
Soul Eater: Realm of Divinity and Chaos

Sitting by the fiery pot, Abaeze’s eyes gazed at the seemingly ever blazing flames, he had seen it flare up many times when they got a few visitors in need of escape from reality not knowing the situations they were getting themselves into. He sat in a shrine that looked to be older than a century but provided his childhood memories of playing with curses and magical fortunes that he had always been told by his guardian. He believed all of them for he did not know how the outside world was like and only knew what he was told by his adoptive mother although thinking about it now, his worries were like the flames, ever burning and knowing his final place with hell wouldn’t help either for he knew being introduced to a practitioner of witchcraft would only have one final destination but he did not want that fate, he wouldn’t settle for it and messing with objects and things he did not know got him reincarnated in another realm but with terrible consequences. Different country, different Realm, different life necessities.

revolt_loss · Fantasie
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7 Chs

A voice.

Nine years had passed in a blink of an eye. Jacob was now a ten-year-old who had continued growing ever so fast as he always looked one year older than his actual age. Of course, ever since Jacob had gone on a trip with Caspian, he had never gone out of the mansion ever again as the furthest he had reached was the garden at the back of it. The maids had finally been able to get a look at the heir of the Brown Fortune.

Most of the time, they would stare at the sheer handsomeness of the lad. His red eyes seemed to pierce through any object by a single gaze and as he got older, his personality just got more charming as his wits grew all the more. Caspian never wanted Jacob to grow up as a spoiled lad who thinks the world revolves around him just because he had money. On the contrary, Jacob only got a weak allowance of 100 tessils. This was more than enough as he could only start school at fourteen and all the meals were already at home so money was basically used by Jacob for saving.

On a particular morning, Jacob walked out of his room dressed respectfully in his normal attire of a button long-sleeved shirt with a goldcrest and blue trousers. He walked down the stairs and only upon reaching the ground floor, did he feel an insatiable hunger. His stomach growled ever so loudly as if it could shake the foundation of the mansion.

He ran up the staircase as fast as he could before he attracted any maids. He had been told so long ago about his race and all the attributes that come along with it. He had experienced these pangs of hunger before but none has ever been as painful as this. It felt like his hydrochloric acid was instead burning his stomach walls while the walls were also eating themselves. Upon reaching his room, he tried casting a sound detaining spell that had been taught by Caspian but it was all too difficult as he was in immense pain and didn't have enough concentration to pull through with it.

He let out a loud scream of agony as the pain had become unbearable. Gathering all the concentration he could gain, he cast the "Consciousness enhancement" spell as it was one of the weakest spells that didn't need as much concentration. As the last words came out of his mouth, a red mist escaped his hands and was inhaled by him. This spell could keep one's consciousness in place even under the conditions of fainting as one could still hear his surroundings. The reason for Jacob casting this spell was invulnerability as he didn't want anything else to be done to his body without him knowing.

He soon after lost consciousness due to the immense pain.

[Soul Eater System synchronizing]

[Synchronizing completed]

This was what he saw before he went into a sleep that will hopefully relieve him from his pain. In his consciousness, Jacob was in a white room that only had a single chair. He tried moving different body parts but nothing happened. He sighed in relief as he now was sure his spell had worked. Pondering on what should be done now, he remembered what he saw before he passed out. A couple of words, only two sentences, red in color.

He decided to completely ignore it as his imagination could have gotten the better of him. Concentrating on his hearing ability, he could finally listen to what was going on on the outside. He had some light shuffling and soon, a soothing feeling went throughout his body. After some time, he slowly opened his eyes as he woke up.

[Soul Eater System Initiated]

[Host: Jacob Brown]

[Host Race: Soul Eater]

[Vital Points: Duodenum]

[Health: Unstable]

[Injuries: Stomach walls, gullet]

[Infused Magic Stones Regeneration Points(IMSRP): 37/ 43]

[Curing vital points]







[Vital organ (duodenum): restored]

[IMSRP surplus: 23/43]

[Other injuries: Stomach Walls, gullet]

[Would Host like to use surplus IMSRP points to restore injured organs]

Jacob: "..."

In his view, he saw a red screen and heard a peculiar voice that startled him a bit. This particular screen showed a 3D image of a man about his height with red dots signaling to show his injured organs. Along with this image was given diagnostics of how long he could sustain these injuries before he is put in Fatal circumstances. His eyes looked like the world had lied to them.

This world did not have any technology whatsoever and Jacob didn't have any memory of it either. Looking on, he almost lost his mind thinking that he had been cursed. Alongside his bed, Caspian sat looking at the dazed Jacob. He had heard screams from the lad's room and immediately came over. Looking around, he found an unconscious Jacob lying on the floor thus he immediately got a soul stone but seeing that he was unconscious, he crushed the stone and instead made Jacob inhale it.

"How brainless can I be?" he scolded himself as he thought that he had forgotten Jacob's due date but if only he knew he was wrong. Jacob's due date was only a week away and the horrendous stomach pains had been due to an entirely different situation. He tried to heal him but there was no change in his condition.

"Shouldn't he be awake, he has already eaten the soul stone?" he thought nervously.

He put the boy down on his bed and started healing him again and again hoping for results and just as he had finished healing for the umpteenth time, Jacob slowly opened his eyes but he looked dazed. Thinking there was something wrong, he shook the boy a bit and by that, Jacob looked at Caspian with eyes filled with confusion.

Sighing, he saw that nothing was wrong and decided to call a maid. He had been in urgent matters before this incident and really needed to get back as the maid would be here in a few minutes.

Seeing Caspian walking off, Jacob paid attention to the screen in front of him and the monotone voice in his head. He tried to sit up but at that moment, a sharp pain conquered his abdomen, he winced at the pain and fell back in his original position.

[Injuries becoming unstable, System advises Host to use IMSRP to cure injuries before they become fatal]

Jacob didn't have a choice, this had to be a curse as he had never heard of anything called a system before but even though it was a curse, he didn't want to die.

"Yes," he thought still wincing at the pain.

[Using IMSRP to cure injuries]

[Stomach walls...]










[Host body stable]

[IMSRP surplus: 3/43]

[Magic gathering and infusing commencing...]







[IMSRP surplus: 43/43]

A sudden feeling of rejuvenation came of Jacob as the pain in his lower abdomen ceased and his weakness disappeared but one thing was apparent to him, he had to be under a strong spell., strong enough to pierce through the defenses created by the mastrix stones although he did not have an idea of who would be as powerful. He carefully got out of bed and walked over to the showers. After a bath, he dressed up in his usual attire and headed to the library to see if he could find any other knowledge about the voice in his head.

After a short while, a maid appeared through the door but looked around dumbstruck as no one was present in the room. Confused, she left and shut the door behind her.

"I am surely certain that this was the location Doctor Caspian said the young master was admitted to," she thought confused by the situation.