
Southern Murders

A small Mostly forgotten Town in Alabama Suddenly becomes the Hot spot for Murder when Dead bodies start popping up Now A Agent named Juniper Jones from this Local town must investigate but what Darkness will She uncover? And can she Solve the Case? Will she Catch the Killer? What secrets does Juniper have herself? Is the Killer someone she knows? A co worker maybe? A fellow Agent? A Commander? How can Juniper handle everything when it is her own Home town in danger? Does she have what it takes to handle all of it? Juniper has never failed but this is her biggest challenge yet!

Aron_West_081194 · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Investigation Begins

" Shelly Davis is inside with Agent Burns " Brian says. " What!?! Agent Burns! Daniel Burns is a Rotten mean spirited jerk who refuses to see reason even when its right there. " Juniper says. " Mind your tongue agent Jones. " Brian says. " Yes Commander. " Juniper says. They head inside to Find Agent Burns already questioning  Shelly Davis. " Miss Davis you and your Husband Mayor Davis were alone All night in your happy Mansion here and He went to go get Mail never returned yet you didn't discover his body till this morning. I think you shot him. " Daniel says.  " I didn't how could i? " Shelly says. Daniel gives suspicious look. " Agent Burns " Juniper says. " Ah agent Jones your here to try and solve the case with naive belief well too late cause I cracked it. Shelly Davis waited till her husband went out side snuck into his hunting gear grabbed his Bow and shot him in the drive way. " Daniel says. " She couldn't the Arrows are special made and not hunting gear. " Juniper says. Brian leads Daniel away who is very Annoyed. " Miss Davis did your Husband have any Enemies? " Juniper ask. " Yes Richard was worried about Josh bricks. He wanted to undermine the New City Funds. " Shelly says. " Hmm Josh works at City Hall yes. " Juniper says. " He does. " Shelly says. " Thanks. " Juniper says walking away. " Well? " Brian ask. " Mister Bricks doesn't have the skill but he has the Money there a Assassin in Town. That Arrow matches CIA gear " Juniper says. " You think a Agent? " Brian ask. " Maybe or someone of similar skill. " Juniper says. " I will look into it " Brian says. " I am going to have a talk with Josh. " Juniper says walking away. She knew very few Archers. Not many could make a Shot that far or On the grounds without being seen the killer was skilled more specifically skilled like her. Juniper herself often used A Bow and arrows for defense. This worried her cause she didn't know any Archers besides her down south. Only person she knew from this part of the south remotely interested in Archery was her Twin sister. But her sister well was a greatly kept secret and locked in a Asylum. Juniper hated thinking about her sister cause of the memory. Doctors said her sister was too unstable for visitors. Juniper stayed away cause this. She cleared her head and refocused on the Case.