
Soul Crown

"Born into this world with a bare soul, he embraced the bloodline of the werewolf, crowning it with glory."

Kevin_Cianci · Fantasy
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100 Chs

The Timeless Legacy

Adam's curiosity was piqued. He had previously researched the surrounding nations of the Holy Sound Kingdom, trying to find a route to escape to another country.

The northern region was heavily influenced by the Holy Sound Church and filled with natural barriers, making it a dead end where he would eventually be found.

The western country, although also a theocracy, had relatively developed transportation, making it the best route. However, the biggest obstacle to Adam's departure also lay in that direction.

This left the east and south. The east was across the sea, but the church strictly controlled the comings and goings of ships along the coast. The south was the Kingdom of Loken, with its tightly sealed borders and mutual hostility.

Going east meant easier boarding but difficult disembarking. Heading south posed the problem of getting through the border, but once crossed, reaching the Kingdom of Loken would be relatively safe.

Ultimately, Adam chose to come to Roya. He knew the Holy Sound Kingdom and the Kingdom of Loken were hostile, but he didn't know the exact reason for their enmity.

He hadn't expected that it was due to the disappearance of a noble from the Kingdom of Loken.

"This is just a trigger. The real reasons behind the war must be more complex," Adam thought, closing the book.

"But the name Ronny sounds familiar," Adam frowned, trying to recall where he had heard it before. If he had seen it casually, it might not have left a deep impression.

Soon, the door opened, and Anthony walked in, looking pale and unwell. Despite his condition, Anthony smiled at Adam and began the lesson.

Today's lesson continued on the topic of meditation, specifically the construction of Nether Soil, sharing insights and common mistakes people make.

Every word carried the weight of knowledge gained through the sacrifices of predecessors. Although Adam had a good talent, he couldn't ignore this invaluable experience.

"Nether Soil Meditation, after its construction, will further stimulate latent abilities in life, and this activation can also be used on other living beings," Anthony explained.

"Latent abilities?" Adam was puzzled, as he had mainly felt mental changes after constructing the Nether Soil, with minimal physical changes.

"That's because your abilities in this area are not latent," Anthony tapped the table. "Human charm consists of several components. First, there are basic conditions like appearance and physique. Next, there's the emission of life force. A person's life force forms a field that influences other life forms around them, including scents and other emanations."

"Then there's temperament, which is related to the soul."

"Nether Soil Meditation, derived from the deeds of Eve in the scriptures, portrays Eve as the mother of humanity, able to soothe crying children, command beasts, and make everyone love her. Her charisma could calm even the most furious person."

"Nether Soil Meditation has the effect of enhancing one's charisma. Nowadays, people use it to determine if someone is suitable for this meditation method."

"Adam, you inherently possess strong charisma without needing activation."

"As your Nether Soil Meditation progresses, your charisma might further enhance, eventually forming an extraordinary charm trait."

Adam finally understood why Anthony and Selene had such high charisma. It seemed charisma could indeed be enhanced through meditation.

"What effects does extraordinary charisma have?" Adam asked. By adjusting his soul weight, he could amplify his charm to a qualitative change, possibly reaching or nearing extraordinary charisma.

"Extraordinary signifies a complete transformation. Once you condense extraordinary charisma, it will have effects similar to charm spells, even achieving results akin to spiritual language."

"You can use your charisma to influence everything around you according to your will."

"Extraordinary perception, on the other hand, allows you to enter a spiritual vision state when sensing related things. You can also perceive when someone is observing you from afar."

"If you have learned related spells, you can even trace back to the person who touched your traces."

"Trace back? Can you accurately locate that person?" Adam asked.

"It's difficult. You can only have a general sense of direction. This involves knowledge related to curse spells," Anthony replied. "I don't know much about curse spells. If you're interested, you can ask Alva, or I can provide some basic teachings later."

Adam was surprised. Was Alva familiar with curse spells?

He didn't press further and immersed himself in learning about being a mage.

Time passed quickly, and they took a break at noon. Adam went to the first floor to have lunch served by Selene.

Meanwhile, Macallan drove the carriage back to the Rome household, where he reported to the man who delivered the gift to Adam earlier.

The information was quickly passed up to Walker and Doug.

"The central clock tower?" Doug confirmed, tapping his cane. "Yes, that place is said to have been under Alva's sponsorship in his early years. It seems he has a mage lab there."

"Could the longevity potion be there?" Walker speculated. He had followed Doug to the La Tour house several times and secretly investigated but hadn't sensed anything resembling a longevity potion.

"Not necessarily. We'll send someone to check the clock tower later," Doug sighed. The current information suggested that both Alva and his servant, Ayer, had used the longevity potion, albeit at different times. This meant Alva had continued making the potion even after being expelled from the church.

Unfortunately, their information was mostly vague and couldn't be pinpointed accurately.

While Doug and Walker speculated, Macallan secretly met with Doug's son, Matt.

At almost fifty, Matt was already balding and slightly overweight. With a face somewhat resembling Doug's, he appeared somewhat imposing.

"That filthy commoner really took a book to the central clock tower?" Matt confirmed again, becoming increasingly impatient.

He had initially doubted his suspicions upon learning Adam was the son of a commoner with only a teacher-student relationship with La Tour. But now, his suspicions grew uncontrollably.

This morning, Alva went to the church to paint murals, but that filthy commoner did not go to the church or La Tour's house.

"Could the old man be teaching that commoner in the clock tower?" Matt's thoughts spiraled.

The clock tower had nothing. What was a commoner doing there all day?

If it was as he suspected, it meant the old man intended to replace him. After all, inheriting the noble crest required the right education, which Matt had received in his youth.

"I can't let this happen," Matt muttered, his anxiety growing. If he didn't inherit the family title, the best he could hope for was being thrown out. Without the Rome family's name, creditors would swarm him, tearing him apart.

"The ancient honor of the Rome family cannot be inherited by a bastard," Matt gritted his teeth. If not for the presence of others, he might have shouted it out.

"Keep investigating that commoner," Matt ordered Macallan.

His remaining rationality prevented him from acting immediately. He needed to confirm his suspicions.

"I also need to send someone to watch the clock tower, to see if the old man sends anyone there."