
Spectral Order: We Are The Law Of The Multiverse[Paused]

System user's abusing their abilities? Villain's killing millions on a simple whim? Corruption spreading through a world's government? What happens when a System like no other awaken's from its slumber. One that has one true goal and that is prepared to turn the entire Multiverse on its head. The villains shall be punished. Incompetent gods shall be stripped of their power. Those who commit acts that break the Laws created by them shall be imprisoned. They are the ones who will bring Order. They are the ones who set the rules. They are the Law of the Multiverse and their mission begins now. Author Comment: This Fan-Fic is a little different from the normal ones I have seen on this site. Do give the first two chapters a try before making a decision.

Aizen_Dleitch · Anime und Comics
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30 Chs

An Unexpected Encounter

"Ugh…" Gripping her head Asami groaned. "I didn't expect that to be so trippy." Resisting the urge to throw up on the floor Asami looked over at Shirei. "Ya, I'll have to get the System to make you a chair. I mean this thing is so comfortable that I barely felt the shift and I don't even have skin." Hearing Shirei bragging about his chair, Asami glared at him for a moment.

"Ok, all bragging aside are we here?" Looking outside the front window Asami couldn't see anything but space just like before. Without any visual cues, it was hard to tell if they had actually moved or not. "It's a little strange to look at but trust me we have moved." Getting up, Shirei walked down from the main platform in the control room along with Asami.

"AI put in the coordinates to the next abnormality in this Universe and boot up the ship for travel." Reacting to Shirei's orders the AI began using its less precise scanning searching for anything that didn't belong. As it did that the two of them left the control room and began to walk down the hall to the external docking area.

"So I get that we go to different universes to deal with people who are messing with it. Like if someone had magic in a world based on science that would be an issue. But what do we do with them after we take them down?" So far Shirei has just been leaving any System user's he finds with their memories gone and unconscious.

While the two have run into deserved it since neither of them was kids and both had horrible plans for the world they were in. However, it was still unethical and risky. "I mean a jail would be more reasonable but we wouldn't run it. You and I are the only ones who can go and deal with issues like this at the moment." The real problem was that it was just the two of them.

Shirei wanted to get to a state where he was having Androids and Robots alike being manufactured and shipped out like an express. Once he could do that then all the risk would be out of the equation he would simply have to make sure things run smoothly. 'But for now, we're stuck with taking that risk onto ourselves at least for now.'

As they reached Dock 2 Shirei and Asami opened the hatch and got on board. Everything was already powered on and ready to go and was just waiting for the right input. As soon as the two of them sat down in their seats they heard the AI's voice. [Scan complete and abnormality has been found.]

"Alright then let's go." Starting the ship's autopilot they decoupled from the Spectral Hub as the engines began to rev. "I'm pretty excited to see what kind of world this is. I mean it has to be better than my last one right?" Though she was joking Shirei actually responded while thinking. "Ya, the only ones I can think of that would be worse are… Highschool of the Dead, Spawn, Tokyo Ghoul, Attack On Titan, Hellsing oh and basically any DC universe."

Asami went quite through the long list as she stared at Shirei. "Ok, I know for a fact you made up like half of those! I mean they sound so stupid." Shirei almost felt hurt as he turned to Asami and began ranting. This continued for the next half an hour and eventually, even they lost track of time. [We are within One-Thousand miles of our destination. Please prepare to enter.]

Looking away from one another Shirei wanted to gasp in shock. A big green-tinted planet bigger than the earth blocking their entire view. Along with that, there were visual differences across the planet. Some areas had clouds as black as coal with a warm orange glow below them. While others looked like lush seas of greenery.

Entering the atmosphere a blanket of fire began to coat the ship as it picked up speed. After a few more seconds past the ship began to slow its descent manually as the shaking stopped. With the windows clear enough to look through Shirei was able to see a large medieval city surrounded by plains and patches of forest.

"Hmm, I have no idea where the hell we are." Hearing that Asami shook her head lightly as she realized Shirei still hadn't made himself look human. "You're gonna attract a lot of attention if you walk into that city looking like that." Shirei glanced over at her before speaking. "I know I just don't want to risk not being ready the moment we land."

"I think you're just being paranoid." The ship automatically avoided flying directly over the city and chose to land in one of the patches of the forest a good distance away. Asami stood and stretched her arms above her head before continuing. "Besides the person or thing in this world might be willing to cooperate with us."

Shirei was doubtful but did not voice his opinion on the matter. 'Might as well not jinx me on the matter.' [Beginning Landing Procedure…] With a slight thump the ship descended to the ground maneuvering around the tree's in the way. Extending its landing gear it touched down and began to power itself off while opening the ship's back door.

Walking out of the ship Shirei took a quick look around spotting the city's walls in the distance. Having their goal preset it didn't take long for the two of them to begin walking towards the city. From afar Shirei looked as if he was glaring at it but in truth, he was thinking to himself. "Hold on actually this place does look familiar."

"Really? Do you know where from?" Asami questioned him as they continued to walk out of the patch trees on the open plains. Having an almost straight walk to the front gate of the city Shirei tried to remember where he had seen a city like this from. "No cant be Magi… Goblin Slayer? No this world's atmosphere is too cheery for that."

Continuing to walk as Shirei tried to shift through his memories they eventually reached one of the four gates connected to the main roads. The gate gave direct access to the city without a guard in sight. To be honest the entire place seemed rather relaxed. Pedestrians were conducting their daily business.

