
Soul Gourmet in Custom Made Demon King

help me write a synopsis for my story

Sigma_Pug · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter Three

Ramos... This name contains Power.

Meaning it is a part of his True name.

It is probably not that useful for me because it is too little to get me any advantages against him.  The True name of a demon gives a person power over that demon.

Speaking of true names, Ramos told me his, although it's not even the whole thing, this means he's confident in killing me if I betray him. I have to be careful.

"It seems I was wrong about you. Your intelligence isn't that developed."

'Your mother's intelligence isn't developed, you f**king turd.'

I directly insulted him knowing he would hear me.

"Still, you can still be of use. Follow me, bug." He commanded while snickering at the end when he called me a bug.

'Well this little bug is going to poke his big ass finger up your ass, Motherf**ker.'

I followed him as he went out of the cave, I quickly went to him to protect myself from the dangerous demons that saw me as food.


As the centipede followed the demon Ramos, many demons crossed their paths. Ramos showed his Phenomenal strength to exert his dominance over the sentient centipede.

All the souls from the low-stage demons were all offered to the centipede but then the demon Ramos would take it away before it could devour it. Ramos laughed at the centipede as it cluelessly searched for the soul before concluding that he was pranked. He felt like his entire existence was just for Ramos' entertainment.

Although Its humiliation never ended while he was around Ramos, he would receive the corpses as a reward for the entertainment he gave the demon. All he ever got was the worst part of the demon's body, the parts which Ramos didn't like, or the parts which tasted bad.

Slowly, the centipede got used to this life. He accepted his fate for what it was and lived on. Besides, was his life on earth any different? There he was bullied by the corporate bosses, here he was bullied by a demon.

As the days became weeks and weeks became a month, the centipede realized he was giving up and he accepted this fact. He was used to this type of treatment. He was worth nothing then, he was worth nothing here.

And as time passed, the demon Ramos started trusting the centipede more. Now, he would let it defend him while he slept whereas before he was always on guard around the centipede.

He would get all the souls of the demons that he had killed while guarding the demon. Although the centipede itself didn't notice, it was getting stronger and Ramos was concerned about this. Soon, it would reach a stage where it would pose a threat to him and his ascension but that day would not be near for a very long time as far as Ramos was concerned.

For now, it would keep on being his jester till the day it had become a threat.


As the demon Ramos was sleeping, some low-stage demons would try and kill him. Today was different, it had been 5 days since the demon Ramos began sleeping but had not yet awakened. While in his slumber, there seemed to be small changes that occurred in his body. Its horns were becoming thicker and curving. Its size was becoming bigger and taller. Its muscles were beginning to increase in size.

It seemed that the demon was evolving or transforming into a high-stage demon.

'It's getting stronger and bigger. And I still haven't gotten stronger. I can only kill low-stage demons, even before I became the demon's slave I could only do this much...' the centipede thought to himself. 'Wait... I didn't realize till now. How have I been killing these low-stage demons? My physical strength hasn't changed but now I can defeat low-stage demons quickly not like before. I've changed. But how?'


A month quickly passed away and the centipede had found the answer to his question. It seemed it had awakened his magic power and was unconsciously using it to strengthen itself. If it could find a way to manually utilize this power it would serve him useful in his escape plan.

On several occasions, he would ask himself why he couldn't just escape while the demon slept, before reminding himself that he had been forced to sign a contract with the demon Ramos.

It stated that I would have to be his slave for me to keep on living. I couldn't escape nor could I harm him.

I had to either kill him or trick him into making the contract null.

There's only one choice where I am in the profit.

I need to kill him but he can't feel pain or it would be breaking the contract.

I need to use my poison but I can't extract it from my mouth on will.

I have some time before he wakes, I need to figure out something in that time frame.


I have an idea but I don't know how to go about it.

I may have found another way to forcefully undo the contract.

There was only one way I could get what I wanted fast enough.

I need to become a high-stage rank and force myself to break the contract.

It's too difficult and I can't reach that level of power in just a few days.

I need to find another way out.

I'm hungry, I can't think at my best like this.

Huh... Hungry, Dinne-

EUREKA!! I got it! It was so obvious.

I need to give Ramos a meal for when he wakes up.

A meal that he will never forget.

WuHaHa Wuhahaha....


Did I just make a sound? I made some noise.....

I can finally..... make a creepy laugh like Orochimaru.




I need to find a demon that tastes good. I remember Ramos liking the fruits of the plant by the volcano.

I have to find either a worm demon or a bird demon.

He seems to like their meat because he keeps mentioning that he regrets not eating me before as he loved the meat of my fellow species.

I can probably find the fruit by a mountain and a bird demon might be in the area.

Two birds with one stone.


As I traveled through the upper abyss, I saw many demons but none that I needed. Worm demons could be found In the underground caverns of the underworld. Though it might be tough considering a normal adult worm demon was the size of a 50-meter statue and this is taking into account that it is a low-stage one. A bird is a worm's natural enemy. It's like the old saying "The early bird gets the worm" or something like that. A hell fruit is always protected by some mid-stage demon.

What do I do now?...

I could potentially find another way but… I was out of good ideas.


It seemed that fate had given me many bad ideas for a reason as I quickly found a 'Bad' idea worth considering.

Operation Last Supper was a go.


I watched the Guardian of the hell fruit tree and found that it was a werewolf-like entity with many hands and three penises. Yeah, I know weird. Anyways I closely gathered info about. I followed the demon's movements but that also meant I saw him pee and poop. I guess these are just normal occurrences in the underworld. Can you imagine having three dicks hanging below your waist while it was hard?

I respect you wolf demon guy with three ding dongs.

Anyway, I also realized a problem with my plan of getting a fruit from the demon.

I couldn't speak to it like a normal person since my voice box is non-existent.

I have to think of another way.




Maybe… Ramos might just be satisfied by a mid-stage wolf demon with three dicks and a final hardon.

But it would be difficult even with a magically enhanced paralysis poison. I need science for this one. I remember studying something called biomagnification.

If I act according to that I should be able to easily kill the wolf.

I need to first poison the things he eats then poison him. That should increase the chances of my poison stopping his heart from beating.


I slowly killed many low-level demons and compiled them in a hidden cave. Now I was standing before the wolf demon's favorite delicacy. A sticky slime frog. I was a ginormous frog that was ten times my size.

It was peak low stage nearing mid-stage demon. I was just a small low level that hadn't even reached the mid-stage. So that is why I gave tributes to it.

I would feed it all the low-level demons that I had killed after I had infused it with my poison from head to toe.

The demon was a bit dumb so did not think of me being suspicious and thought that I feared it. It thought I was bribing it to not eat me. Idiot. In a few days, my poison will corrupt you and you will be presented as a present to the wolf demon.


The day after the frog started relying on me for food, I immediately attacked it while it was distracted.

The frog was a peculiar demon. Its skin had a coating of slimy adhesive substance that could even trap a mid-stage demon. If a demon was to get stuck on it, it would be trapped. But I had a secret weapon. I would poison it with my fangs and use my long body as a rope-like thing to escape its sticky slime.

  So I did just that.

But it did not turn out how I would've liked.


I launched myself onto the frog and purposely got stuck on it. The frog was startled and fell crashing onto the uneven coarse underworld ground.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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