
The Gathering of Experts (Part 9)

"Quite down young man." Said the black-cloaked man with an irritated tone.

Daniel quietened down, but before the man could resume speaking, he heard the voice of the emperor coming from behind him. "I'll allow it." He said while showcasing his power through his voice.

The black-cloaked man turned to look at the emperor, and with surprise in his voice, he said "Your Imperial Majesty.. The traditions.."

"They are competing on whose comprehension of spatial essence is the highest.. There is no point in making them compete one against the other. Let them all fight at the same time, and the one that will come out on top, will be the winner." Said the emperor calmly.

The black-cloaked man turned to look at the other masters, and after confirming that none of them had anything to say against this decision, he turned back to look at the disciples and said, "You all know what to do.. Let the battle commence." he then disappeared.