
Daniel's Ruse

...Kind regards, Daniel the Outcast.

The result to Daniel's actions, sent the population of the entire city into an uproar.

At first, anyone who had managed to get into the possession of one of the recipes, immediately hid it.. But right as the voice about the content of these sheets of paper began to spread.. That was when blood started to flow.

People who only minutes earlier were talking cordially to each other, had now unsheathed their weapons, and were fight over these unordinary pieces of paper. The smartest ones, retreated into the territory of their factions, and reported the matter to their connections within the faction.

Of the hundreds of factions that had a foothold on the asteroid, only a few had managed to obtain one of the recipes.. And no matter how many people tried to, they would defend their recipe to their death. It wasn't sure how many factions would manage to obtain it, but only was thing was certain.. There weren't enough recipes for each faction.