moving from the counter toward a door in the back.

"fellow me" the old man said as Akashi fellowed him towards the shop back.

Akashi stared to look around this absolute mess going around in this place.

boxes laying around. weapons or items everywhere on the ground.

the old man moved towards a few boxes as he turned toward Akashi.

"from the movements of your hands you must have a marksmanship skill and from your footsteps you seem to be focusing on agility and dexterity" the old man said as Akashi started to look at him seriously.

<this old man isn't simple...that also means I came to the right place> Akashi thought while the old man took few guns from several boxes.

"you seem to be a new player that means your skill level is low so these guns in the peak of D-rank are the best for you... check them out" the old man said as Akashi stared at the guns while the game showed him their information.

"you said levels old man... why there are levels and stages in some skill while some don't have them at all" Akashi asked as the old man started to clean his glasses.

"This is an item shop young man, but if you want information you know the game rules" the old man said as Akashi understood his meaning.

"how much," Akashi said while picking another gun.

"let see... 500 coins" the old man put his glasses and said.

"200" Akashi replied instantly.

"300" the old man said.

"250 my last offer or I will go find this information in another place" Akashi said as the old man sighed.

"...*sigh*...young people these days just don't respect the elderly" the old man said while accepting Akashi trade offer.

[this guy... he doesn't care about money, he just wanted to see my reaction] Akashi thought while the old man started to explain.

"the skills separate into three categories evolving skills, upgrading skill and chance skills" the old man said as he moved a box of ammunition.

"you see evolving skills are the ones that change their abilities or upgrades it with every stage they increase. these kinds of skills usually strong as the stages of evolution are not a lot" the old man said.

"These kinds of skills evolve with the player stats condition or you have to pay evaluation to upgrade the stages" the old man stopped as Akashi was understanding the information before nodding at him to continue.

"The second one is the upgrading skill these skills are the most common in the game for example every martial arts skill from sword to guns are upgrading skills. these skill levels can be increased by training or paying coins to increase them in the training grounds and if you want them to increase their ranks you need to pay the same evaluation you are going to upgrade into, but" the old man looked at Akashi.

"If you were talented enough you can just ignore that limitation and increase the skill rank without the game help... always remember young man the game isn't absolute" the old man said as Akashi nodded while grabbing a rifle.

Akashi as the holder of an EX rank talent and item knows very well what it means that the game can't control everything.

"The last kind is the chance skills, from their names these skills only upgrade by chance, be it the player luck of breaking through his limits or a special item that might affect the skill, talents are also being classified in this category" the old man said as Akashi grabbed a revolver and checked it out.


Dark Tracker [Rank D]:

the upgraded version of Taurus tracker 17.HMR being modified making it more lethal and accurate.

effect 1:passively increased the user shooting accuracy.

effect 2:focusing some mental strength towards the revolver allows it to fire 3 times instantly with same accuracy. (can only be used once every 3 minutes).


"I chose this one" Akashi said as the old man nodded.

"sure, it will be 3000 coins And a D-class evaluation this price is announced by the game young man, you can't bargain on it" the old man said as Akashi handed him the coins and the evaluation.

"The ammunition for this gun is 30 coins for 20 bullets" the old man said as Akashi bought 200 bullets for now.

"do you have something that can create a cover of some kind?" Akashi asked while the old man raised his eyebrow.

"can you be more specific?" the old man said.

"something like flags or ropes" Akashi said as the old man reached for a drawer.

"young man, what you are looking for is the peak of C-class do you really want to complete this deal?" the old man said as Akashi nodded immediately.

"Money isn't a problem as long the quality keeps up with it" Akashi said while the old man gave him a bracelet.

"what did you mean by the peak of it rank?" Akashi said while looking at the normal bracelet without any decoration.


covering bracelet [Rank C]:

this bracelet is the work of science and magic as it being able to transform the user energy into different cover according to his preferences.

effect 1: increase intelligence by 2 points.

effect 2: create covers from energy in any shape or size along it is from weaving and get stronger with more energy the user applies.

remark 1: the covers created instantly are very weak in defense and disappear after a few seconds from being created.

remark 2:the user can keep three covers he already created in the bracelet for use. those three covers defense can reach iron.


