
Broken at Birth

After the events that took place in the core of the territory of the Proponents of Deep Sleep, the party of the universal government had decided to postpone their assault directed at the entity known as 'The Brutal' in order to allow the Mindhive to recover.

Deep space, five days later.

".. the Outcast looks terrifying." Said one of the resting soldiers to two of his companions. In his voice, was the immense stupor he had felt the moment he and his platoon had faced the two entities which had beaten the Mindhive into such a helpless state.

Of the people who bothered themselves with listening to this soldier, was a man dressed in military gamberson who, while laying on his folding cot, said, "I don't believe he is as scary as the Mindhive. What we have seen is barely noteworthy when compared to what we know the others have done. A trap, is how you explain what happened."