
Chapter: 17

Chapter: 17

I silently sat in my dimension thinking of what to do it's been two days since I went back to the Hunter Association to do my re-evaluation and it went exactly how I expected it to go. I didn't bother to stick around after that, however. I sensed someone enter the dimension behind me.

"Master, we have found him."

"That's good thank you, Ariel you can go watch over your children now."

"Understood bye."

"Bye Ariel."

I got up and walked over to a lake peering into it.

"Come forth Giratina."

The lake darkened and rising from it was a giant, dragon-like being, with an appearance similar to that of a large sauropod. It has 6 legs, gold protrusions that look like external ribs, and golden horns on its head. Its neck has five red stripes and 4 black stripes.

"Hey Tina we are going to take a fly-through the main dimension."

Giratina released a slight screech before lowering her head. (Yes I refer to Giratina as female fight me.) I jumped onto her back Giratina spread her wings and roared creating a portal and she flew through. Emerging on the other side we were in the air.

"Alright, Giratina not too fast this is just a joy ride."

Giratina screeched/roared in acknowledgment and began to soar through the skies at a moderate pace. Looking down at the city below us I never realized how pretty it is to fly over Seoul at night

As Giratina soared gracefully through the night sky, the city of Seoul stretched out below us, a sea of twinkling lights and bustling life. The gentle hum of the wind was soothing, and the cool night air felt refreshing against my skin. The city looked like a sprawling web of interconnected lights, each street and building contributing to the intricate tapestry below. It was a stark contrast to the intense battles and training sessions I had been involved in recently. For a moment, I allowed myself to enjoy the beauty of the night.

Then a female voice spoke in my mind. "I will admit this dimension is beautiful."

"Finally deciding to talk eh, Giratina?" I replied, a smirk forming on my lips.


"oh don't be like that."

Giratina's voice echoed in my mind, her tone playful yet serious. "You want me to drop you?"

I chuckled, patting her on the neck. "Alright, alright. I get it. Let's enjoy the ride."

the flight was around 30 minutes long then after that I returned home landing on my roof I turned to look at Giratina.

"you can stay In my shadow if you would like you know Tina since it's connected to the Distortion world."

Giratina didn't answer but with a screech, she dissolved into shadows, merging seamlessly with my own. Teleporting into my room I sat on my bed deciding to go through my stats.

Name: Sung Ji-Yoon

Level: 86

Class: Absolute Being

Title: Creator

Hp: 500000

Mp: 1000000+ (100000)


Strength: 350

Vitality: 250

Agility: 300

Intelligence: 450

Sense: 200


Passive skill: 

-(Unknown) Lv. Max

Active skills

- Complete Arsenal Lv. 8

-Mana Archon Lv. max

- Ruler's Authority lv. max

- ShadowStorm lv. max

- The Gates of Babylon lv. max

- Arcane Artistry lv. max

- Transcendent regeneration Lv.3

- Rot Authority 

- Rotting Tundra lv. max

- Monarch Creation/Ruler Creation lv.8

-Skill collector lv. max

-Antimagic Evil Eye lv. max

-Warping Evil Eye lv. max

"I should probably max Complete Arsenal soon the more abilities maxed the better."

I glanced to my left and saw Rimuru in slime form.

"Hey Rimuru how long have you been here?"

"Since you left the dimension."

"oh really? huh, any way how have things been here?"

"Everything has been fine really."

"That's good, Where is Mio by the way."

"she's roaming for a bit."

"oh ok then. I'ma go get some sleep."

The Next Day

I found myself back in a place I hadn't been in a while a dungeon. It was an A-ranked dungeon like the typical dungeons it was a massive cave with mana crystals here and there fortunately it was a dungeon with multiple paths so I was separated from the rest of the hunting party which I didn't mind at all. from what I could tell it was a spider-oriented dungeon judging from the spider silk everywhere. Suddenly, a group of giant spiders emerged from the shadows, their eyes gleaming with hunger. I smiled the only reason I was here was to release some steam so the more enemies the better.

I clasped my hands together and as I parted them arcs of black lighting danced between them that slowly compacted into an orb the size of a marble. the orb shot off at high speed at the spiders.

"Electron Bomb."

the orb detonated in a brilliant show of black lightning which then turned into black flames shaking the cave and causing the ground to tremble. The spiders screeched in pain as the flames consumed them, leaving only charred remains behind. I continued my stroll through the dungeon I encountered some other spider monsters blocking my path. I activated the Evil Eye of Extinction and all it took was a glare and the spiders were wiped from existence. eventually, I came across the boss area which surprised me simply because I wasn't looking for it but I shrugged it off might as well defeat it since I'm here right.

As I walked into the area I saw what I assumed was the boss it was a massive spider two stories tall to be exact it was black a midnight with blood-red eyes.

"Wow look at this Queen Taratect wanna be. Alright, I'll indulge you, I'll fight you without magic just raw swordsmanship." I said opening a Gate of Babylon and pulling out Amaterasu.

Unsheathing the black katana I vanished in a burst of speed and reappeared in front of the massive spider, swinging Amaterasu with precision I severed one of its large legs with a clean slice. The spider screeched in pain and retaliated with a barrage of globs of poison. Avoiding them with practiced ease I severed another one of its legs with a swift strike. The spider, enraged and in pain, lunged forward with its remaining legs, attempting to crush me. I dodged and Jumped into the air above the spider then vanished once more reappearing in front of the spider I slowly started sheathing Amaterasu.

"Godspeed Ten Slashes."

As I completely sheathed Amaterasu the spider was cut into ten pieces in a blur of motion, each piece falling to the ground with a heavy thud. The cavern echoed with the final screech of the defeated spider, its massive form collapsing in on itself. Looking back at my handy work I nodded then used Rulers Authority to collect the Mana Crystal from the spider's remains and then strolled out of the boss area.

"That was a decent warm-up."

Chapter 17: End