
Spiritual Power; Evil Unleashed

Williams was a little boy 13 years of age. He lost his parents at a very tender age and since then has been living with his only surviving aunt Sarah who initially was good and nice to him but later deviated from her best and was mean and wicked to Williams.  It has been a long aunty Sarah had wanted to throw William's property out of her house but the mind of what people will say about her was the only obstacle to her plans.  Moreover, her plans worked out when Williams spent one night outside the house and she found it criteria to send him out of the house.  Williams was all alone, mothering care and love, no form of kindness from anyone.  He went to live on the street after he left his aunt's house where he discovered some strange powers he had, and later became possessed with an evil power.  He had been seeing some of those strange power in him but can't use them.  It later turned out to be that Williams's power which he intended to use in a good way turned out to be a weapon he uses against goodness. He had no other option than to succumb to that.  He grew older to become so evil. Find out how he got his spiritual power and what he used it to accomplish.

Chinemeremihechere · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter Three

Williams ran in the opposite direction and disappeared into the darkness. Now being stranded.

This guy wastes his time for nothing.

Anger burns inside him.

'Maybe I could have found where to stay by now if not for this guy that came across my way'. He said to himself as he worked down the road.

He came to a halt in front of a bungalow right beside the road.

He was lucky to have remembered to stop there.

He knocked at the big gate and got barking dogs in response.

He made to run away but didn't when he saw that the gate wasn't open.

He went back to the gate and prayed for someone to come out.

An opening sound was heard at the gate and the owner of the house peeped to check who was knocking.

He saw a little boy standing by the gate side.

"How may I help you, young boy"?

He asked Williams.

"Sir, I lost my way and I can't make it up to my destination, I came to ask if I can pass the night here"? He lied.

"I will leave tomorrow morning", he said to the man.

"What's your name if I may ask". ?

"Oh, I am Williams by name, Sir".

"Okay, Come in".

Mr. Adams being a kind-hearted man, he let the little boy in not because of what he said, but because he saw Williams as someone who is lost and he wants to find out the circumstances that surrounded him.

Williams was very happy to be that lucky.

What made the man believe his story? He asked himself.

Mr. Adams offered him some food which he ate after he took his bath.

He would have wanted to eat it before taking his bath because of how hungry he was, but he has to behave himself.

The children of Mr. Abel came into the sitting room to see who their visitor was.

They were surprised, what they saw marveled them.

They thought it was a man who came visiting, not knowing it was just a boy.

Little Williams felt sad seeing children of his age living comfortably in their parent's house.

The world has done bad to him indeed.

"Get inside"! Mr. Adams shouted to his children.

His wife wasn't around, she would have come out too.

The oldest among them who was about 12 years of age was the first to run out of the sitting room.

Mr. Adams got close to Williams and sat next to him.

"Little boy, what did you say was your name".?

"Am Williams sir". He responded immediately.

"You can call me Mr. Adams, that's my name". he said to Williams.

"Where are you from"? He asked.

Williams can't even remember where he was coming from.

His own home seems to be something forgotten,

So he won't know where it was situated, talk more of Knowing its name.

His aunt's residential address will take months for him to recall it.

"Sir, sorry to say I have no home".

"I came from nowhere going to no place in particular".

Mr. Adams was not comfortable with the answer he got.

"What about your parents"?

He asked.

'They have died a long time ago, sir".

"Your siblings where are they"?

"To cut it short, I don't have anyone now as a relative".

His response amused Mr. Adams

"What did you mean".?

He drew closer to Williams as he asked.

"You mean that both your siblings are also dead".

Williams couldn't answer this last question.

He felt like crying.

He was really sad.

Mr. Adams understood his body language and decided not to ask him any further questions.

"Mmm, Okay. I can see you are tired".

"Go and have some rest".

"We will continue tomorrow".

"James! James"!!

"Yes, daddy".

James was the oldest of all Mr. Adam's children.

He does Most of the work at home because of his position as the oldest.

He was called to take Williams to the visitor's room so that he can rest.

On their way to the room, he saw that as a privilege to talk to Williams.

'Maybe we can become friends from there, he thought.'

"Williams?, Am I right"? He asked.

"Oh yes, that's my name" Williams replied quickly.

"You can call me James".

"Yea I know of that, I heard when your dad called you such," Williams said.

He was shown where to stay and was left there.

we shall see tomorrow, James said.

Williams was woken the following day with a cup of coffee.

He hasn't experienced this before.

'Served coffee while in bed'? He asked himself.

He could barely recall back then in his aunt's house, where he will wake from sleep only to start doing house chores.

He emptied the cup and was invited to the sitting room.

"Good morning Mr. Adams, I enjoyed my sleep last night".

"Thanks for the help". He added

"Oh good dear, Just have a sit".

"Can I proceed with my question", Adams asked.

