
Soul Eater: Realm of Divinity and Chaos

Sitting by the fiery pot, Abaeze’s eyes gazed at the seemingly ever blazing flames, he had seen it flare up many times when they got a few visitors in need of escape from reality not knowing the situations they were getting themselves into. He sat in a shrine that looked to be older than a century but provided his childhood memories of playing with curses and magical fortunes that he had always been told by his guardian. He believed all of them for he did not know how the outside world was like and only knew what he was told by his adoptive mother although thinking about it now, his worries were like the flames, ever burning and knowing his final place with hell wouldn’t help either for he knew being introduced to a practitioner of witchcraft would only have one final destination but he did not want that fate, he wouldn’t settle for it and messing with objects and things he did not know got him reincarnated in another realm but with terrible consequences. Different country, different Realm, different life necessities.

revolt_loss · Fantasy
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7 Chs

As fast as it came

Minutes turned to hours as Jacob sat in the library devouring knowledge, book after book he scanned, reading it but all was in vain and useless. No information existed about a voice in his head or a system. If anything, they just confirmed his worries.

"Curse Logic Eternal" he mumbled reading the golden words imprinted on the book's cover. The book itself was as thick as a finger as for its height, it was twenty centimeters. Thus an inner struggle began. Opening this book would mean being introduced to all the theories and the chances that he could in fact be cursed but by letting it be, he would remain ignorant and would be kept away from the answers by his naivety.


His eyes glittered with a new found bravery, let it be as it is, if he was indeed cursed, at least there were chances that there was an individual within the kingdom that could cure him or better yet, his own guardian/uncle.

Opening the book, he was greeted by masses of all sorts of images, contorted and horrendous. The book that Jacob had picked out was a book that displayed all curses known to man to the dot. A truly abhorrent sight but as soon as he went passed the first page, the book automatically closed almost snapping off his hand.

Honestly, Jacob didn't know whether to laugh or cry. After gathering all the courage to open the book, it closed simultaneously. What a tragedy?

Exiting the library, his facial expression looked like that of a person scared out of their mind, his only source of information had been locked away from him. The book known as "Cursed Logic eternal" had actually cost the Brown Family quite a lot of money as it had actually been over five hundred thousand tessils. This was more than any individual or household could earn in a span of ten years. Because this book was so valuable, some of the elders of the Brown family decided to cast a spell that could only allow a person of bishop arc or higher to access it. It was already a wonder that Jacob could find it in the library better yet open it for a full two seconds.

Dejected, he headed downstairs. He was extremely hungry as he had missed breakfast and spent hours in the library so naturally, his stomach was growling.

He headed down the stairs with steady steps. He walked to the kitchen where he found a maid and politely asked her to make him a meal.

She bowed in exchange and promptly started making Jacob a meal.

An hour later, an almost deranged Jacob sat at a large table filled with plenty of seats. The hunger had long since got to him and if didn't get anything to eat, he would change personalities in a blink of an eye. Seeing the maid coming in with plenty of platters was looking like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

"Magnificent" he mumbled.

He watched the her put the meals carefully onto the table while the maid was feeling very uncomfortable under his gaze. He started eating with a fork and a knife in both his hands patiently waiting for the maid to take her leave.


As soon as she headed out the door, every spec of table manners that was left within him disappeared within a blink of an eye as he gobbled the food without need for a fork. He didn't know that he had been this hungry but yet again, he didn't care. After he ate his full, his stomach felt like it would explode from its tight confinement.

Settling in his room, he decided to get back to what he was originally worried about.

"System" he called out in his mind.

In return, he didn't get a response and nothing showed up in his view. "System" he called out again. Again, he didn't hear or see anything. He didn't know whether to rejoice or sulk. The disappearance of the system ruled out his original hypothesis of him being cursed but on the other hand, it had healed him when he felt weak and he could tell that it held so much power within it and that's when an idea came to him, more of a guess actually.

The system had never shown up before and it had only shown up when he had got the terrible stomach ache healing all the damages that had been done to his body. "It only came when I was in dire need of assistance" he mumbled.

This left him with two options, wait until it would show up again or injure himself to force it to show up again. "But what if it didn't" he thought generally confused. If a scenario like that happened and the system didn't show up, he didn't even want to think of the consequences although the idea was still tempting. In the end, saner heads prevailed and he chose to wait instead. Besides, he would get his "Tattoo magic differentiation test when he was fourteen, hopefully it would be back by then.

He couldn't help but laugh out loud. Minutes ago he thought he was cursed and going crazy, and now, he wanted the system back, maybe there could be a chance he was going crazy.


A red-haired boy who looked twelve years old sat in a library with more than a dozen open books laying open next to him. Sitting silently in the room, he sighed as it dawned on him that a year had passed by and he was still waiting. Was his hypothesis wrong?


"At this rate, I might resort to hurting myself" he lightly chuckled. He once again focused on the book in front of him which held information about how the world of Mastery worked, that is the power arcs, spiritual beast levels and some martial art technics as these were not something that one would get without a lot of tessils.

Reading through it for the umpteenth time, he got a summary of how these arcs worked.

The Power arcs went as follows:

Priest Arc (Soul Unification)- This is a stage where a personnel would go through filling his/her soul with infused magic starting from the outlines heading towards the center which would result in contours being formed. During this stage, one would be considered to be at the shallow stage of this arc. The middle stage consisted of one filling these contours with nature's magic which was quite a task as one would need to rest in intervals to prevent his soul from cracking from over exertion of pressure until it gets used to this kind of magic. The peak stage would require one to connect the contours so that no lines were left to distinguish them. By the time one broke through this from this arc, one would be at least thirteen years old as they could only feel infused magic at ten.

Messenger Arc: This arc would need one to start transmuting crystallized magic through out his body system down to every vein. Sources of crystallized magic were magical ores and the less reliable but recommendable, thorns. The thorns produced by a special magical plant could help infuse the magic to one's system and the pro to this is that the thorns had a mechanism as they would only push out magic to the right parts of the blood stream where as usually one would need to look for those parts themselves which would be difficult. The con to this was that this mechanism was slow and if one could master the process, it would be a lot faster than using thorns. This arc would also lead to the emersion of tattoos over one's body once one had just broken through, these tattoos could later be tested to bring out different colors to show if one's potential and if one could be most suited for a spellcaster route or a realm explorer route.

Usher arc (Magic Refinement): This arc needed one to refine the particles of magic that were now within their system which would take at least a period of twenty years to finish the process. This arc would determine the kind of beast one could bond with.

Bishop arc: This arc was one that only a handful of people could be capable of reaching and this stage would give one an almost never ending supply of magic to conjure spells depending on the point he has reached in this arc. It would need one to spread particles from his spirit into nature to get a constant supply of magic. The number particles one could send out depends on the threshold one has reached in this arc.

Angel arc-

Seraphim arc-

Little knowledge was known about these arcs as only a handful had ever made it to one of them, and those were not known as they had only kept to themselves and hid in the shadows.


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sorry for late update

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