
Perfect Eyesight

After Eisen finished all of the metallic base parts for the golems and placed the different parts that were needed into the upper part of their torsos, meaning the soul generators and different mana batteries, he moved on to making the things for the the sensory organs.

First, the old man grabbed his Alchemy set and started to work on a potion that was supposed to increase sight in different ways, and then tampered with the material ratios to make it a slightly thick consistency, similar to very thick gravy, and then used hardening to try and make it the right thickness to be used in the Golems' eyes.

And next, Eisen prepared a little bit of glass, although not to blow it, but simply to make the lenses. And in order to do that, Eisen once more mixed the materials for the same potion into the silica, soda ash and limestone, and added a good bit of mana-crystal powder to make it more resilient.