Williams made an up-and-down movement with his head indicating yes to Mr. Adams's request.

"Oh okay".

"Can I know what happen, What made you be outside by that time of the night on the road"?

he asked.

"There was not much reason about that".

"I don't think I can explain that now sir".

"All the same, I was looking for where to spend the night before I came knocking at your door". He said.

"I have to be going by now".

"Thanks for coming to my rescue".

"If not for you I don't know what would have been my fate".

'Sorry if you felt bad about my attitude towards your question".

'I will be leaving. He immediately rushed inside the room where he spent his night, grab his bag, and off he went.

Mr. Adams tried calling him back but he paid deaf ears to him.

He ran out from the door, made for the gate, and disappeared.

Williams has begun to discover some unusual powers which he possesses.

On the night he spent with Adams family,

He was involved in a spiritual scene, where he saw two individuals a man and a woman who tried to convince him that they were his parents.

He had a close confrontation with them.

They played a video of him performing with his powers.

He was shocked at first at seeing those two in his room.

Fear gripped him when they introduced them selfs as his parents.

"Don't panic" they said.

"There is no need for raising alarms".

"We came in peace they further said".

When they are done playing the video, Williams was amazed.

He couldn't believe that it was him that was performing those wonders on the screen.

He wished it will be a reality and not only a video.

"I wish I could perform this physically, he said to those two in his room".

"I wonder where you have gotten this video from".

The spiritual mother went further in telling him that it is not only a video, and that he can do even more than what he saw.

"My child, don't see this as a mare video, it is what you are made up with".

"It is in you, maybe you haven't known about it but now you have known".

"You have to accomplish your mission here".

"Those you watch now are small compared to what you can do".

'From now on, we will be coming to you in times of need". The spiritual father chipped in.

'And again, you have to leave this place because danger smells around here.'

"Can't I stay a little with these people that rendered a help to me"? He asked.

"I said you have to leave as early as possible".

Williams began to wonder, how can this environment be dangerous to him.

He can't figure it out.

The two hugged him and stood up to leave.

They held each other's hands and combined to form a smoke.

The smoke left through an opening in the window side and off they went.

Williams was all awake after they left.

He hasn't known or seen his parents before.

Although they acted like his parents he wasn't convinced that they were.

He had a little thought on what they told him before he later slept off.

Williams has to follow the advice he was given which was why he left Mr. Adams's house.

He wished he could stay but the instructions has to be obeyed.

'I will come back to him later, But that will be in due time'. He said to himself.

Not too long after he left Mr. Adams's vicinity, he heard his name from behind.

He thought it was James who was after him, maybe his father has sent him to go after him.

He didn't bother looking back to see who that was.

Williams increased his pace a little, made some hopping and off he went.

He ran as never before.

"Hey! Williams stop".

The voice continued to call.

He took a glance to know who that could be only to be amazed to see Peter his classmate.

He stop and was panting.

"Oh, Peter you have made me lose some strength". Williams said.

"Common boy you are usually afraid of nothing". Peter told him.

"Who do you think that was that who could call your name on the street like that if not one who knows you too well". he asked Williams.

"What are you doing here" Williams asked.

"I saw you coming out from that gate over there before I could get to you, you got vanished so I decided to go by calling your name".

"Oh yes Peter, You are right".

"I came around to visit a good friend of mine", he lied.

"How come you are here, have you relocated with your uncle to this place"? Williams asked.

"No, not really.

"We came for a wedding ceremony of one of my uncle's friends".

"We will soon leave this place maybe by tomorrow".

"Okay, how is school". Williams asked.

"That's true you haven't been present in school for the past few days now, What happened". Peter asked.

"There isn't any problem, probably I might not be coming again", he said beaming a little smile on his face.


"Forget about that peter, Maybe later you will get to know".

"You too may also forget about school let's look forward to the future". Williams added.

"Follow me",

"To where", Peter asked confused about what Williams saying

"Keep calm let's go".

"No, I have to be going by now".

"My uncle might be looking for me". Peter said.

"Uncle you said"?

He asked laughing. "You are really funny". Williams said.

"Why, what's funny about that".

"Let me go maybe next time we meet, we can continue from where we stopped alright"?.

He made some moves to turn backward and leave, but Williams held him back.

"Look peter, you have to leave and forget all about your uncle and follow me".

Peter tried freeing his hands off Williams but it was held tight by Williams.

what kind of thing is this?, why holding me this way? he asked Williams.

He made some moves to push Williams away but it was late.

Williams has already uttered some fetish words which released some smoke particles from his mouth into Peter's nose.

This was one of what he watched on the video that was played to him.

He was surprised it worked.

'Wow! It worked' Williams said within himself.

Immediately the smoke pave the way into peters nostrils, and he became confused.

He always says yes to all that Williams says to him.

He quickly stretched his hands for William's bag carried it and follow him.