

Bakugo hates soulmates with his entire being. He hates talking about them ,seeing them , basically anything to do with them. So when he finds out the girl he has dreams about is his. He isn't to happy,but will risk his life over his pride ? Katsumi is normal girl in normal world. No powers ,no soulmates. So when she wakes up with blood on her hands and a totally different place. She doesn't know what or who to believe.

Katsumi_333 · Fantasie
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25 Chs

Chapter Nineteen

Katsumi woke up to an empty bed and the sun shining in her eyes through the window.She yawned and looked around . She saw on Bakugo's alarm that it was still very early . She sat up and headed for the door . She'd probably had to get ready for school . She opened it , hearing silence as everyone was still very much asleep . She walked down the stairs and headed for her room to get dressed . She had to make sure she was quite for everyone who was sleeping . She opened her door and found everything still in its place . She sighed and closed the door behind her . She headed towards her closet and took out her uniform , putting on her bed . She began to undress and got ready for school . When she was done she stared at Bakugo's hoody . She picked it up and looked it over with a smile . She folded it up and it put in her closet for later . She walked out of her room with her bag on her shoulder and down the stairs . She stopped when she was by the kitchen door . She could smell an amazing aroma . She walked in and found Bakugo busy at the stove . She went up behind and looked at what he was doing . He glanced at her but continued what he was doing . "Can I have some ?" She asked pointing to the food he was making . He tch'ed and she took that as a yes . She went to the counter behind him and jump up , sitting down on it . She swinged her legs back and fourth . "So … where were you this morning ?" She asked shyly . Trying to his face . "I was out training" he said . "Oh " was all she said . "Why ? Did you miss me ?" He said and smirked at her . Her face heated up and she looked away from him . "Maybe …" she said quietly . She watched as he grabbed two plates and began to plate the food . She stared in awe , she felt the drool in her mouth . The food looked delicious .She grabbed her plate and took the first bite . When it her tongue she immediately moaned in happiness . She took another and gulped it down . She looked up at Bakugo who just stared at her with wide eyes and a blush on his face . Her face turned red and she looked away . She took another bite and continued to eat in silence . She kept stealing glances at him . But it stopped when he groaned and looked at her with furrowed brows . "If you got something to say , say it " he said sounding annoyed . She blushed more and glanced away . "I- It's nothing " She said and took another bite of food . He groaned . "Women " he mumbled under his breath but she could hear him . She didn't know if her face could get any redder . But it felt like it .

Time skip ~

Katsumi walked home after school and training . Bakugo is busy practising for the concert . They only had a few days left . She opened the door and walked to her room . She went to the bathroom to take a shower . When she was done she put on her extra clothes from her bag and headed to her room . She went to her table and began with her home works .

Some time later ~

She layed on her bed , her book she bought a few days ago in her hand . She tried to read , key word tried . Her mind kept going else where . At the moment she was reading the same sentence over and over again . She put her book down with a sigh . With no one here , she had nothing to do . It wasn't like she had a phone or anything . So she after she had done her work and training , she had nothing to do . Heck the only way she knew date was because of class . She looked at her ceiling and layed her arm behind her head . She thought of her time here so far . The only time she felt remotely happy was when … when she was with Bakugo . He actually made her feel alive . Like she was actually fighting for a reason . With no friends or family . He was her light in all her darkness . She smiled as she pictured his face . She was so lost in thought that she didn't hear someone calling her name . She only came to realisation when she felt someone pick her up . She looked around . She was on someone's shoulder . She didn't know who's . The person held her up by holding her back . The person took her too the dinning room , where she saw the faces of her class mates in shock. She was pretty sure , she had the same look on her's . She was sat down on a chair . She looked up to see a angry Bakugo . "Bakugo ? What are yo-" she couldn't finish as he shoved a spoon into her mouth . She automatically ate the substance on it as he pulled the spoon out. She got a surprised look on her face when it touched her taste buds . She gulped it down."what was that ?" She asked pointing to the spoon in his hand . Forgetting what happend . "That is your dinner , and if you don't eat yourself . I'll shove it down your throat " he said , his voice sounding calm but he had a serious look on his face . She wasn't phased by this as she took the plate by him . She took the spoon out of his hand and ate .

"Hey , that was mine " he said looking at her angry . She looked at him with pleading eyes , looking like a hungry puppy . He groaned and went to get his own . She smiled and continued to eat happily . He came back and sat in the chair next to hers . He began to ate his own . She smiled at him and pecked him on the cheek . Bakugo froze , his spoon mid way to his mouth . His face turned red . She didn't notice as she was busy eating . Denki burst out in laughter at Bakugo's expression . Everyone except the Bakugo's friends look confused . They didn't know that Katsumi and Bakugo were a lot closer now . "So , Katsumi . Are you going to sleep in Bakugo's room again tonight ?" Denki said wiping his eyes . Everyone gasped while Kirishima hit him on the shoulder . " You weren't supposed to say anything , dumbass " Kirishima said to him through gridded teeth . Katsumi's face was read with embarrassment . Bakugo put his hands on the table and slowly stood up . "Kaminari " he said in a calm tone . Denki got a terrified look on his face . "I'm going to kill you " he said . Denki didn't waste any time and ran away . Iida went after them ,trying to get order. " You slept in his room ?!" Ururaka said standing up as well . "Well technically , he slept in her room as well " Mina said . Katsumi snapped towards her . " Ashido !" She said angrily . "Oops , sorry " she said nervously . " You slept in each other's room !?!" The entire class yelled . Katsumi looked at them nervously. "… Maybe " she said quietly . Deku fell over , he fainted from surprise . Ururaka went Katsumi and bombarded her with questions . While Todoroki checked if Midoriya was ok .Katsumi sighed ' this is going to be a long night ' she thought nervously .