
c h a p t e r t h i r t y s e v e n



"I have a problem, Hermione." Harry said and soon as he entered her apartment. She raised her eyebrow and stood up, "Is everything alright? Where's Draco?"

Harry started pacing and ran a hand through his hair, "That's the problem. He was taken away and i don't know where he is."

The colour from Hermione's face drained away an she sat down on the couch. "What do we do?" she asked, starting to panic.

"There's nothing we can do, not by ourselves anyway." said Harry. She was about to reply when suddenly, she felt as if somebody had stabbed her in the chest.

She screamed out and fell backwards onto the couch, clutching her stomach. Blood started seeping through her clothes but when she lifted her shirt, nothing was there.

"Draco," she gasped, "the sensory bond. Draco's in trouble." "Sectumsempra." Harry mumbled, kneeling down by the girl. Hermione looked up slightly, still breathing heavily. "What?" she muttered.

"He was hit with Sectumsempra. I know what it looks like, it happened in sixth year."

Hermione sat up, still clutching her stomach. "I know where he is." she gasped. The question 'where?' had barely left Harry's mouth when Hermione had grabbed his arm and abruptly apparated the two of them out of her apartment.


"Draco." Hermione whispered, running up to his body. He wasn't conscious but he was still breathing, barely.

Harry got his wand out and looked around the cellar, turning to Hermione when he found nothing but the cauldron. "Take him to his apartment. It isn't safe here." Harry said. "What if he gets splinched?" she asked, holding onto Draco's hand.

Harry shook his head. "We'll have to risk it." he sighed. A tear left the corner of her eye as she nodded and wrapped his arms around her shoulder.

"What's all of this n- oh trust bloody Potter to come save the day." Jamie said as he walked through the door. He looked past Harry's head and raised his eyebrow at Hermione.

"Ah, Hermione. Be a dear and tell the those Slytherin lovebirds Jamie says hi?" he asked sweetly, a smirk tugging at his lips when Hermione scowled.

Harry turned to her and jerked his head, "Hermione, go. I'll take care of this."

"Oh, a challenge! I love it Potter, keep it up." Jamie said, pointing his wand at Harry. Hermione shook her head and pointed her wand at Jamie.

"Now." Harry said sternly. She paused for a few moments to consider her options but apparated Draco into his apartment when she saw Jamie about to cast a curse at him.

"The fuck happened to blondie?" Pansy questioned, walking into the corridor. "Where's Blaise?" asked Hermione, ignoring her.

"Right here. What happened?" he said. "Sectumsempra happened." Hermione replied.

Blaise nodded, "Put him on the table, i'll go get my potions." With help from Pansy, the two girls managed to put Draco onto the dining table.

Hermione sat by him and ran a hand through his hair. "You're going to be okay." she muttered. "What happened?" Pansy repeated, placing a hand on Hermione's arm.

She looked up with a blank expression and sighed, "Draco and the aurors were on some sort of mission and this Jamie guy took him and hurt him."

"Wait, Jamie?" Pansy repeated, sending her a demanding stare. Hermione shifted rather uncomfortable in her seat for a few moments before nodding.

"That son of a bitch." Pansy muttered, sighing when Hermione sent her a questioning glance.

"Jamie Dolohov. He was a teenage death-eater like the rest of us. Never liked Draco because he always got Voldemort's attention even if it wasn't for the right reasons." she explained.

"Alright, i have the potions, Can you take his shirt off, Hermione?" Blaise asked, walking into the room. She looked away from Pansy and nodded, undoing the buttons of his shirt.

She had to look away when she saw the big slash across his torso. "Oh my god..." she muttered as Blaise got to work.


After Blaise did the best he could do, he left Draco to rest and suggested Hermione waited for him to wake up.

Draco regained consciousness soon enough and woke up gasping for air. Hermione grabbed his hand and placed her hand on his forehead in an attempt to calm him.

"Draco, Draco shh. You're fine now." she whispered. His gaze flickered all around the room but it didn't land on her, not once.

"Please don't touch me." he whispered flinching slightly when Hermione raised her hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "Please, father. Don't do this." he mumbled, attempting to scramble away.

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows as she leaned over his body. She grabbed his shoulders, attempting to shake him awake.

"Draco, you're just dreaming. Wake up." she said, feeling slightly desperate.

Draco stopped moving around and his breathing slowed down. Hermione sighed and sat back down in her seat.

"You were the key to my redemption, Hermione." he muttered, laying completely still. "What? Draco, wake up."

He didn't wake up. In fact, she wasn't sure if he was even breathing.

"Draco? Draco wake up." she said a little louder, shaking his shoulders.

He didn't even stir.

"Blaise!" she yelled, placing her head on his chest to see if his heart was beating.

It wasn't.

"Oh my god." she whispered, silent sobs raking through her body. Blaise ran into the room, Pansy following closely behind. "What happened?" he asked, gathering different potions in his arms.

Hermione shook her head as tears stained her cheeks. "He was dreaming or something. Talking about Lucius, waving his arms around everywhere." she explained, clutching onto Draco's shirt.

"Then what?" Pansy pushed, placing a hand on Hermione's shoulder. "Then he just stopped moving." she whispered.

Blaise's face was emotionless as he kneeled down beside Draco's head, lifting his head slightly to allow him to swallow the potion.

They all sat around the boy, waiting for him to move. The atmosphere was tense and silent, waiting for something that wasn't going to happen.

"He can't be bloody dead!" Hermione said, a wave of tears washing over her. Pansy thought that it was painful and pitiful to see her like this.

Although she never talked to her at school, Hermione always seemed to be smiling. Even during the war.

Pansy brought the girl towards her in an attempt to comfort her, prepared to let her tears to soak through her favourite shirt but Hermione didn't allow it.

She broke free from Pansy's grasp and threw herself on Draco's body, her body shaking with short and sharp sobs.

Hermione clutched the bloody material of Draco's shirt in her fists, not knowing whether to be mad or to just give up hope.

"Wake up. Wake up, Draco." she whispered. Blaise looked away and Pansy could feel herself blinking away hidden tears.

Hermione couldn't feel his pain anymore. All she could feel was the distant buzz in her chest.

It was over.

They knew it was over.

Until Draco sat up abruptly, gasping for air.


wow this was intense

did the last part class as a cliffhanger? sorryyy ‍♀️

i'm currently in moscow dying from the heat. also pro tip, don't walk 21km in sandals. it hurts a lot to walk after that :'))

Soulmates is really starting to set off now. 12k people have already read it and my writing doesn't deserve this ?? thank you so much

school is starting in like 2 weeks and i'm not sure how often i'll be able to post but i'll try my best :))

i hope you have/had a great day