(A/n: guys... pick your favorite flag)

"the peak of an item is the things that have to pay the same evaluation as their ranks to buy them like the revolver or this bracelet that cost 2000 coins and a C-class evaluation" the old man said as Akashi accepted the deal.

"...it seems I passed your test old man" Akashi said as the old man smiled.

"you passed the test while ago young man. you defined yourself from a visitor and a customer the moment you entered this shop" the old man said while giving Akashi a D-rank knife.

"even if you chose to stay away young man. the enemy will always find his way for you" the old man said as Akashi found this is just a regular knife that cost 1000 coins.

<I already have D4C as close weapon but I guess having this won't hurt> Akashi brought the knife as he turned toward the old man again.

"I heard about your shop from a random person outside does that person also count as a customer?...also do you have bombs?" Akashi asked as the old man moved a large box easily.

"I am the one who chose customers... also a good choice young man" the old man said opening the box showing different bombs from grenades to C4.

"these days young people just care about flashy skills while just one of these little guys can end their lives" the old man said while holding a grenade.

"I am taking the box" Akashi replied instantly.

"3000 coins game price no bargain" the old man said.

"deal" Akashi said while wondering how to hold this box as his space isn't enough.

"the game will send the box to your room, but I suggest you keep the gun and the bracelet. for players their equipment is like a message 'I know what I am doing' you understand" the old man said as Akashi nodded.

Akashi packed his things while starting to leave.

"thank you for the information old man" Akashi said towards the old man that checking some weapons.

the information the old man gave Akashi is far more expensive than he paid for and the old man knowledge and eyesight earned Akashi respect.

"no problem young man count it as a gift from me... also don't buy recovery items until the last day of rest because the price will go down as the players will be desperate to sell their items at that time" the old man said without raising his head.

thanking the old man again Akashi left the store.

"What an interesting young man... it been a while since I saw players with that look in their eyes" the old man smiled as he moved few other weapons.

Akashi that left the shop moved straight to his room as he saw the box in the corner with the ammunition.

"I should upgrade that personal space, but first" Akashi said while picking some bullets.

reloading the revolver akashi shot few rounds at the sphere.

"...*sigh*...it just a system without emotions" akashi sigh because it meaningless to argue with a programme.

putting the revolver in his space akashi moved towards the three doors and entered the training grounds.

opening the door and entering Akashi found himself in a pure white space.

[welcome the player for the first time in the training grounds]

[detecting the player is a second-rank player]

[the player can chose to rent a D-rank training room for 1000 coins a day where he can fight with D-rank enemies or face different kinds of situations]

[the player can also pay D-class evaluation to receive the guidance of a random character from his memories that don't surpass the 3rd rank for three days]

[player don't have to worry about death or fatigue even hunger in the training grounds as he can fight the way he likes]

Akashi heard the sound in his head as he looked at the interface that appeared in front of his telling him to choose.

"I need to know how to fight especially without relying on my skills and talents" Akashi said before clicking on the guidance option on his marksmanship as his D-class evaluation disappeared.

the scene suddenly in the space suddenly turned into a quiet forest as Akashi instantly entered combat with his eyes active because he felt something locking at him.

watching the surrounding Akashi suddenly heard gunshots so he jumped sideways only to see two bullets passed his head but before he is happy one bullet hit the other and ricochet into his head killing him.

Akashi revived in his place as he heard footsteps coming towards him.

"we will have a lot of work to do" Akashi heard the sound and looked behind him.

Akashi saw a young man with brown hair and black trenchcoat but what was the most special about him was his cat-like eyes that put a chill into anyone and the XIII tattoo on his neck.

"...Train Heartnet" Akashi muttered with some surprise in his voice.

<that looks from his time working for chronos> Akashi thought as train started taking again.

"no I am just a copy from your memories...I am here just to teach you how to fight, survive and...kill" train said with his cold voice as Akashi nodded.

"your gun is a reflection of yourself you need to make every bullet with a single goal of killing your target...and the best way to do that is to feel it yourself" train said as he took hades and aimed at Akashi.

<this will be a long three days> akashi thought while starting to fellow train guidance.



coins:17600-70-1000-250-3000-300-2000-1000 - 3000 =6980.