
Stand in the multiverse

When the world turned into a game where the strong devour the weak. What will our protagonist do?. Because I am starting to take this a little bit seriously. I will change this synopsis. My grammar isn't the best. I am trying to fix it bit by bit so bear with me and if I didn't succeed well... that it. I will mostly update one chapter by day... hopefully. This my first story. So, I am just doing my best and nothing more. I don't own anything. I just write for fun and because I am bored.

SROOT_CAUSE · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
58 Chs

the three doors.







akashi was in his room after he finished wearing his clothes.

he was staring at his state screen intently like he is about to make one of the most important decisions in his life.

"I am finally going to increase that vitality" Akashi said while staring at the number one that was mocking him in his stats.

"Although I don't mind be the number one, but not this one" Akashi said as he started to think where he should put these points.

"vitality is very important to me be it for increasing the fighting duration or making me able to use my skill longer especially with D4C around. I bet using his ability will be expensive for me" Akashi said as he put 10 points in the vitality.

"next is strength although I can use D4C arms or legs even his head to fight, but strength is still important for fighting like keeping up with my agility and not getting in a disadvantaged just because I was physically weak" Akashi said while putting 4 points in strength.

"dexterity and agility both fellow each other in getting faster, but you can still control yourself in that speed with my zone can increase them so I guess this will work" Akashi put 3 points in dexterity and 4 points in agility.

"there nothing much to say about intelligence. it is the source of my mental strength that is related to my eyes and D4C ability, but unlike vitality I have a talent that increases it" Akashi said to himself while putting 4 points in intelligence.





DEX: 10.5 (7)

INT:16.5 (11)

stats limits: 42/100


[the player changed his stats. do you wish to confirm these changes] the sphere said while Akashi accepted.

a light dropped from the sphere towards Akashi as he started to feel like his whole body and mind are relaxed.

the effect only lasted for a moment before the light disappears and Akashi opened his eyes.

clutching his fist Akashi felt his body in a state he never felt before like he could defeat anything, but he knew this was just an illusion form increasing his power.

"I might get addicted to this" Akashi said as he started to close and open his palm.

suddenly Akashi remembered something about his stats.

"game space why players can't have their own energy until the 4th rank" Akashi asked something that kept him in quiet confusion for a while.

[the player is asking for information...detect this information is a common-sense...start to transmit the information] the sphere glowed and said.

"can you stop putting things in my head for once" Akashi complained as he felt the information popping in his brain.

the player have a lot of differences with the world aboriginal because of the energy in the central world.

that energy even if it didn't transform the players body like the animals and plants it exists in their bodies which will cause conflicts if any other energy enters the players body.

for that, the player needs to reach fourth rank as their body becomes more durable and their life level can accommodate two different energies with the help of the game without exploding like a balloon.

the players usually only have one energy that fellows them in their journey through the game and focus only on its power system but there always exception if the conditions are available.

Akashi nodded at the information while thinking he should get the energy that will help him the best in the future.

"game space is there a way to change this room shape" Akashi said looking at this dark room with only a sphere and three glowing doors.

[room shape transforming for the first time will cost 1000 coins] the sphere said as Akashi was staring at it.

"even this cost money...again this game confirms herself as a pay to win game" Akashi said before accepting the sphere offer.

[the player can imagine the room shape now] said the sphere as Akashi closed his eyes and imagined the room shape.

the room started to transform almost instantly and turned into a normal room without anything fancy.

Akashi opened his eyes and looked at his new room or rather the old one.

"it almost like my old room except for the size and the three doors" Akashi looked at the new bed and desk until he noticed something on the desk.

reaching for the thing. Akashi held it in his hand while there was sadness but more nostalgia in his eyes.

"I might hate you game space, but...I really should thank you for this" Akashi was staring at a picture of a boy and an old man doing a peace sign while smiling at the camera.

Akashi looked at the photo for a while before putting it back and moving towards the three doors.

