
Solo Protagonist(Project Zero)

Most people say that we are all the protagonist of our own story that's because they don't know the truth we have all been blinded with that belief with no hope of seeing the light but one day normal humans started to discover the truth about the reality that we are all side characters/ Npcs of someone's story which led to the creation of an organization called project zero who's sole aim is to get rid of all the protagonist to make all of us stand on the same road ,we follow the life of kaito who wants to join that organization and become the best In it's rank but fate isn't something you can leave aside read solo protagonist for a new taste of fantasy

RG_DARK · Fantasie
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34 Chs


"Control your own destiny or someone else will"

Jack welch

In the quiet solitude of his dimly lit room, the introverted Yui found solace among the shelves of books and the glow of his computer screen. With a penchant for escaping reality through fantasy novels and online worlds, he never anticipated that his own reality would be irrevocably altered.

One ordinary evening, the air in Yui's room crackled with an otherworldly energy. The hum of his computer and the soft glow of the desk lamp were suddenly overpowered by a blinding light that engulfed him. A mysterious force yanked him from his familiar surroundings, and the room's dimensions blurred into a kaleidoscope of shifting colors.

As the disorienting sensation of teleportation subsided, Yui found himself standing on unfamiliar terrain.

[Summon Complete,you have successfully summoned Yui]

[Void just summoned Yui]

Gone were the walls adorned with posters of fantastical landscapes; instead, there he was Void standing in front of him was void wearing a black atire and he told Yui "Welcome to my world I have summoned you because I want you to help me defeat a god" then Yui started to panic and took his inhaler and took a deep breath then he said " you forcibly kidnap me you take me here ,you now want to force your ideas onto me so that I help you"

Void then said" let's start a new ,hi my name is kaito fujimoto code name void and I summoned you to ask for your and to be clear I don't know how to unsummon you"

"At least I get a chance to live all the fantasy adventure I've read, watched but I have a question are we the hero of this worlds" said Yui

"Oh it's the opposite we want to become the villains"said kaito

"Oh ,Wow I ended up with a lunatic "said Yui

"Ok let me explain to you the rules of the game I'm playing with Hermes the Olympus god" said kaito

Void, with an intensity in his gaze that mirrored the complexity of the virtual battlefield, began explaining the intricate details of the strategy game to his otherworldly companions. "You see, Hermes, Yui, this isn't just a normal RTS game. It's a realm where strategy transcends the mundane. Resources are the lifeblood of our kingdoms, and every decision shapes the destiny of our virtual empires."

As Void delved into the nuances of resource management, base construction, and unit deployment, Hermes observed with a raised eyebrow, while Yui, with her characteristic practicality, commented, "Isn't this just like any other real-time strategy game?"

Void, undeterred by skepticism, continued, "Ah, but here lies the brilliance! The ebb and flow of alliances, the intricate dance of diplomacy, and the ever-shifting dynamics make it a symphony of strategy. Every move echoes in the grand tapestry of this virtual world."

Yui, still unimpressed, replied, "Sounds like a typical RTS game to me. Build, gather, strategize, and conquer. What's so different?"

Kaito, asked"what is an Rts "

Yui answered"You are describing the concept of real-time strategy (RTS) games, where players strategically build and manage armies over a period of time before engaging in tactical warfare against an opponent's base."

Kaito then had a sly smile"it's all good since you are familiar with this kind of games"

" Ok ,I will help you if you promise me to help me in return when I need it" said Yui

"I promise " said kaito

In the midst of the virtual chaos, Yui, with a keen understanding of strategy, found herself at Kaito's side, determined to fortify their base against the impending clash with Hermes. The digital landscape echoed with the hum of activity as she assessed their resources, unit composition, and defensive structures.

"Kaito, we need to optimize our resource gathering. Let's allocate more workers to the mines and ensure a steady flow of gold and stone. Efficiency is key here," Yui declared, her eyes focused on the virtual map unfolding before them.

Kaito, also known as Void in this realm, nodded in agreement. "Right, Yui. I've got the workers reassigned. What's next?"

Yui, ever practical, pointed to the strategic locations on the map. "We need to bolster our defenses. Strengthen the walls and position archers strategically. Hermes won't be easy to outmaneuver, but with a solid defense, we'll have a chance."

As they coordinated the construction of formidable walls and strategically positioned archer towers, Yui provided insights into unit composition and battlefield tactics. "Let's diversify our army. Infantry for frontline defense, archers for ranged support, and cavalry for swift maneuvers. A well-balanced force will keep Hermes on his toes."

Void, grateful for Yui's strategic guidance, implemented the changes with precision. "This is shaping up nicely. With these improvements, we'll be ready for whatever Hermes throws our way."

Yui's eyes gleamed with determination. "Indeed, Kaito. Victory is in the details. Now, let's make our stand and show Hermes that even gods can be outmaneuvered in the realm of strategy."

United in purpose, Yui and Void prepared their base for the impending clash, a formidable force forged through strategy and collaboration, ready to face the divine challenge that awaited them.

Void and Yui forged a pact. Void, the master of battles, undertook the responsibility of honing Yui's combat skills, while Yui, the strategic mind, focused on advancing the tactical prowess of Void's castle.

Void, with an air of solemn determination, guided Yui through the intricate art of combat. "Yui, in this realm, mastering the essence of primordial qi is crucial. It's the life force that flows through everything,it is the energy of creation although rare are those who can use primordial qi I can sense potential into you. Feel it, harness it. Let it become an extension of your will."

In the secluded realm where the echoes of primordial qi resonated, Kaito Fujimoto, known as Void, found himself assuming a new role—mentor. Before him stood Yui, determined eager to harness the cosmic forces that danced in the air.

With fewer resources and limited time, Kaito needed to streamline the process. The realm, a haven for those attuned to primordial energies, provided the perfect backdrop for Yui's initiation. Kaito began, "To wield primordial qi, you must attune yourself to the unseen threads that weave through existence."

Guiding Yui through focused breathing exercises, Kaito encouraged her to feel the subtle vibrations surrounding them. "Primordial qi is a harmony, an essence that connects all things. Sense it in the rustling leaves, the whispers of the wind."

Days turned into nights as Kaito introduced Yui to the elemental dance within her own being. "Imagine your body as a vessel," he explained. "Draw the primordial qi into your core. Let it mingle with your essence, forging a connection with the cosmic forces."

Yui's determination mirrored Kaito's own journey, her eyes reflecting the spark of understanding. As they delved deeper into the exercises, Kaito sensed Yui's connection with primordial qi strengthening.

The realm responded to their attunement, revealing its secrets through subtle shifts in energy. Kaito, now adept at guiding another through the process, witnessed Yui's growth firsthand.

One evening, as the celestial tapestry adorned the sky, Kaito and Yui sat in quiet contemplation. "You've made remarkable progress," Kaito commended. "Primordial qi is a dance—one that requires harmony with the world around you."

With newfound confidence, Yui stood, her movements guided by an unseen force. "I can feel it," she whispered. "The threads of primordial qi weaving through me."

As they continued their training, Kaito and Yui forged a connection not just as mentor and apprentice but as kindred souls bound by the cosmic forces that shaped their destinies.

[ 3 days remaining before battle]

*To be continued*

"Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved."

yo hope you enjoyed this is the second chapter of the day and for those who don't get it yet Yui is a girl and the name Yui is just a gamer tag

RG_DARKcreators' thoughts