
Speed Devil

"Everything seems so slow as if they are frozen in time, but they are not, I am just too fast. I feel like I can outrun light but will I be able to? Would I even be able to see at that speed?" "Well there is only one way to find out" . . . _________________ A physics intern gets exposed to enclosed tachyon particles in a lab accident which causes his body to go through severe changes making him the fastest being ever. _____________________ A/N - The start of the novel will be very slow-paced, the characters around the MC will be introduced, the world around him will slowly be built. If you don't like slow pace start, this novel is not for you.

Evil_God_ZARAKH · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Waking Up

New observed Debra carefully, he doesn't know much about Shawn's mother other than the fact that she was not a good mother, she ignored Shawn most of his life but he is glad that she still cares about Shawn, or she would not be in such a state.

It looked like she really cared.

"How is he doing, is there anything I should be worried about?" Debra asked as he looked at Shawn.

"Well he doesn't suffer from anything serious but his brain suffered a shock and he is in a coma right now, we don't know when he will wake up, it might be days or months". Newmon said.

Hearing this Debra was devastated, not only is she worried about Shawn's health, but she is also worried about the medical bill, Debra works a minimum wage job, she relies on her lovers for external purchase.

She cannot afford to pay for Shawn's medical bill if he is in a coma for too long.

"But what about the medical bill?". She murmured, Newmon heard her and frowned, he knew that Shawn doesn't live a rich life, he lives with his mom, his mom doesn't have a good job, most of the money that Shawn earns is either used for his tuition or house expenses.

The only thing they do have is the house that Shawn's father seems to have left behind for them.

"Don't worry, since this incident happened in my lab, I will take care of it". Newmon said as he didn't want to burden Shawn when he gets up.

"Thank you so much" Debra thanked him excessively, she couldn't help but be very thankful towards Professor Newmon.

"No need to thank me, I care about Shawn as well". Newmon said.

Debra didn't say anything and stayed behind to watch over Shawn, Shawn's current conditions were unique to the doctors of this hospital so they came to check on him more than they needed to but they didn't find anything unusual.

While everyone related to Shawn was having a hard time, Shawn slept peacefully on the hospital bed but what was happening inside his mind was completely insane.


Shawn found himself surrounded in darkness, he couldn't see or hear anything but for some reason, he felt like he was in an empty void with things that were moving very fast and everything else has stopped in time.

He felt like he was trapped inside this empty void with no one to help him, the only thing he could feel was the constant movement of countless particles around him that are traveling very fast.

He tried to call, he tried to hear but there was no response, soon his consciousness became isolated, being alone started to take a toll on his mental state, at first it was very hard but soon he started to get used to the environment, he tried to figure out what are these particles that he can feel moving, he tried to see if he can move them in any way, shape, or form and to his surprise, he was able to.

He was able to change the direction of these particles with just his consciousness, soon he spent years inside this dark empty void all alone trying to figure out a way to escape, he doesn't even know for how long he has been trapped inside this formless, empty darkness.

As Shawn continued to play with the particles around him as they were the only form of entertainment inside his consciousness, he suddenly saw a light in front of him, for the first time he finally saw something other than nothing.

His consciousness made its way towards the light and as soon as he touched it, his eyes were greeted by the sight of a ceiling, Shawn blinked and looked at it, it was clearly the ceiling and he is not hallucinating, he then looked around and noticed that he is actually inside a hospital room.

He tried to remember the day of the accident, Shawn still believes that several years have passed since that explosion as he was still conscious inside his head and he knows he spent years all alone inside with no one to interact with.

'How long have I been gone?' He asked himself, he wondered if he is an old man by now, he lifted his arm to look at his own skin to see his current state and to his surprise, his skin still looks just like the day of the accident, maybe even better.

He then touched his face and realized that there are no wrinkles on it proving that he is not an old man at all, he was relieved, if he had really aged he would be devastated as he never got to enjoy his life at all.

He then started to look around to figure out today's date but there was nothing inside this room that specified today's date, as he continued to look around he suddenly heard the door slide open, he turned his head to look at the person who just entered.

He saw a young woman in her twenties wearing a pink nurse uniform walking towards him, the nurse suddenly stopped in her tracks as she noticed Shawn was actually looking at him.

She then ran out extremely fast out of the room and soon came back with a middle-aged man wearing a white coat, the nurse brought the doctor along with him.

The doctor was also surprised to see Shawn completely awake.

"Do you remember your name?" The doctor asked.

"Yes, it's Shawn Barret". Shawn answered.

"No memory loss, good". The doctor said and started to go through the normal procedure, he checked everything and found nothing wrong with Shawn.

"It's quite a miracle, you came out with only cuts and bruises from that accident, your body is quite strong". The doctor said with a smile.

Hearing this Shawn is confused, from what he could remember, he should have died the moment he made contact with that wall, the speed that he had been sent flying was not something an ordinary human should survive.

"How long was I out?" Shawn asked.

"Just a day". The doctor replied.

Once again Shawn is shocked.