
Treasure of Time

Many philosophers throughout the years had come to similar conclusions regarding the nature of cultivation. It was a dangerous and uncharted path in a forest where the trees, leaves and animals all represented a different kind of danger. A promise of uncountable future conflicts that would ultimately bring those who followed it to a violent, untimely death.

But that was not the case for Daniel, for his encounters with danger far preceded his first step in the path of cultivation.

Being pressed under the unbearable weight of a debt that could never be repaid.. being the target of envy of cultivators who, if allowed to, would have carved secrets he did not even know he had out of his bones. His dance with death had begun since he could remember, and nothing had changed when he had become an aspect of existence- His forest had just gotten bigger.

Keep walking. Follow the trail and don't look back. If you stop, you are dead.