"game space give me the information about these doors" Akashi said as the sphere glowed.

[the door to the right leads to the trading space of the game where players trade with each other or sell and buy their products with the consent of the game space, but be aware that any attempt to attack other players will lead to the game punishment and the fee of 100 coins]

[the middle door leads to the training grounds where players can train with or against virtual characters simulated by the game space or put himself in certain situations... to know more please enter the training grounds]

[the door to the left leads to the arena where players can fight each other for free or betting on something and watch and bet for the winner...to know more please enter the arena] the sphere finished his words while Akashi was looking at the doors.

"I really want to see the training grounds or the arena" Akashi said before moving towards the right door.

"training and fighting can wait. first I need items and supplies also... how I am going to fight without a weapon" Akashi said as he opened the door and saw just a white space in the front.

without hesitation Akashi passed through the white screen and arrived at a crowded street from a light pillar behind him.

the street was normal with stores on both sides or people moving or talking except few things.

the stores like they were moved from a fantasy or sci-fi world with all those weapons and items around Akashi even saw someone selling pokemon in the distance.

the people around or the players were with all the shapes and clothes. like knights armors or magicians robe even someone was wearing a mechanical armor.

Akashi was watching players with elf ears or cat ears and somethings he doesn't even know the race or where they came from.

<... well, with the game and all the multiverse it not surprising to change your race...probably> Akashi started moving towards the stores while checking if there something he could buy.

suddenly someone appeared in front of Akashi.

the man had a normal build with brown hair and mustache while looking at Akashi with a fake smile.

"Hello young man you should be a new player here. I am Edward" the man smiled and offered a handshake, but Akashi was staring at his face with an expressionless look.

"hahaha...not the talking type isn't it" the man recovered his hand in embarrassment, but Akashi was able to see the anger in his eyes.

"you see, I Edward, are a Veteran player with 10 years experience and I can show you around even...listen here" the man called Akashi to come closer, but Akashi moved back step letting the man smile stiff for a moment.

"Hey don't be like that, I am just trying to help. you probably just finished the test by the association and about to start your first mission I know some good stores that can help you" the man said while acting with honesty.

<scam...definitely a scam, but... what the hell is the association test?> Akashi thought while watching the man acting.

<hmmm...maybe I could use him> Akashi looked at Edward who still trying to convince him and smiled.

"sure...maybe I need some help in choosing my equipment" Akashi smiled with a smile that make any shield agent from the previous mission knew that troubles are waiting for him.

"hahaha that's the spirit let's go it just around this alley" Edward said as he moved forward.

<alley really can't you think of anything else?> Akashi thought while moving behind Edward.

the people around saw the scene and shack their heads as it not the first time a new player get tricked in this game.

moving in the alley Edward suddenly stopped and turned to push Akashi against the wall while putting a knife close to his neck.

"Is this the equipment you were talking about?" Akashi said with a smile like a knife didn't exist.

"man do you know how hard is it to find stupid new players these days. now hand over your coins and evaluations" Edward said while pushing the knife slightly without touching Akashi neck.

"are threatening me in the game space ?" Akashi said while Edward laughed at him.

"of course not I am threatening you in the mission world and the central world" Edward smiled while Akashi started to get bored from this.

" from your clothes, you are not a student in ascendant academy and actually dare to walk around with your face exposed" Edward said while Akashi head an interesting name.

<ascendant academy...I see> Akashi thought before hitting Edward leg breaking his balance as the knife moved straight towards Akashi neck.


the knife was blocked by a transparent shield while Edward falls to the ground twitching like enduring some kind of electric shock.

"so this is the punishment... how do you feel after losing 100 coins for nothing?" Akashi smiled at the twitching Edward in the ground and reached for his pocket taking his wallet.

"Hey, give that back!" Edward that was struggling to get his body control back said.

"that an interesting line comes from someone just tried to rob me don't you think Edward or whatever your true name is" Akashi said while opening Edward wallet.

