
Spiritual Energy Rejuvenation: I Began Cultivating By Farming

Others transmigrate to the world of cultivation, with a Golden Finger all the way till the end; Jiang Tang, however, gets slapped by reality until he becomes reclusive. After honestly farming for three years, Jiang Tang suddenly discovers that he now has a Spirit Field Space, and the Spirit Field is actually producing rare Spirit Grass, Spiritual Medicine, martial arts manuals, and even ancient treasures that had vanished long ago! Thus, Jiang Tang also gains his own Golden Finger. Years later, Jiang Tang accidentally cultivates himself into an All-Around master and ascends, teary-eyed, he exclaims— “Transmigration has been fair to me, the Golden Finger comes of its own accord.”

One word, that's settled. · sci-fi
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414 Chs

Chapter 7: First Encounter with Yuchen, His Swordsmanship Is So Immortal (2)


While traveling, Jiang Tang took the opportunity to enter his space, broke the soil again, and scattered seeds across two acres of land, watering them with the newly purchased fertilizer.

Before he could converse with Little Blue Ox and tell it to go out and eat some weeds, he suddenly felt the space shake.

With an uneasy premonition in his heart, Jiang Tang exited the space to find that the carriage had come to a halt.

Peeking out from behind the curtains, he saw the coachman sitting there, trembling, his body tense as if he had just witnessed something terrifying.

Following the coachman's gaze, he saw two men in white robes standing not far off, swords in hand, blocking the carriage's path.

Those robes... Are they Outer Sect disciples of the Immortal Sect?!

Jiang Tang stepped down from the carriage and bowed distantly to the two men, "May I ask why you two brothers block my path?

"Of course, it's to eliminate you," the person on the left said with a sinister smile, approaching slowly with his longsword in hand.

Jiang Tang had a bad feeling, signaled the coachman to leave quickly, and while retreating, forced a smile and said, "Brothers must be joking. We've never met before—how could we have any grievances?"

"Quit your yapping. Today you'll find no place to be buried!" The other man also approached with his sword.

Seeing Jiang Tang attempting to flee, they both charged at him with swords raised.

Realizing escape was impossible, Jiang Tang gritted his teeth and randomly pulled an agricultural tool from his space and hurled it at them.

As luck would have it, it was a shovel; he put all his strength into it, and instantly snapped the longsword of the disciple who charged at him first.

"My newly purchased Spiritual Artifact for 500 taels!"

The disciple felt a numbness in his wrist, quickly retrieved his sword, and glared at the nearly destroyed Spiritual Artifact. He was surprised by Jiang Tang's strength and at the same time, his teeth itched with hatred. Casting aside all caution, he raised his cultivation and struck at Jiang Tang.

The other disciple circled to Jiang Tang's back, raising his sword to pierce through Jiang Tang's brow.

Jiang Tang focused all his attention on twisting the Golden Body Spell, hoping to endure less pain when struck.

The moment the two closed in, he clenched his eyes shut.

But the anticipated pain never came.



Two strange sounds followed, piquing Jiang Tang's curiosity, compelling him to open his eyes.

There stood a youth in a maroon robe not far away. He stood with his hands behind his back, casually holding a three-foot longsword.

With brows like a painting and gentle eyes, a purple crescent moon jade pendant hung at his waist. The tassels of the Jade Crown swayed in the wind along with his loose hair, making him appear at first glance like a banished Immortal from The Upper Realm.

Jiang Tang was stunned.

He could swear that in the three years since he transmigrated, this was the most handsome young man he had ever seen.

"Fellow Daoist, are you unharmed?" The young master sheathed his sword and approached Jiang Tang with a bow, "I saw they wanted to kill you, so I stepped in and knocked them unconscious."

"I am unharmed, unharmed, thank you, fellow Daoist." Jiang Tang quickly returned the bow.

He caught a glimpse of the jade pendant from the corner of his eye, feeling a sense of familiarity but could not recall where he had seen it before.

"How did you manage to provoke disciples of the Immortal Sect, fellow Daoist?" The young man saw Jiang Tang's stunned look and smiled gently, "Do not fear, my name is Su Chang'an, a disciple from the Sword Sect Su Clan."

The Sword Sect Su Clan... Su Chang'an...

Su Chang'an?!

Jiang Tang now realized why the youth before him looked so familiar.

