
c h a p t e r t h i r t y e i g h t



"I'm fine, I'm fine." Draco murmured as he ran his hand through Hermione's hair. The girl was crying into his lap, muttering something about 'never scaring her like that again'.

"How do you feel?" Blaise asked, handing him a glass of water. Draco took it from him in his other hand and took a sip.

"I'm fine." he shrugged. Blaise still looked slightly hesitant as he sat in one of the chairs by the table.

"Mate, you came back from the dead... Are you sure you feel fine?" "I said i was fine, Blaise. I just need some rest or something."

Blaise eventually managed to pull Hermione away by reminding her what Draco said about needing to rest. Although reluctant, Hermione agreed. She wanted him to heal more than she felt the need to be selfish.

When Draco was alone, he looked down to see that his wounds had almost healed. He let out a sigh of relief and tried getting off the table, groaning when it hurt him.

He shut up and heard Hermione do the same in the living room. "What's wrong?" Pansy asked. Hermione just let out a small laugh which was followed by a sigh, "The bond. He's in a lot of pain."

Draco looked around the room and considered his options even though he knew what he had to do.

"I'm sorry, Hermione." he muttered, apparating into his Manor.


"Draco! What happened?" Narcissa asked, walking into the drawing room. He was standing in the middle of the room in his unbuttoned, blood-soaked shirt.

"Jamie Dolohov happened." Draco replied, taking a step closer towards his mother. She gave him a questioning look. "The one that says he's an aspiring dark wiz-?""Don't finish that sentence. Yes, him."

Narcissa crossed her arms and sighed. "Why did you come here, Draco?" she asked.

"I need to know something." "Fine, you can ask me anything." "Are you and father soulmates?"

The woman froze for a few moments before clearing her throat, "You look hurt. You should get some rest."

Narcissa turned around to leave but Draco grabbed her hand. "Answer me, Mother." he said sternly. Narcissa pulled her hand away from his grasp and carried on walking.

She was almost out of the doorway when she paused and glanced behind her. "No. We're not but that's a story for another day." she said, no emotion in her voice.

"You've been putting this off for the thirteen years! How many more will it be until you tell me the truth?" Draco asked with exasperation.

Narcissa pulled her wand out of her dress robes and turned around, throwing a hex at her son. Draco fell onto the floor, barely dodging the spell.

"Will you stop pestering me if i tell you?" she spoke, anger evident in her voice. Draco opened his mouth to speak but no sound came out.

Instead, he scrambled up from the floor and nodded, following his mother into the dining room.


"Your tea, Mistress Malfoy." said the house elf, handing Narcissa a cup of tea. "Thank you." she muttered, stirring the liquid with a spoon.

"There was a time when your father wasn't so obsessed over blood superiority." sighed Narcissa, looking up at her son. Draco furrowed his eyebrows and propped his chin on his elbow.

"During his time at Hogwarts, he fell in love with a muggle-born witch. I'm sure you can imagine what sort of problems could arise from that." she continued.

"They realised they were soulmates a year after they graduated. Their love was kept fairly low-key as Lucius couldn't have his father finding out his only son was a blood traitor. I suppose that's why he reacted so badly to that Hermione girl.

My soulmates name was Edward. He was an incredibly lovely half-blood wizard but he died a long time ago. He wouldn't have been accepted anyway so I suppose it was for the best. However, your grandfather found out about Lucius and tried to fix his mess by using me."

"He made you sign a binding marriage contract, didn't he?" Draco asked. Narcissa sighed and nodded, "Yes, he did. But i'm afraid that's not the worst part."

Draco's face became paler as he took a deep breath in and nodded at his Mother to continue.

"Your father was... unfaithful for a period of time when the contract bond wasn't that strong." she said, taking a sip from her cup.

"Meaning what, Mother?""He got his soulmate pregnant." "Pregnant with who?""Pregnant with you, Draco."


Blaise excused himself as he stood up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen island. He picked up a potion that was there and took it to the sink where he filled a glass with water.

He poured some of the potion into the water and used a spoon to stir it, walking back over to the couch when he was done.

"Can you give this to Draco, Hermione?" he asked, handing her the glass. Hermione stayed where she was as she hesitated slightly.

"Doesn't Draco need his rest?" she glanced down at the potion. Blaise sent her a smile, "Yes, but he needs this potion more."

Hermione jokingly rolled her eyes and nodded, getting up to make her way towards the dining room.

She knocked on the closed door, knocking again when nobody answered. "Draco?" she called out.

Still, nobody answered.

The girl sighed, knowing she'd have to wake him up which is something she didn't really want to do. She knew that sleep was key but what use what it be if he didn't get any?

Hermione thought about it for a few moments, opening the door and walking in when she decided it was for the best.

However, Draco wasn't in the room.

Her eyes scanned the whole area but he definitely wasn't there. "For god's sake Draco, can't you sit still?" she muttered, walking back out into the living room.

"He's not here." she said. Pansy and Blaise looked up, both furrowing their eyebrows.

"You mean he's g-""Yes he's gone but i know where he is.""Where?""At his bloody manor."


damn plot twist

this is so badly written but i'm so tired gaH i'm sorry

i had dinner with my godmother tonight and me and her daughter fangirled over draco. it was great

i'll try write up a longer chapter tomorrow, i hope you have/had a great day