
Off to Hell's Core (Part 1)

The sudden scream attracted Daniel's attention, causing him to look at the approaching demon with interest. No power came from his body, which meant that he was not a cultivator of any sort. His worried eyes were pointed straight at the wolf cub that was currently munching on the mid level dark sphere, right above Daniel's legs.

"NO NO NO NO NO NO!" Shouted the old demon while approaching Daniel, and noticing the changes in the cub's body. Once in front of Daniel, he picked the cub up from the ground by his chest and belly, and lowered its head to a lower level than his rear end. "Spit it! Spit it out!" he said in worry while shaking the unfazed wolf cub up and down.. stopping only after noticing that it was already too late.

Clear anxiousness appeared on the demon's wrinkly face, as he let the wolf cub down.