
Solo Protagonist(Project Zero)

Most people say that we are all the protagonist of our own story that's because they don't know the truth we have all been blinded with that belief with no hope of seeing the light but one day normal humans started to discover the truth about the reality that we are all side characters/ Npcs of someone's story which led to the creation of an organization called project zero who's sole aim is to get rid of all the protagonist to make all of us stand on the same road ,we follow the life of kaito who wants to join that organization and become the best In it's rank but fate isn't something you can leave aside read solo protagonist for a new taste of fantasy

RG_DARK · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

The Clash

as the moon hung low in the sky, it's silver radiance cascading in the sky ,it was a perfect night for infiltration in the territory of an enemy ,Yui adjusted the straps of his backpack, feeling the weight of uncertainty settle on his shoulders. Void led the way, his steps purposeful, as they ventured deeper into the heart of this mystical realm.

as they approached Hermes territory they seen a huge blue-purple colored barrier that circled the domain of Hermes as kaito tried to touch he felt a large concentration of electric energy entering his body and throwing him few meters away, it was the first time that kaito felt such pure amount of electrical energy 

"hum ,i figured it would do that"said yui

"what you knew what was going to happen?"angrily asked kaito

"yeah,it's normally like that we are obligated to stay in our side and do our best to train our army"said Yui

"is there a way to bypass it?"asked kaito

"look "said Yui

there on the top of the barrier stood a countdown showing how many times remaining before the barrier breaks and the fight starts 


and yui says "not that I know most people use cheat codes but i prefer the loyal way"

"cheat"said kaito then he started to laugh "ahahhahahahhhahahah,you should have started with that"

shin'en 1st form void stride 

During the Voidstride, practitioners may experience profound insights, visions, or states of heightened awareness. They may perceive the underlying interconnectedness of all things or glimpse fleeting glimpses of cosmic truths beyond mortal comprehension.

However, mastering Voidstride is no easy feat. It requires years of dedicated practice, discipline, and spiritual refinement. The practitioner must cultivate inner harmony, balance, and attunement with the primordial forces of the universe.

Though the Voidstride technique offers the tantalizing prospect of escaping the laws of reality, practitioners must tread carefully, for delving too deeply into the void can have unforeseen consequences. It is said that those who lose themselves in the abyss risk losing touch with their humanity or becoming trapped in the endless expanse of nothingness.

Yet for those who master the art of Voidstride, the rewards are boundless. They become true adepts of primordial qi, capable of traversing the cosmos with unparalleled freedom and enlightenment, transcending the limitations of mortal existence and touching the ineffable mysteries of the universe.

then void was enveloped in a glowing light then walked slowly toward yui and touched Yui then yui got enveloped in the same glowing light as Void and they were able to pass through the barrier and attained the territory of hermes as they entered in the territory a sight unfolded before them a large numbers of warriors who were highly trained and each of them had control of primordial qi and qi pool capable of rivaling kaito's energy .

"How,how are they capable of using primordial qi?"asked Yui

kaito was impressed that now Yui was now able to sense other primordial qi users "they are armies controlled by Hermes, Primordial qi is energy of gods so they can share it as much as they want

they sensed that any more steps in the realm of Hermes would lead to their demise so they decided to turn back and strategise 

62 hours later,





"Ring Ring"

[all players be ready the fight is going to start 3,2,1]


[match begining now void and yui will be known as NovaBlade]

[Hermes will be known as Aegismaster]

The atmosphere was charged with tension as the two formidable warlords, "AegisMaster" and "NovaBlade," faced off on the battlefield, their armies poised for an epic confrontation. AegisMaster, commanding an army of unprecedented size, boasted a staggering 2000-fold advantage over his opponent, each soldier infused with the ancient and mystical power of primordial qi.

As the clash erupted, the ground quivered beneath the sheer magnitude of AegisMaster's forces. His legions, numbering in the thousands, moved with a synchronized precision that spoke volumes of their commander's mastery over both strategy and the arcane arts. Every soldier was a conduit of primordial qi, channeling its raw energy to bolster their strength and augment their combat prowess.

Across the battlefield, NovaBlade's forces stood resolute, facing the overwhelming might of AegisMaster's army with a steely resolve born of desperation and defiance. Though outnumbered and outmatched, NovaBlade's warriors refused to yield, drawing upon their own reserves of courage and determination to stand firm against the oncoming tide.

As the battle raged on, AegisMaster's legions unleashed a torrent of devastating attacks, their movements guided by the primal forces of qi that surged through their veins. With each strike, they rent the very fabric of reality itself, unleashing torrents of elemental energy that sundered armor and shattered stone.

Yet, for all their overwhelming power, AegisMaster's forces found themselves locked in a stalemate with NovaBlade's resilient warriors. Though vastly outnumbered, NovaBlade's troops fought with a ferocity and tenacity that defied all logic, their spirits undimmed even in the face of overwhelming odds.

In a desperate bid to break the deadlock, AegisMaster marshaled his forces for a final, decisive assault. With a deafening roar, his legions surged forward, their ranks bolstered by the pulsating energy of primordial qi. NovaBlade's warriors braced themselves for the onslaught, knowing that their survival depended on holding the line against the unstoppable force that bore down upon them.

[Nova blade Wins]

The battlefield was a realm of chaos and conflict, where the very fabric of reality seemed to unravel under the weight of impending doom. On one side stood the enigmatic duo of Void and Yui, mysterious warriors whose origins were shrouded in shadow. Opposing them were Hermes, the swift-footed messenger of the gods, and the War God, a relentless warrior whose very presence instilled fear in the hearts of his enemies.

As the clash began, the air crackled with tension, and the ground trembled beneath the fury of their footsteps. Void, a master of dark sorcery, unleashed torrents of shadowy energy that twisted and contorted the very essence of reality. Yui, a warrior of unparalleled skill and agility, danced through the chaos with grace and precision, her blades flashing like lightning as she struck with deadly accuracy.

Hermes, his movements a blur of speed and agility, darted across the battlefield with the swiftness of the wind itself. With each step, he left a trail of shimmering light in his wake, his celestial powers bolstering the resolve of his companion, the War God, whose mighty presence loomed like a specter of death upon the battlefield.

The clash between light and darkness, speed and strength, raged on with an intensity that defied description. Void's dark sorceries clashed against Hermes' celestial powers, the very fabric of reality warping and twisting as their energies collided. Meanwhile, Yui's agile strikes tested the War God's formidable defenses, her blades finding purchase amidst his impenetrable armor with uncanny precision.

Yet, despite their best efforts, neither side could gain a decisive advantage. Void's shadowy tendrils were matched by Hermes' divine light, and Yui's nimble assaults were thwarted time and again by the War God's unyielding strength.

As the battle reached its climax, a sudden surge of power erupted from the depths of Void's being. With a primal roar, he unleashed a cataclysmic wave of darkness that threatened to engulf the battlefield in eternal night. Yui, sensing the danger, threw herself into the fray with reckless abandon, her blades weaving a dazzling tapestry of death and destruction as she sought to stem the tide of darkness.

But even as Void's power reached its zenith, Hermes and the War God stood firm, their resolve unshaken by the encroaching darkness. With a burst of divine energy, Hermes unleashed a blinding flash of light that pierced the shadows and illuminated the battlefield with its radiant brilliance. And in that moment of clarity, the War God struck with all the fury of a thunderbolt, his mighty blows shattering Void's defenses and driving him to his knees.

"Finally ,we were able to absorb you gods powers"said void

as hermes grew weaker he couldn't sustain his territory and so Novablade wins