

monster_frightwolf · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter -4 The Unseen Bond

As Dan lay in the chamber of the golden labyrinth, his eyes slowly fluttered open. To his astonishment, the wound that Gib's blade had inflicted upon him had vanished completely. It was as though the pain and injury had never existed.

Confusion filled his mind as he scanned his surroundings, trying to make sense of his situation. He turned his neck to get a better view of the chamber and, in doing so, saw the lifeless body of the man left behind by the group. The shock of the discovery sent shivers down his spine. There was no apparent cause for the man's death, and Dan couldn't discern what could have caused it.

In his momentary relief at not being harmed, Dan let his guard down. However, that was a grave mistake. In the blink of an eye, he realized that something was terribly wrong when he felt a strange sensation on his back. Turning around abruptly, he was met with the unexpected sight of a wolf, its eyes locked onto his own.

Terror surged through Dan, and he let out a piercing scream, attempting to scramble away from the wolf's looming presence. His heart pounded in his chest as he struggled to put distance between himself and the enigmatic creature.

At the sound of Dan's scream, the wolf stirred, and its eyes met his once more. To Dan's bewilderment, the wolf didn't react with aggression. Instead, it howled softly, a mournful and eerie sound that echoed within the chamber.

"Why are you scared?" the wolf spoke, its voice echoing in Dan's mind. "We are linked, you know."

Dan's fear was replaced by sheer astonishment as he realized that he could hear the wolf's voice, not with his ears, but in his thoughts. It was as though they shared a telepathic connection.

Dan's mind raced as heard linked does that mean my soul size increased by 1. The existence of the link stone and the mysterious being it summoned were secrets known to very few. It was said that whatever could be achieved with one's linked mate was unachievable by any other means.

"Who are you?" Dan finally managed to stammer, still unsure if he could trust this creature.

The wolf replied, "I am the reflection of your soul, the opposite of what you are. I am your linked mate. Call me by my name, Nivar."

Dan's mind reeled at this revelation. Nivar, his linked mate, was a being connected to him through the link stone. Their destinies were intertwined, and their connection held the potential for unimaginable power and possibilities. However, with power came great responsibility, and Dan couldn't help but wonder what challenges and mysteries lay ahead as he navigated this newfound bond with Nivar.

Nivar, the wolf-like being connected to Dan through the mysterious link stone, gazed at him with curiosity in his ethereal eyes. "What led you to this, my partner?" he inquired, his voice a calm and soothing presence within Dan's thoughts.

Dan took a deep breath, realizing that he needed to share his story with his newfound companion. Their lives were now bound together, and there was no hiding from the truth. "I come from a small village," he began, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "In my village, there were expectations of strength and achievement that I struggled to meet. I took this job as a guide, a Treasurer, to become stronger, to prove myself."

Nivar listened attentively, understanding the weight of Dan's words. The journey they had embarked on had not only been a physical one but also a personal and emotional quest for Dan.

With a sense of closeness growing between them, Dan couldn't help but be curious about Nivar's origins. "Tell me about your home," he asked.

Nivar's eyes seemed to shimmer with memories as he replied, "My home planet is a place where giant beasts like me roam freely. It is a world filled with creatures and landscapes that are beyond your wildest imagination."

Dan couldn't help but be taken aback. He had just faced a colossal golem in the castle, and yet Nivar implied that his home planet was even more extraordinary. "How can you fall short compared to them?" Dan asked, his curiosity piqued.

Nivar's response held a touch of humility. "Physically, I am indeed stronger, but in terms of soul size, I fall short. My soul size is only one, whereas many of the beings on my home planet have larger soul sizes."

Dan's mind raced as he tried to grasp the concept of soul size. "But you killed a man whose soul size was three," he pointed out. "How is that possible if you're physically stronger but have a smaller soul size?"

Nivar chuckled softly, a sound that resonated in Dan's thoughts. "I won that battle not solely because of my strength but because of strategy. I used a sneak attack from behind, catching my opponent off guard. And when the man in white tried to heal himself, I threw the healing potion on you instead, which is the reason your wound healed."

Dan's mind buzzed with newfound understanding. The battle in the chamber had been a test of not only physical strength but also cunning and resourcefulness. The concept of soul size remained a mystery to him, but he was beginning to appreciate the complexities of their shared world and the powers that linked them.

As he continued to converse with Nivar, Dan couldn't help but feel a growing sense of camaraderie and intrigue. Their bond, forged through the link stone, held the promise of shared adventures, challenges, and a deeper understanding of the universe they inhabited.

After a brief moment of rest, Dan and Nivar rose to their feet, ready to continue their journey. They made their way back to the ancient elevator that had brought them to the surface of the castle.

As they descended in the lift, Dan's voice broke the silence. "There's a saying," he began, "to never show your whole deck."

Nivar tilted his head in curiosity, his wolf-like eyes fixed on Dan. "What do you mean?" he inquired.

Dan glanced at his belt, which concealed a bag-like pouch. "You see this bag that looks like a belt?" he asked, waiting for Nivar's nod of acknowledgment. "It has a unique property. It can store living beings. If you enter it, nobody will even notice you. My black hoody can hide your presence."

Nivar's eyes widened with surprise and intrigue. The bag seemed to possess a remarkable and mysterious power, one that could prove invaluable in their future endeavors. Without hesitation, he leaped into the bag, disappearing from sight, though he could still hear and see everything that Dan did.

From inside the bag, Nivar asked, "Where are we going, Dan?"

Dan's voice echoed around him, and he replied, "We're going to take revenge."

Nivar's keen senses tingled with anticipation. Revenge was a powerful motivator, and he understood that this mission would bring them face-to-face with challenges, dangers, and perhaps even the answers they sought. With their newly forged bond and the enigmatic powers at their disposal, they embarked on their quest with a shared determination that was stronger than ever.