
Soul Crown

"Born into this world with a bare soul, he embraced the bloodline of the werewolf, crowning it with glory."

Kevin_Cianci · Fantasie
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100 Chs


The Dustless Shield is a relatively simple spell designed to draw surrounding natural forces to form a protective barrier around the caster. This shield's absorptive power also attracts nearby dust, which has led some mages to use it as a cleaning spell, thus the name Dustless Shield.

It provides good defense against blunt weapons and swords and can also serve to isolate toxic gases, but it is less effective against arrows. Overall, it's an excellent spell for beginner mages due to its practical utility.

The spell matrix imprinted in the spellbook represents the spiritual structure of the Dustless Shield. By aligning one's spiritual power to this structure and using a special technique to resonate with natural forces—akin to sucking water through a straw—the spell activates.

Some spells, like Dustless Shield, only require a spiritual nudge to activate, while others need specific vibrations, which is where incantations come in. Some advanced spells also need particular casting materials as catalysts.

"The structure is not complex, but my spiritual power might not be sufficient," Adam thought as he observed the spell imprinted by Anthony in the spellbook.

Having just condensed the Nether Soil, most of his spiritual power was used to maintain its expansion. The small amount he could spare was enough to command the birds but insufficient for casting spells.

Most professions advise against engaging in combat at the initial stages as it significantly delays progress to the next stage.

To Adam's surprise, as he opened the door to fetch water and wash up before heading to the Reflection Tower for study, someone was already waiting outside.

A person Adam hadn't met before bowed as he saw Adam and placed a gift box in front of him.

"Master Adam, I apologize for the abrupt visit. My lord was in a rush yesterday and couldn't prepare a gift for you. Please accept this token now."

The man held the gift and glanced to the side, where a carriage stood with a driver beside it, who also bowed when Adam looked over.

"My lord noticed Master Adam's travel difficulties yesterday and arranged a carriage at your disposal," the man said politely.

Adam was a bit surprised and recognized the crest on the carriage—it belonged to the noble who sought Alva yesterday.

"Did they investigate my identity so quickly?" Adam pondered.

The noble seemed unwelcome by Alva and had a request for him. They probably didn't know Adam's relationship with Alva was tenuous at best and now purely nominal.

This gift was likely both a bribe and an investment. Adam had two choices:

First, to refuse the gift, which would please Alva, as the noble, though annoyed, would not trouble Adam out of respect for Alva.

Second, to accept the gift, gaining immediate benefits. Even if the noble knew Adam and Alva weren't close, they'd invest more if Adam demonstrated his mage abilities. The downside was Alva's increased displeasure and Adam being marked by the noble.

Naturally, Adam chose the latter, accepting the gift with a polite smile.

He chatted briefly with the man, who left on another carriage after declining Adam's invitation to stay.

"What's your name?" Adam asked the driver, a seemingly honest man with calloused hands and a neat appearance.

"Macallan Ender, sir. Any orders?" the driver responded promptly.

"Can you fetch a bucket of water from that well?" Adam asked, smiling warmly, a smile that etched itself into one's memory.

No one could refuse such a smile.

"Yes, sir," the driver replied, immediately taking the bucket and heading to the well.

Adam withdrew his smile, tapping the carriage's wooden beam, looking at the brown horse.

"Harboring ill will towards me?" Adam's heightened senses detected the driver's concealed animosity, unlike the gift bearer, who found Adam likable.

"Is it jealousy or a family feud?" Adam wondered, opening the gift box to find a card signed by Doug Rome Alfred, along with pastries, various store vouchers, and a pouch of money.

Adam handed these over to Maggie, who was bustling about. He didn't need these items for now.

The neighbors, up early, noticed Maggie looking more energetic, even bringing Aris a bottle of wine, claiming it was a gift from a nearby shop, though she paid for it later.

News of Adam's success spread quickly through the neighborhood by morning.

As Adam boarded the carriage, he felt numerous gazes upon him, the attention of his neighbors palpable.

Adam maintained his smile, basking in the admiration and envy. Who wouldn't enjoy being celebrated for their success?

However, he understood the foundation of his status and his ultimate goal.

"Sir, to the La Tour house or the South District church?" Macallan asked quietly.

"No, to the central clock tower," Adam replied, noticing Macallan's fleeting surprise.

"This driver is definitely suspicious," Adam thought, subtly shifting his aura, touching the spellbook in his pocket and closing the front curtain, tapping the seat rhythmically.

Macallan felt a chill down his spine, sensing a stable yet oppressive force weighing on him.

A driver's status depended on whom they served. For instance, Doug's driver, Walker, was highly trusted.

Though Doug had investigated Adam, an external driver shouldn't know too much or inquire about Adam's destination.

"He wants to know my relationship with the La Tour family," Adam deduced.

"Perhaps a visit to the Rome family is in order," Adam thought, considering how noble assistance might aid his plans.

At the clock tower, Adam instructed Macallan to return at four in the afternoon.

Looking at the birds pecking at nearby trees, Adam smiled, pulling out the gold coin bound by a fine chain. Holding the chain, he let the coin dangle below his hand, using his spiritual power as he entered the clock tower.

This time, he noticed the chain hanging straight up as if in a suspended state.

With the coin descending, Adam found himself in the Reflection Tower.

He met Selene again at the entrance, her sky-blue hair now flowing freely.

"The master is still resting; you'll need to wait. You can read in the tenth-floor library but don't touch books with magical fluctuations," Selene said, carrying a tray inside and closing the door.

Adam sensed Selene's inexplicable hostility, fiddling with the coin. He didn't push it, heading to the tenth-floor library as instructed.

Most books without magical fluctuations were geographical maps or historical biographies.

As he walked past the shelves, Adam noticed a bookmarked book and pulled it out.

"The Chronicles of the Holy Sound Kingdom," Adam read the cover, opening it to the bookmarked page.

"The Holy Sound Kingdom, Year 1396... forty years ago?"

"Earl Ronny of the Kingdom of Loken disappeared near the border of the two kingdoms. Using this as a pretext, the Kingdom of Loken launched the first Northern Inquisition War against the Holy Sound Kingdom, leading to the complete enmity between the two nations."