

monster_frightwolf · Fantasie
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7 Chs

chapter - 3 Betrayal

In the heart of the chamber, bathed in a soft, golden glow, rested the object of their quest—a magnificent holy sword. Its blade gleamed with an ethereal light, and the hilt was adorned with intricate carvings, hinting at the ancient power that lay dormant within.

The men in white robes stood in awe, their reverence for the sword evident in their hushed whispers and reverent gazes. Dan, too, felt the weight of the moment, knowing that this was the very reason he had been hired as their guide, and that his inborn ability as a treasurer had led them here.

Their triumph, however, was short-lived. As they approached the sword, the chamber trembled, and from the depths of the castle emerged a colossal golem, its stone body looming menacingly over them. The men in white robes were undeterred; they had prepared for this moment.

One of the men displayed a remarkable talent—he could mold the very surface underfoot, creating barriers and platforms to shield them from the golem's attacks. Gib, another member of their group, possessed the ability to teleport, enabling him to strike at the golem's vulnerable points and evade its crushing blows.

The remaining men in white robes revealed their unique abilities as well. They coated their weapons in a special substance derived from their inborn talents, enhancing their effectiveness against the formidable foe.

Meanwhile, Dan took on the role of distraction, hurling sun booms to limit the golem's movements and deploying a binding chain to restrain its colossal limbs. With each well-coordinated attack and defensive maneuver, the group edged closer to victory.

After an intense battle, the golem's stone form began to crumble, and it collapsed into a pile of rubble. The men in white robes stood victorious, their gazes fixed on the holy sword, their ultimate prize.

While they admired the sword, Dan's keen eyes caught sight of a wooden box nestled in a corner. Curiosity getting the better of him, he approached the box and lifted its lid. Inside, he found a golden weapon known as a chakr and a peculiar, shimmering link stone.

Dan's true inborn ability as a treasurer granted him knowledge of how to use the artifacts he encountered. As he touched the chakr, it began to emit a soft, golden light, and a rush of understanding flooded his mind. He realized that the chakr was a life-long artifact, meant to work exclusively for its chosen wielder until their life's end.

A newfound connection surged through Dan, as if his very soul had expanded. He whispered, "A life-long artifact," his voice filled with awe.

Suddenly, Gib appeared behind him, a wicked gleam in his eye as he plunged a blade toward Dan. "Such a pity," he hissed.

The other men in white robes had left with the holy sword, leaving one man behind, who had a different plan in mind. He had instructed Gib to deal with Dan and take care of the rest.

But as the blade neared its mark, Dan swiftly crushed the shimmering link stone in his hand, closing his eyes and focusing. In the silence that followed, he heard a distant, haunting wolf's howl, echoing through the castle.

Gib's attack missed, and he staggered back, bewildered. Dan, his soul now connected to something ancient and powerful, had unlocked a newfound strength within himself. 

Gib and his comrade, having narrowly escaped the castle's depths, retraced their steps through the winding corridors and treacherous maze. They emerged from the castle's entrance, their hearts still racing from the encounter with the golem and the acquisition of the holy sword.

As they approached the castle's gate, they were met by a guard, his uniform adorned with the insignia of the church. The guard's demeanor shifted as he caught sight of the card the men in white robes presented, a card bearing the unmistakable symbol of the church.

Without a word, the guard rushed to a nearby panel, his fingers flying over the controls. A bright, electric blue light engulfed the gate, and with a soft hum, it began to shift and transform. It transformed into a portal gate, leading not to the outside world, but to the very shop where they had initially hired the Treasurer.

The men in white robes exchanged glances, their mission seemingly complete. With the holy sword in their possession, they were ready to return to the church and report their success. The guard nodded in approval and gestured for them to proceed through the portal gate.

As they arrived at the shop's reception, a woman named Rose greeted them with a warm smile. "Welcome back," she said. "I don't see Mr. Treasurer. Where he is?"

The men in white robes nodded, a sense of accomplishment in their demeanor.  One of them replied. "He will be here shortly. He's gathering the spoil."

Satisfied with their response, Rose motioned for them to wait in the shop. The men found a comfortable spot and settled in, the holy sword resting beside them, a symbol of their successful quest.

Outside, the portal gate hummed softly before flickering out of existence, leaving no trace of the castle behind. As the minutes ticked by, the anticipation in the shop grew. They had achieved their goal and completed their mission given to them by church.

The men in white robes couldn't help but wonder about the Treasurer, the young man who had guided them through the labyrinthine castle. His actions, his newfound connection with the life-long artifact, and the strange, distant wolf's howl left them with more questions than answers.

  As they left the shop with the holy sword in tow, they couldn't shake the feeling that their lives had become inexorably entwined with the enigmatic Treasurer and the incident took place in Golden labyrinth.