
Spirited Away (Chihiro’s Point Of View)

This is the whole movie of Spirited Away with Chihiro as the narrator describing everything that happened to her

Nicole_Latham979 · Filme
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The Wrong Turn And Strange Building

Hi I'm a 10 year old girl named Chihiro and my parents just forced us to move away from my beloved home and school with all my friends.

We were in the car and I was laying in the back seat holding on to a bouquet of flowers that I had gotten from my best friend Lilly. She had also given me a card that said "I'll miss you Chihiro your best friend Lilly.". As I lay there staring at my card and bouquet my dad suddenly said "Chihiro! chihiro we're almost there!". Then my mom said "This really is in the middle of nowhere! I'm going to have to go to the next town to shop!"

There's more proof that this new place is gonna suck.

"we'll just have to learn to like it." My dad answered. Then suddenly he said "Look Chihiro! There's your new school! Looks great doesn't it?".

My mom might've said something also but I was too busy sticking my tongue out at the stupid school to pay attention.

"It's gonna stink! I liked my old school." I said. Then suddenly I looked at my flowers and saw that they were wilting.

"Mom! My Flowers are dying!!" I said.

"I told you not to smother them like that. We'll put them in water when we get to our new home." My mom said.

"I FINALLY get a bouquet and it's a goodbye present. That's depressing." I said.

"Daddy bought you a rose for your birthday don't you remember?" mom said as she picked up my card.

"Yeah one. Just one Rose isn't a bouquet." I said.

Then my mom handed me my Card and said

"Hold onto your card in opening the window And quit whining. It's fun to move to a new place. It's an adventure."

Suddenly we came up to a spot where the road ended and lead into a weird forest.

"Wait? Did I take the wrong turn? This can't be right." Dad said.

"Look there's our house! It's that blue one on the end." Mom said excitedly as she pointed to a row of houses at the top of the hill.

"you're right! I must've missed the turnoff. This road should get us there." Dad answered.

My mom rolled her eyes and said

"Honey don't take a shortcut. You always get us lost."

"Trust me it's gonna work." Dad said with a weird smile on his face.

I Looked out the window and saw these really weird rocks that looked like homes.

"What are those stones? They look like little houses." I asked mom.

"They're shrines. Some people think little spirits live there." She answered.

As we drove down the road things got bumpy and we were in the middle of nowhere.

"Uh dad I think we're lost." I said but he just smiled and said "We're fine. I've got four wheel drive!"

My dad started to pick up the speed and things Were getting really rough! The car was going out of control and I could barely sit down.

Suddenly I looked out the window to see this really weird looking statue in the forest.

I looked back to see what it was but dad was driving so fast we were out of control.

"Honey! Honey! Honey! slow Down you're going to kill us!!" My Mom yelled.

"WHAT'S THAT?!" Dad said when something suddenly came up in the middle of the road. Dad slammed on the brakes and we stopped.

What we had stopped at was a weird statue in front of a giant red building with a tunnel that lead into it.

It looked cool but also really creepy.

"What's this old building?" Mom asked as dad got out of the car saying

"It looks like an entrance..."

I was also curious about the building so I put my bouquet in the car and walked up next to dad.

My mom sure seems to want to get to our new house soon cause she said

"Honey get back in the car we're going to be late! Chihiro!!"

When I went up to dad he said "This building's not old it's fake. These stones are just made of plaster."

I think dad wasn't the only one who wanted to go in cause the wind started to pull us in.

"The wind is pulling us in..." I started to say as my mom got out of the car and stood with us.

"Come on let's go in. I wanna see what's on the other side." Dad said but the building just got creepier as I stared at it.

"I'm not going! It gives me the creeps!!!" I said and dad responded saying not to be such a "scaredy cat". He sure was curious.

my mom seemed nervous and said

"The movers will get to the house before we do."

"It's alright. They got the keys. They can start without us." Dad responded

My mom finally agreed with my dad and said "alright. Just a quick look."

The area and building was just creeping me out more and I changed my mind about wanting to enter.

"Forget it! I'm not going!! Come on you guys let's get out of here!!"

I didn't want to go in the building or go to our new house. I had a feeling the house was safer though.

"Come on honey it will be fun." Dad said as he tried to encourage me to go.

"I'm not going!" I said as I stood next to the weird statue we nearly crashed into.

I only got more creeped out staring at the weird double sided statue when suddenly mom and dad started to go in and mom said "just wait in the car then."

I knew I couldn't just stay in this weird area sitting in the car only getting scared so I said "But moooom.... WAIT FOR ME!!!" As I ran up to them and held onto mom's arm.