

Dr Ashwariya Raichand - She is the doctor who saves lives but her own life is upside down. Her parents died in a car crash when she was just 10 years old. But her father brothers didn't let the NGO' s worker take her away and raised her as their own. And they have never ever let her feel that she was an orphan until one day . That day everything changed. Kilian Knight - A man of his words and figure which is feared. People like to stay away from him because becoming his enemy is the last thing which anyone wants. A betrayal from his best friend has shaped him like this. He has the perfect life which is the dream of millions, a multi-dollar company, a loving family and a troublesome sister. Everything is in place until love decides to knock on his door of heart! Let's dig in and find what twists and turns their life took? Did their road of love had ups and down or was it smooth like butter?

WriterQuilt1605 · Urban
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14 Chs



I was at my parents mansion and was waiting for my them. They went for a walk and I came to get my father signature. I am going to open an orphanage of his name. My dad always dreamt of opening it but due to financial reasons he wasn't able to do that.

My dad was an employee in a multinational company and I also have worked there for two years but left that job as I decided to open my own company. Finally I saw my father and mother entering through the mansion door.

They were holding hands and coming toward me. My parents always displayed their love by simple gestures. They always told me that if a person who truly loves you will always be with you, no matter what condition you are in. That person will accept you the way you are, no condition applied.

I always believed that because my parents are the best example of it. My mom was diagnosed with stage one breast cancer when we were small although she recovered from it after one year but my dad met with an accident which left him bed ridden for two years. This lead us to huge sea of debt. But after I joined the same company in which my father used to work in a very good position due to my degree and we managed to pay of the debt but it took us one year. And the next year I started saving so that I can open my own company.

"Kilian, what a pleasant surprise!" My mother said and I rolled my eyes. Although I came to meet her once in every ten days she always like I have come after ten months.I got and gave both of them hug before I sat down on the sofa. Then I explained that why I was here.

"You are going to open an orphanage of my name!" Dad asked and I nodded.

"Although how hard times were, you never declined any of the wish we made so I would like to repay for what you done for me and Sofia" I said and dad eyes started to get moist.

"You have raised the kids well, Lily" He said to mom. My dad never forgets to compliment my mom.

"You also helped me. So you are also the credential of it!" My mom said and this is my mom, who never forgets to acknowledge my dad.

But acknowledgement and compliments also the secret to healthy relationship which I learnt from my parents. It's not like they never argued ar had disagreement. They had there fair share of arguments but they used to calm themselves before it could get worse and then used to sort the problem out. I also learnt from them that anger could only make a situation worse and calmness would help you to come out of it. Then I showed the paper where he should sign and when he was doing it, my mom phone started to ring.

"It's Sofia!" She said and picked it up.

"Hello dear. How are--- what happened, Sofia? Why are you crying?" She said and got up from the sofa.

"What happened?" My dad asked as he started to worry.

"First, calm down and tell me everything" She said and we patiently waited for her answer.

"Don't worry! We are coming!" She said and hung up the call.

"What happened, mom?" I asked before dad could question her.

"Ashwariya has met with an accident!" She said and I felt like thunder hitting me.

"What!" Dad exclaimed and then she explained everything. Then we all drove to the hospital. My heart was like thumping and it felt that it could come out anytime. How could she can be careless. Why didn't she save herself to.

Thousands and thousands of thoughts were coming in my mind and all revolved around losing her. I didn't even confessed my love to her. God please don't be so cruel to me and snatch her for me.

It took us fourty minutes to reach the hospital but I felt it took us one year. My dad questioned the receptionist and she told that they are on second floor. We rushed there and found Sofia sitting on one of the chair and crying.

"Sofia!" My mother exclaimed and then she lifted her head and saw us.

" Mom!" She said and got up to hug mom and again she started to cry. Mom tried to calm her but running her hand through her hair.

"Everything will be alright!" Dad said, trying to stop her from crying. And finally after five minutes she stopped crying and gathered herself.

Then the doctor came out of the ICU. We all rushed toward him. My dad questioned the doctor. And that time only prayers were going in my mind.

"She has minor injuries here and there but the injury which is on her head was pretty severe but don't worry she is out of danger but you all need to take good care of her as any types of stress or anything can affect her health" the doctor said and mom assured the doctor that Ashwariya out most care would be taken.

Then the doctor informed that they are moving her in the ward but I told them to move them in the VIP ward of the hospital. And then the nurses transferred her to the respected room.

"It's was ally fault! If I would have been more careful then this wouldn't have happened" Sofia said and again breakdown. Mom again consoled her but in all this I was silent and didn't spoke anything because I didn't have the strength. I only wanted Ashwariya to open her dark chocolatey orbs eyes as this would be the only thing which can assure me that she is okay.

After that a nurse came in and informed us that only one of us can stay and the rest of us have to leave.

"I will stay" Sofia said before I could say anything.

"You are not in the condition to be left alone as we don't know when again you will break down so I will stay" I said, reasoning out and mom and dad agreed because I was right. Sofia wanted to argue but mom and dad took her with them. She needs to gather herself.

After that they left, I pulled the chair toward the bed and sat on it. I took hold of one of Ashwariya hands.

"Please wake up and prove that doctor was right. Wake up as that only bring peace to my heart!" I said and I didn't knew when I fell asleep.


I woke up when I felt something was running through my hair. My eyes instantly shot up and my gazed clashed up with Ashwariya eyes.

"Are you fine? Or do I need to call the doctor?" I said as this was the first thing which came in my mind.

"I am fine but I need a glass of water! " She said and instantly went toward the table where two bottles were kept and I picked one of them and handed it to her. She drank the whole bottle in three gulps.

"Where is Sofia? Is she fine?" She asked and that's when I lost my patience.

"She is fine but why didn't you save yourself? Do you know what I went through when I heard that you met with an accident! It was like thunder striked me and ground slipped through my feet. You know I finally found the person whom I falled in love with but was on the verge of loosing her. You........" I was saying when she interrupted me.

"You love me?" She asked. Shit! I didn't intended to confess to her like that but now what can I do.

"Yes! I love you more than I love my life!" I said as this was only option. Because I am not someone who stay in denial after know my emotion and feelings. Then I saw her eyes getting moist. No, no I didn't intended to make her cry. I went and cupped her face and wiped the tears with my pad of my thumbs.

" You don't need to reciprocate my feelings. Y..." I was saying but she kept her finger on my lips. The next sentence she said made my heart skip a beat.

"I love you too!"


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