He was the young master of the Sword Sect Su Clan from the Ten Great Clans, famous for questioning the path with his sword—Su Chang'an.

Su Chang'an, styled Yuchen with the sobriquet Lord Qianchen, had reached the Great Perfection of the Nascent Soul Realm by the tender age of twenty-eight and was among the outstanding individuals of his generation.


And his sword just now appeared to be a top-grade immortal sword—these are all resources of the Sword Sect, not something one can envy.

"I have long admired the great name of Lord Qianchen. My name is Jiang Tang, a disciple of the Immortal Sect. These two are my senior brothers, and as for why we drew our swords, I am unaware of the cause and effect," Jiang Tang said as he scratched his head.

"Brother Jiang has just rented a carriage, may I inquire as to your destination?" Seeing that Jiang Tang appeared somewhat older than himself, Su Chang'an changed his form of address. Pointing to the ruts on the ground, he asked amiably.

"To be honest, I wish to go to Spirit Water Town to acquire some supplies."

"I see. It so happens that I am also on my way to Spirit Water Town to meet with a friend. If Brother Jiang doesn't mind, would you like to join me on the journey?" Su Chang'an understood and then gestured towards the Quad-Beast Carriage behind him.

These four spirit beasts were trained kylins, capable of traveling through the sky and the earth; naturally, their price was also extremely high.

Indeed, the rich know no bounds.

Even their mode of transport is a celestial creature among the finest in the Mortal Realm.

After envying for a moment, Jiang Tang gave his thanks with a bow and set off for Spirit Water Town with Su Chang'an.

This was the first meeting between Jiang Tang and Su Chang'an.

The two of them did not know that they were destined to have a deeper connection in the future.

However, that is a story for another time.

As for those two servant disciples, upon waking up and remembering who had knocked them out, a shock ran through them, and a sense of dread arose in their hearts.

"The rules of the Sword Sect dictate, if the Young Master wishes to kill, the Shadow Guards will not spare them. Retreat quickly!" one of them said urgently, turning his head to run towards the Immortal Sect.

Remembering the fleeting coldness in Su Chang'an's eyes when he drew his sword, the other trembled and quickly followed, leaving as fast as possible.

But before they had run far, a flurry of flying leaves neatly severed their heads.

A group of Shadow Guards dressed in black landed before the two corpses.

"Master's secret command, take them away," the leader picked up a leaf and ordered coldly.

"Yes, sir!"

The two bodies, along with their heads, were tossed by the Shadow Guards into the Mass Burial Mound.

At the entrance to Spirit Water Town.

"Thank you, Master Su, for the life-saving grace. I have nothing with which to repay you, only some Spirit Grass to offer," Jiang Tang brought out a few stalks of top-grade Nourishing Soul Grass and passed them to Su Chang'an.

"As people who wield swords, it is our duty to act with valor and righteousness. This was but a trivial matter, no need to mention it," Su Chang'an waved his hand and smiled gently.

"Please accept it, Master Su. I don't like to owe others," Jiang Tang insisted.

Seeing Jiang Tang's determination, Su Chang'an accepted the Nourishing Soul Grass.

Watching him leave, the warmth in Su Chang'an's eyes gave way to a trace of coldness.

"How goes the investigation?" Su Chang'an sat in the Quad-Beast Carriage, picked up his teacup for a small sip, and asked indifferently.

"Reporting back to the young master, that group of people is currently in Spirit Water Town, seemingly vying for the miraculous elixirs and medicines dispatched by you," a Shadow Guard appeared outside and reported with a bow.

"The fish have entered the net, it's time to pull it in," Su Chang'an touched the teacup lid and slowly aimed his gaze steady and bright as pearls and jade.

"Yes, sir!" The Shadow Guard acknowledged the order and watched the Quad-Beast Carriage fly away into the sky; he then turned and entered Spirit Water Town.

After buying a Qiankun Bag, Jiang Tang went next door to the blacksmith shop and asked them to make several low-grade yellow-tier farming tools for him.

His ordinary farming tools were almost ruined by his own strength, and he needed to replace them with better ones soon in order to continue his work.

With nothing better to do, Jiang Tang curiously looked around.

All of a sudden, he saw a talisman hanging in the shop and pointed at it to ask, "Shopkeeper, is that talisman hung high on the wall meant to ward off evil spirits?"

"Not at all," the shopkeeper replied with a shake of his head and a smile as he crafted the farming tools.