

Dr Ashwariya Raichand - She is the doctor who saves lives but her own life is upside down. Her parents died in a car crash when she was just 10 years old. But her father brothers didn't let the NGO' s worker take her away and raised her as their own. And they have never ever let her feel that she was an orphan until one day . That day everything changed. Kilian Knight - A man of his words and figure which is feared. People like to stay away from him because becoming his enemy is the last thing which anyone wants. A betrayal from his best friend has shaped him like this. He has the perfect life which is the dream of millions, a multi-dollar company, a loving family and a troublesome sister. Everything is in place until love decides to knock on his door of heart! Let's dig in and find what twists and turns their life took? Did their road of love had ups and down or was it smooth like butter?

WriterQuilt1605 · Urban
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14 Chs



"I love you to!" I confessed as I didn't wanted him to think that I don't have feelings for him. Then I saw his expression changing from puzzled to shock.

"You love me to?" He said as I removed my finger from his lips. I nodded and looked away as I couldn't get myself to look in his eyes. Then he cupped my face and made me to look at him.

"You could confess that you love me but cannot look at me!" He said and chuckled and I blushed. I don't how I got the confidence to confess to him but I was glad I did it. Then I felt him brushing his thumb on my lips.

"Can I ?" He asked, seeking permission and I nodded. I closed my eyes as our lips met and the feeling was amazing. It was like sparks erupted in my body. The kiss conveyed everything, from gentleness to love.

"It was amazing!" Kilian said as we broke our kiss and I blushed.

"From now on, this red will bey favourite colour!" He said and I blushed more profusely. But then I felt pain in my head. I holded my head with my hand as it became unbearable.

"What happened?" I heard Kilian asking, worriedly but everything started to spin and dark dots appeared in front of my and then everything went blank.


It had been ten days that I have been discharged from the hospital and I am still being treated like an ICU patient. Sofia has taken two weeks off from the hospital and only goes if there is an emergency. Although I told her to join after one week but she didn't. She is stubborn as hell. Sofia also blamed herself for my condition but I threatened to castrate her if she doesn't forgive herself!

And about me and Kilian, things are going pretty smooth. Although when I woke up the next day I thought it was a dream but then he kissed me and proved that it was reality not figment of my imagination. He also wanted to inform his parents about his relationship but I stopped him as I have the fear that they may not accept me. Although he assured me that they would be glad that it's me because they like me but still that fear lingered inside me. So we decided that we will inform them about our relationship when I am comfortable. He always talks to me on calls before sleeping and we spend all day sending text to each other. My trail of thoughts were broken when I heard Sofia calling me.

"What happened?" I asked her as I saw her in white coat.

"There is an emergency case in the hospital and I have been called. I had already prepared the dinner and don't wait for me as I will be late as the case is severe!" She said and I nodded. Then we bid goodbyes and she left. It's just a five minute drive to the hospital from our house. I then decided to video call Kilian as Sofia is not present. He picked it up in few rings.

"So, what's my love is doing?" He questioned and I blushed. My heart always flutters when he calls me that.

"I am fine and how are you doing?" I asked back.

"I am also good and by the way are you not scared that Sofia might catch you, video calling me!" He said.

"Nope! I am not scared as she has went to hospital due to an emergency" I said

"So if she is not at home then I will take you on a date!" He said and I shook my head in disapproval.

"But what if she returns before me and then question my disappearance then what excuse I will give?" I asked him.

"You can say that you went to park for a walk and I am not going to hear any more excuses and get ready in ten minutes as I am coming to take you!" He said and disconnected the call. I sighed as there was no option left.

I decided to wear a body hugging black colour dress. I never got the chance to wear it before so why not I wear it now. I decided for minimal makeup and wore two rings, a long necklace and a white pearl earrings.

I was looking myself in the mirror and was debating that it was good or not when I heard the doorbell ringing. I picked up my clutch and rushed to opened it.

Kilian was standing infront of me and the thing which surprised me was that he was wearing casual. And it's the first time I am seeing him in casuals.

"I didn't knew that I was so handsome that my girlfriend is lost in me!" He said and I blushed when I realised that I am caught oogling on him. He sneaked his hand around my waist and pulled me toward me. I kept hand on his chest to balance myself. With the other hand he caresed my cheek.

"What I am goona do with you!" He said and I blushed.

"I think we need to leave or we will get late!" I said trying to change the topic.

"Yep! Let's go " he said and left me to his car. He sat on the driver seat and I sat on the seat beside him. Then we set off to our destination.

"You know you should wear more casuals then informal as you look like a normal person not some billionaire who everyone wants to do business with!" I said and he let out a laugh.

"From now I will take this into consideration!" He said and then the car halt at a restaurant. Then he parked the car and we got out. I was shocked and surprised when I realised it was an Indian theme restaurant.

I looked at him and my eyes started to get moist. I thought we may be going to any restaurant but not an Indian one.

"I decided that why not to take you there where you can find yourself close to your homeland" he said and I hugged him. I thanked him for being so considerate.

"Let's go and I had already made a reservation for us!" He said and took hold of my hand and lead us. He had booked a VIP boot for us.

"I did it so we could have some privacy" He said when I complained that he shouldn't have to book a private boot for us. Then I nodded in understanding because he was a billionaire and paparazzi and media are always behind their private life. Then a waiter came to take our order. I ordered few dishes and gave the menu card to Kilian so he could order what he likes.

"I don't know anything about Indian cuisine as only ate it twice so I would like you to show me the best of you cusuine!" He said and then I ordered few more dishes on my boyfriend behalf.

Our orders came in half an hour and we started to dig in. We also chatted and I came to know many things about him. Like how he got betrayed by his best friend and he only trust me and his family. And that's why he has this tough demeanor. But when he questioned me about my family I said I was an orphan and cut the part that I was raised by paternal uncles and thanked to God he didn't questioned me further as I wouldn't like to lie to him if he would have asked where I grew up then or something related to it.

We were enjoying our dinner when my phone started to ring. And the thing I dreaded happened. It was sofia calling me. I prepared myself to lie but instead she called me to inform that there was some complications in the case so she will not be able to return home tonight.

"I will be fine. And you are acting like I am a ten year child who has been left alone in the house!" I assured her and she disconnected the call.

"What happened?" Kilian questioned as he got confused with our conversation and I explained him why his sister has called me and then he smiled.

" So this means we got a lot more time to spend with each other?" he asked and I nodded in agreement.

"Yep!" I said and we both proceeded to finish our dinner.


Sorry if the things are going in a fast pace but it's a short story so I need to wrap it up as soon as possible so try to understand my part to.

Have a nice day ahead and please leave a vote and comment if you like my story. It would mean so much to me 🤗