
Southern Murders

A small Mostly forgotten Town in Alabama Suddenly becomes the Hot spot for Murder when Dead bodies start popping up Now A Agent named Juniper Jones from this Local town must investigate but what Darkness will She uncover? And can she Solve the Case? Will she Catch the Killer? What secrets does Juniper have herself? Is the Killer someone she knows? A co worker maybe? A fellow Agent? A Commander? How can Juniper handle everything when it is her own Home town in danger? Does she have what it takes to handle all of it? Juniper has never failed but this is her biggest challenge yet!

Aron_West_081194 · sci-fi
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Mayor Murdered

Just down Cardinal drive at the End on the Right side sits a White Two story house. There are Emerald green curtains. Red Shingles. A nice Home. Inside the Bedroom is Red Comforter white bedsheets and pillows and a Blonde girl Sleeping. Her name is Juniper Jones. The alarm on her Black night stand goes off and Juniper smacks it shutting it off. Juniper yawns setting up opening her Blue Bright eyes. Juniper got up and took off her Kitty night shirt and shorts. Juniper takes out a Black tank top and Black shorts from a drawer and got dressed. Juniper put in green earbuds and used her phone to play Chris Morgan's song That what I love about Sunday it was her favorite Song. She jogged downstairs going through her living room with a Flat screen TV on a Entrainment center and a Chocolate brown couch. She went into the Kitchen with Yellow titled floor granite countertops and Dark stained cabnits. She opens her fridge and gets some Eggs cracking them into a Skillet and starts a omlet on the stove. She then begins mixing up a smoothie. After Cooking and enjoying her Breakfast Juniper went for a Jog. She jogged past the Hunting club down Main Street and getting near the Park. Juniper smiles when she saw the local family owned food place called Tiger Hunt. West Blocton most famous food stop. Juniper jogs over to the Window. " Hey Mister Gillians you here " Juniper ask. Mister Gillians the old man who owns the place limped up. " Juniper dear how are you Want a Chocolate shake? " He ask. " Sure thanks I am good enjoying my day off. " She replies. " You work too hard dear. " Mister Gillians says. " Well Important investigations. " Juniper says. " Well that what they will always tell you relax dear here your shake oh and I prefer you in Brighter outfits Black just isn't you. " Mister Gillians says giving Juniper her Shake. " My Black running outfit was the only one clean. " Juniper says though she found it odd he brought up her clothes though that probably the Investigative side of hers Thinking. Juniper Waves as she takes off jogging while drinking her Shake. It was a bright warm sunny day that she always loves. Then her phone rings. Juniper turned off her music and answers her phone. " Hello Brian I hope this is a Friendly call since it my day off " Juniper says. " Sorry June wish I was. " Brain replies. " What is it Commander? " Juniper ask. " A recent Murder. It Mayor Davis. " Brian says. " Give me Twenty minutes. " Juniper says. After hanging up Juniper runs home at top speed and unlocks her Black Chevy Cameo. Juniper drives to Crime scene. Brian walks over to Juniper.  " He was shot by a arrow. " Brain says. Juniper face Darkens. " Do we know were the Killer stood Commander? " Juniper ask. Brian shakes his head no. Juniper looks at Mayor Davis body. He was shot in the driveway. She looks around for where the killer could have been. She notices a tree with cuts in a upper Branch. " Commander. The Oak tree the Killer was hidden up there and shot him from the Distance. " Juniper says.  " Great work Agent Jones " Brian says. " We need talk to Shelly Davis ask her about her Husband Mayor Davis. " Juniper says.