"you are probably just a 3rd rank player with C or D adaptation that lost all his chances and afraid to do missions" Akashi said as he started inspecting the wallet.

"I was thinking you were absolutely stupid for having your wallet in your pocket here, but you at least removed your identity card" Akashi said checking Edward wallet until he found some photos.

"wait for me to get up and we will see who laughing when I find you in the central world" Edward that recovered a little said.

"central world is an interesting word, Edward. especially with these photos you have here" Akashi showed Edward some photos from his home and neighborhood.

"you see Edward, this tower and plants that didn't get stimulated by the energy exist just in one city in the south and with this tower we can find your home is just around the corner. funny isn't" Akashi smiled at Edward with his eyes activated.

Edward was shocked by Akashi words and his entire face got pale instantly.

"oh, are you afraid I will report you? no no no Edward I don't do things like those" Akashi waved his finger in front the scared Edward as his smile turned into a mad grin.

"I will just plant a bunch of bombs under your bed so you can enjoy an eternal sleep" Akashi said as Edward started to sweating.

"you don't have to worry. I am a bombing expert nobody around your house will get hurt ... except you of course" Akashi grin gone wider like a madman while staring at Edward that started to shack even without the game punishment.

"but you know Edward, I am not the devil so how about you answer my questions and I will just forget about this...okay mister Veteran player?" Akashi smile returned to a normal one as Edward nodded with fear.

"very well, now tell me about the association test" Akashi asked as Edward looked at him.

"How can you n-" before Edward finished his words he saw Akashi glowing eyes looking at him.

"I...ask...you...answer...understood?" Akashi said while Edward nodded shacking from looking at Akashi eyes.

Edward started to explain to Akashi about the association test.

the world after the energy transformation and building the ascendant association started to fight against mutated monsters but the leaders started to find that the usual trials are a little bit hard for the candidate and for increasing their forces they did a deal with the game space to test the new player.

after the peace schools like the ascendant academy existed and started to take the same measures while the trials became something rare.

"the test separate into a writing test and physical test" Edward said as Akashi look started to get dangerous.

"but I heard the rewards for the test are the half of the trials" Edward said as Akashi nodded if they were the same Akashi might lose it.

"man, those trials are really hard. I heard someone actually had to join the marines in one piece" Edward said as Akashi lost his smile.

<what?...join the marines...isn't that easy?> Akashi thought as his hood covered his eyes.

"there once someone had to catch pokemon... do you know how much those creatures don't like us players" Edward said as he forget his fear and Akashi expression was getting gloomier with the second.

<I had to fight a whole armed organization in its base and he was catching pokemon's> a mad grin started to form on Akashi face.

"We are lucky we can choose if we have to do trials after the agreement, aren't we" Edward smiled before he noticed Akashi wasn't talking.

<I... didn't even have a choice...game space> Akashi raised his head to show a mad smile at Edward.

"heheheheheheh...writing test...pokemon... heheheehehe" Akashi started laughing in a creepy way as Edward started to shack again from the aura that Akashi is sending.

"a-are you okay?" Edward asked Akashi as he stopped laughing and turned looking at him.

"I am perfectly fine just...I discover this place really deserves to be burned down..hehehehe" Akashi started laughing again.

a person outside the alley heard the sounds and got closer only to see Akashi creepy laugh and the terrifying aura around him so he turned and ran without looking back.

Akashi took a few deep breaths calming himself before turning towards Edward.

"now Edward would you answer one final question?" Akashi asked as Edward nodded like his life depends on it.

"give me the location of a nice items and weapons shop also some supplies shops and more importantly...bombs" Akashi said as Edward got confused.

"bombs?" Edward asked.

"a lot of bombs" Akashi said as Edward started to blame his luck for leading him to a bombs madman before telling akashi all that he knew.

"roll" Akashi throws the wallet at Edward before he get up and run away from fear.

"well played game space... well played" akashi said as he started to leave the alley but no one this time stopped akashi because the terrifying aura that surrounds him.

