

dude died and resurrected in a new world. He becomes a soulmancer who is really not into trusting others in this new world. 'Definitely going to be R18 and similar-ish to my previous novels'

MangoSuper · Andere
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10 Chs

Chapter 1

2 years ago a bunch of people just appeared in the wilderness, people who appeared came from all around the world, some were summoned while others were resurrected from the dead, everyone appeared alone and healthy, some appeared in the forests or rivers while others in caves, while they were still trying to figure out what was going on a blue semi transparent screen appeared in front of everyone.

<Please choose a difficultly>




Extremely Hard


Most still hadn't figured out what was going and didn't go crazy didn't choose anything beyond Hard, a few chose Extreme while a couple chose Extremely Hard, people who had made their decision was given a single task based on their difficulty, at that time nobody knew but the tasks were based on the persons mindset and what they were like, so somebody who was a thief would get a task about stealing something and depending and his difficulty it would range from steal a lollipop to stealing from a dragon's den, it also depended on their physical ability, a fat person who chose Easy would have easily gotten the task to steal a lollipop compared to fit person.

After getting their task people suddenly had a goal started to move around and meet other people, some died from monsters while others from other people, most who chose Easy and Hard managed to complete their tasks within 3 or 4 days while those who chose Extreme and Extremely Hard took a week to months to complete their tasks, eventually some people formed groups and found an empty village and settled there and formed a community around the village, the only person who completed Extremely Hard appeared and took over the village as the village head and managed the village to the current date.

Over the course of 2 years many other people appeared in this land and completed their tasks or died trying to. The mortality rate for Easy and Hard was very low, the reason why it was low and not non was because some got unlucky and died from monster or they were killed by others, otherwise it would have a 100% success rate. Those who chose Extreme had a much higher mortality rate around 75%, they tend to die to their target task then other people. Those who chose Extremely Hard had a mortality rate of 99%, only 1 person survived so far and he is the village head, of course over the years people have taken to challenge the difficultly but they were either killed by monsters or assassinated by orders of the village head if he felt they were threatening enough. As for those who chose Hell, well it is 100% mortality rate with no one managing to survive, all died to monster, the reason why no one bothered to kill Hell taskers even including the village head was because there was no need to, they were bound to die if they ventured to complete their task, hell taskers who eventually learned of this was thankfully even a chance to lower their difficult to whatever they wished for and this was given only to the Hell difficulties.

Of course this is all recorded history, some chose to keep quiet about their task difficulties while others lied and they had a very good reason to, because when their task was completed they were given something related to their task and their difficulties. Some were given abilities while others objects, some got a sword while others got swordsmanship, some was given mana while others had magical objects.

'History class is over, more will be explained as we move on-author's note'

'JK History class is still not over LOL'

Our MC for this novel is John Weston, prior to being resurrected to this place he was an orphan who wandered the streets until he was captured for slavery but some how managed to climb the ranks and became the one to manage slaves, with more freedom and trust, he was given access to a computer which he used to complete orders on the dark web but also became a weeb after watching anime and movies too much, eventually a FBI bust happened on his location and he was killed in a middle of a shoot out with a hole in his head.

When he awoke of course being a weeb he thought he had isekai'd and he was right, the blue screen appeared and asked for him to choose a difficulty, instead of selecting one right away he sat down and contemplated which to choose eventually settling on Hell, the given task was to find materials and make an object, it was vague and looked too simply for a hell task so he just left it be and started to scream inventory or status or swiping his hands up and down, eventually he just stopped when he realized that the world he was in wasn't a game based world.