
Chapter: 18

Chapter: 18

I materialized outside the Hunter Association building and I realized that it was crowded with reporters.

"The hell," I muttered under my breath.

Looking over to my left I saw Jin-woo and I walked over to him.

"Jin-woo you know what's happening here?"

"I'm just as confused as you are."

"Sigh, alright let's go."

Jin-woo nodded and we started to push through the crowd of reporters as we made our way to the front we were stopped.

"Hey! Who are you with the association? Don't you see the reporters here? You can't just pass through them!"

"We have business with the association," Jin-woo said

"You can't enter right now. Go back to where you came from."

I stared at the bodyguard and the man behind him who were blocking us with a blank expression beneath my mask while simultaneously stopping Giratina from slattering him.

'Down Tina you can't kill them.'

"I'm going to rip their heads off."

'No, you won't.'

"On whose Authority are you trying to send them away?" asked a male voice

"Huh? Go… Chairman Go Gun-Hee?"

"These men are our guests. Mr. Lee Min-Sung, I'm sure you already know who allowed you to hold a press conference here?" Go Gun-Hee asked

"O-of course."

"Hunter Sung Jin-Woo, Hunter Void, let's head inside." Go Gun-Hee said guiding us inside.

As Jin-woo, Gun-Hee, and I walked along the hall of the association building we walked past Choi Jong-In and Baek Yoonho.

"They arrived here an hour ago and have been waiting for you since Hunter Jin-woo. You and Hunter Void are the first S-ranks in two years. Choi Jong-In must be feeling even more anxious since he has witnessed Hunter Jin-Woo's powers firsthand."

What did he do when I wasn't paying attention?

We entered a large room standing in front of us was a man in a suit wearing glasses and Go Gun-Hee stood next to the man.

"Hello, Hunter Sung Jin-Woo and Hunter Void nice to meet you."


"Nice to meet you." 

Before we start your re-evaluation, we'll confirm your abilities to confirm your class what kind of abilities can you use?"

"I can do something like this," Jin-Woo said summoning a shadow soldier.

"What!? Is this a summoned creature? Can you control these creatures?" the man asked.

"Hunter Jin-Woo, are you saying this is the full capacity of your ability?"

Jin-woo sighed and then summoned more shadow soldiers including Igris, Iron, and some I didn't know. That looked like orcs when he did everyone sensed the amount of mana that was being released.

"I can summon about a hundred more," Jin-Woo said.

"A-a hundred more no way?" the man said stuttering.

The man then turned his attention to me and asked still stuttering.

"W-what a-about you Hunter Void."

"Hmm well, it depends on the day really," I said as I snapped as hundreds of the Gates of Babylon and weapons started to emerge from the gates each leaking high amounts of mana.


"I'm not finished," I said.

Black lightning then bursted off my body. The heat and intensity of the lightning started melting the ground around me pointing my hand into the air as a beam of lightning shot through the roof leaving a large hole in the roof then a massive thunderstorm appeared a thin beam of lightning shot into the sky and emerging from the thunderclouds came a black Chinese dragon and if the people in the room with me hadn't known any better they would have thought it was really.

The look on Gun-Hee and Jin-Woo's faces was a look of complete surprise. I then flicked my wrist then dispelled the technique.

"I can do that and more," I said

I then turned to look at Jin-woo with a smirk under my mask as I turned back to Gun-Hee as asked.

"Mr. Gun-Hee is it ok for me to reveal my identity right?"

"It is up to you Hunter Void."


A golden light was emitted from my outfit and as the light died down it revealed me in my Glacial Sentinel Armor without my mask then I turned to look at Jin-woo and with a smirk on my face while waving I said.

"Hi, brother."

Jin-woo's eyes widened in shock as he stared at me, clearly not expecting this revelation. The room fell silent, the gravity of my words sinking in.

"Ji-Yoon?" Jin-woo repeated, his voice filled with confusion and surprise. 


"When? How?"

"I'll explain later."

Five minutes later

Jin-woo and I walked out of the room with our new Hunter Licenses I then placed mine in my top pocket and looked up. I saw Baek Yoon-Ho and Choi Jong-In.

"Hunter Jin-woo, Hunter….Void?"

"Hello yes, I am Void my real name is Sung Ji-Yoon this one's brother," I said pointing at Jin-woo.

"Can you spare us some of your time?"

"I'm sorry I still have something left to do," Jin-woo said starting to open the door.

"I'm also quite busy as well," I said.

"Huh? That exit is!"

"I wouldn't leave through there if I were you," Baek warned Jin-woo.

Of course, Jin-woo didn't listen and opened the door and walked through and as soon as he did he was met with a wall of flashing camera lights. I walked out to his left with a sigh.

"What is this?"

"I saw this coming."

Jin-woo looked at me and said.

"If you did then why didn't you say anything?"

"And miss the joke you mad?"

Jin-woo gave me a deadpan stare and I returned the deadpan stare with a smirk.

"It'll get tiring if you deal with them. Let's go, we'll you to your own place." Baek said placing his hand on Jin-woo's shoulder.

As he did Jin-woo and I vanished and appeared in the parking lot behind the crowd of reporters.

"I'm fine."

"That won't be necessary."

Jin-woo then walked away and I vanished once more this time teleporting away.

'That was fun.'

Chapter 18: End

AN: I have an old SCP fanfic/Novel I don't know what it's classified as. do you want me to post it yes or no mind you it was one of my oldest stories but if you want to see it comment yes or no.