
Spoiler in Marvel Multiverse: Opening Live Broadcast.

A dimensional live broadcast system came to Asgard, Kamar-Taj and other places. Auto generated hidden content is to mess content scraping or malicious crawler --------------------------------------------------Chapter every Monday and Friday

Admiral_Wolf · Filme
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12 Chs

Chapter 2

live streaming?

multi-universe?st and future?

Tony and others were stunned when they

heard the emotionless voice in their ears,and their brains almost stopped

functioning for a while.Such an incredible thing simply surpassed

their imagination.

At the moment, they didn't know thatthrough the big screen in the air,everything that happened in this livestudio was all seen by Asgard and


Even the announcement made by thesystem just now, Odin and Ancient One.

etc. can also hear clearly.At this moment, shock and horror sweptthrough countless people.

The shocking Roar sounded one afteranother, suddenly resoundingeverywhere.

"Multi-universe? What does that mean?""Live the future? This... how is thipossible?"


The pupil in Odin's one eye shrank

instantly. His expression suddenl

became extremely solemn.

This mysterious system not only

abducted his son in front of him,aclaimed to broadcast the future!You know, even if he is the powerhouse ofthe Nine Realms God King and Level GodFather, Odin can't peer into the future.

If this system can really do this, howpowerful is "its" Ability?



Mordo magician took a breath, and turnedhis head to look at Ancient One magician


"Magician, can this be Aggo Motor's..."Reaching out to stop Mordor Magicianfrom continuing, Ancient One Magician'sface was as calm as water.

Afterwards, she raised her right hand andmade a strange handprint in the air.

Immediately afterwards, the Eye ofAgamotto hung on Ancient One's neckturned automatically, bursting out with amysterious light of faint green.

At this moment, Ancient One magician'seyes suddenly widened, and hea

y come??"

now, she has launched Time GemI wants to predict the future.

But the result is only a Chaos.

It seems that since the appearance of thisscreen, the future of this universebecome Chaos unknown, making it

impossible for people to see clearly.

In other words, what will happen next,Ancient One is completely unclear andcannot predict!


Ancient One took a deep breath, and theheart beat uncontrollably.

By now, she was sure that the systemthat had taken Stephen Strange awaydefinitely possessed the power of the

e domain

And... it can actually suppress the TimeGem, making it no longer effective!

This is simply incredible!Thinking of the "multi-universe"mentioned in the system announcementjust now, Ancient One suddenly felt a

strong anxiety.Is it all evil backstage manipulator. It

turned out to be a "multiple LevelUniverse" or even a higher level?

That's incredible

The powerhouse of "Multiple LevelUniverse" can not only travel freely incountless parallel universes, but can al

create or destroy


And the existence of higher level than"Multiple Level Universe", its strength isso strong that ewords can't describe


At this time, the emotionla

[Start to invite specially invited viewers to

join the live chat group! 1

[Thor Thor joins the live chat group! ][Mado magician joined the live chat

group! 1

"Live chat group?"In that empty "Alien Live Room", Tony an

others are puzzled.

Suddenly, a huge amounts of projectionscreen appeared in front of them, andthen a series of scrolling barrage

appeared at the bottom of the screen.[Thor Thor: Loki! I see you on the screen!

[Thor Thor: Don't be afraid, Father and Ia

will save you back to Asgard soon! ]

[Loki-Odinsen: Who is scared? Besides, I

didn't ask you to save me...][Tony-Stark: Is

this... using consciousness to send a

barrage on the screen? It feels weird. 1

[Mado Magician: Thor? Loki? Are you the

gods of Asgard? 1

[Stephen Strange: Modo Magician, do you

recognize these people? ]

[Peter Parker: God? Is there really a god in

this world? (:)]

[Mado magician: How to say, in fact, you

can understand these gods as some kof aliens with super-Ability. ][Loki-Odinsen: Mortals, don't use barren thinking to define the gods! ]

At this messy moment, new image

began to appear on the screen.


[Start playing three episodes of Avengers,

Thanos Strikes! ]


Seeing this headline, Odin frownedslightly.

As the God King of the Nine Realms, oneof his duties is to protect the Nine Realmsfrom external forces.

Many years ago, Thanos had invaded theearth, and it was Odin who personally

shot it back.

Therefore, Odin is no stranger to thiscrazy Titan.

If the live broadcast of this system isreally a vision of the future, can it be saidthat...this Thanos will make trouble in thefuture?

[Video starts playing][In the depths of theuniverse, two spaceships met. 1

[The smaller spaceship seems to be

unarmed at all, and is desperatelybegging the other party not to attack. ]

["Our crew are all Asgard civilians, this isnot a battleship, please don't attack us!"][But the huge space battleship did notshow any mercy at all, and directlylaunched an attack on the Asgardspaceship.

[The camera is rotated, and the screen ismoved to the interior of the Asgardspacecraft. ]

[There are flames and Asgard corpseseverywhere, it looks like a battlefield. ]

[Asgard's patron saint, Heimdall, waswounded all over, lying on the ground,seemingly unable to move. ]

[A sturdy giant covered in purple, withbruises on his right hand, Thor, with onlyone eye left, walked up to Loki and raisedhis left fist. ]

[I saw a purple gem gleaming on his

gloved fist. 1

[Thanos smiled coldly: "Whether you areafraid or escaping, destiny will come, or

that I am your destiny!"]


In the main hall of Asgard, the

atmosphere is quiet and terrible!

Thousands of people gathered here,except for the sound of air-conditioning,

and no sound was heard.

For Thor's coronation ceremony, in

addition to the tens of thousands

citizens of Asgard, the queen Frigga, thethree warriors of Asgard and others wereall present.

But at this moment, all of them havesimilar expressions on their faces.




Everyone was stiff, holding Roar's breath,

staring blankly at the scene in front ofthem, with their mouths wide open,unable to speak.

The terrifying image on the screen hashad an unprecedented impact on them!

In that spacecraft, those noble Asgardpeople will be slaughtered like pigs, dogs,cattle and sheep!

And Thor Thor and the patron saintHeimdall, all covered in blood andembarrassed, seemed almost not far fromdeath!

After a few seconds of silence, the scenesuddenly exploded, and countless Asgardpeople surprised Roar!

"Odin is here! What is going on?"

"That purple monster...who is it!"

"Is this our future?"

"Impossible! This must be a nightmare!!"

Due to the excessive panic, some peopleeven changed their voices.

An unstoppable panic suddenly rose ineveryone's hearts! *