"Holy shit it's a completely medieval word." Asami looked at the groups of people walking in and out of the city's gates wearing armor. Some carried swords and some carried staffs but all in all it was proof this world was medieval. As they walked into the city Shirei was happy to see people were too busy to bother noticing him and Asami.

"Asami please stop fangirling for a moment." Shirei had become slightly immune to the wonders of these fictional worlds mostly due to the fact his life has been dependent on them. And although now he had some breathing space he decided he would rather keep that mentality. "You're no fun! Look at this place you would never get to see this in your life as a normal person."

Ignoring her, Shirei dragged Asami along with him as they continued to make their way through the city. It was while they were doing such that Shirei heard something interesting. "Hey, I heard that Muri guy is slowly climbing up the adventurer's ranking." Having the whole conversation recorded one part stuck out.

"Ya people are calling him Muri The Weapon's Vault because of his ability. It's crazy what those adventurers can do." Something started clicking in Shirei's needing just one more push to be connected. "Wiz you'll help me right! Something that can seal away someone's magical ability." Glancing over down a narrow street Shirei spotted a brown-haired boy clenching someone's thigh.

He was practically groveling at this point and was also slobbering all over the woman's purple dress and robe. "Um, Kazuma, please get up, this is embarrassing… I can't run my shop like this..." Shirei had an indescribable look on his face as he stopped walking and just stared at the scene unfolding before him.

Stopping Wiz from entering her shop Kazuma shook his head letting his feet drag on the stairs to the shop's door. "Well, you don't see that every day." Asami noticed Shirei stopped following his gaze and saw Kazuma and Wiz as well. Shirei slapped himself upside his head realizing exactly where they were. "How could I not have realized… Of course, it's Konosuba."

"What are you talking about?" Asami looked over at Shirei as he explained. "This is the fictional world of Konsuba and that idiot on the ground you're looking at is this world's' Main Character'." Understanding most of what Shirei just said Asami's mouth opened slightly as she looked back at the groveling Kazuma on the ground.

"That idiot?" Pointing to Kazuma, Asami didn't exactly keep her voice down. Kazuma's ears twitched as he heard Asami's comment and suddenly let go of Wiz. "Who... The hell do you think you're calling an idiot!" Yelling at Asami without even looking at her first Kazuma stood up and ran towards her.

Getting caught off guard by his abrupt change Asami reacted on instinct. Just as Kazuma got close and tried to point at her she grabbed his arm while turning her body. With one final push, she used her right leg to lift Kazuma off the ground and pivoted all of her weight. "Eh?" Before Shirei and Kazuma knew what had happened a loud thump followed with a puff of dust appearing on the ground.

Wiz covered her mouth in shock as the surrounding pedestrians stared at the scene from the main street. Asami slowly backed off realizing what she did as Kazuma laid on the ground both stunned and in pain. "Ow…" Rolling to his side while on the ground Kazuma couldn't even pretend like he was in more pain than he was.

"What happened?"

"I'm not sure but it looks like that weirdly dressed lady just slammed that guy to the ground."

"Actually he kinda looks like a pervert, maybe he tried to touch her."

He simply rolled back and forth on the ground slowly whimpering. 'It hurts! Gosh dammit, it hurts! Who the hell throws someone like that just for yelling! She called me an idiot. I was just retaliating, I did nothing wrong!' Shirei looked at Asami with an expression that just screamed disbelief. "Uh… Sorry?"

She had forgotten that not everyone in this city was some kind of criminal. After a while, Wiz has made her way over to Kazuma and helped him off the ground while patting him off. "Kazuma are you okay?" Kazuma looked like he was visibly shaking as he didn't respond to Wiz and snapped his head at Asami.

"You! How are you going to pay me back for this? I demand 200000 Eris for the physical and mental trauma yo-" Kazuma had planned to switch to extortion since verbal abuse didn't work however his words began to trail off. Looking at both Shirei and Asami's clothes he immediately recognized that they weren't like the clothes people normally wore in this world.

"Hold on are you two re-" Before Kazuma could even say another word Shirei grabbed and lifted him with a smile. "Your Kazuma right? How about we move this to a place a little more private." Shirei looked at Wiz who was still confused and asked her a question. "Seems we've made a bit of an error, do you mind if I use your shop to talk to Kazuma in private?"

Wiz who was still a little shaken up by everything nodded her head. With that Shirei began to drag Kazuma with him towards wiz's shop. "Hey! Put me down! This is kidnapping! Help! Someone help me!" No matter how much he kicked and screamed, Shirei remained unmoved using brute force to carry Kazuma into the shop and closing the door behind him.

The moment they were inside Shirei gestured for Asami to close the blind's as he dropped Kazuma onto the wooden floor. At this point, he was in a dark room with two strangers. One had a large case on their back that looked as if it weighed a ton. And the other almost had his entire body concealed in a cloak.

These two things immediately caused Kazuma to shrink as he began thinking to himself. 'Where is my team when I need them! I'm going to die in here all alone! How could Wiz do this to me…' Shirei looked around for a moment before finding and grabbing a nearby chair. Sitting down in its backward's he looked at Kazuma and sighed.

"Well, Kazuma I can officially say that you're the last person I expected to meet here."

Welp Shirei and Asami have met Kazuma and well first impressions are quite something... Anyway hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

Aizen_Dleitchcreators' thoughts