
Solo Leveling In MHA

The day Izuku tried saved Katsuki changed his life. Even after All Might told him he couldn't be a hero, Izuku rushed into a villain fight to save Katsuki. Just before the sludge villain could get a hit in Izuku gets a message. !ALARM! [You have completed all the necessary requirements of the secret quest 'Courage of the Weak'] Follow Izuku as he levels himself up to become a stronger person and a better hero than All Might

AARYAN_PATHAK · Anime und Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 5: Boss Fight and Meeting New people

Izuku stares up at the monstrous spider and thought to himself. His dagger held tightly by his right hand. 'even though you are strong, I don't feel the pressure that makes me bow to it' Izuku crouches lowly. 'The Blue Poison Fang Rasaka, in the station dungeon, was strong for a boss. Even though it was an E ranked dungeon.' Izuku's grip got tighter. "in comparison to that snake, you are unbelievably strong." 

'but I'm not scared of your strength, that means I became strong enough to face you' A small twitch of Izuku's lips made him smirk as the spider lunges with its mouth open. All eight legs working together to move its massive body. 'my current level is 18, a C-rank boss...' Izuku jumps forward and begins to attack the spiders' legs and body from above it. His attacks leave green and blue streaks inside the cave with every slide or cut. 'is doable!' Izuku's blade leaves slices on the spiders' backside as he flies towards the back of the cave. 

Izuku looks down at his blade as the spider roars in pain. The spiders' blood drips off the tip of the blade. 'my attack worked! Rasak's fang is a pretty good weapon,' Izuku smirks as his eyes turn back to the spider. He jumps out of the way of the monster to its left side as the giant spider crushes the spot, he was just in. 

'after all the beasts and monsters, I've killed' Izuku stands up grinning. 'I feel like a hunter more than a hero.' 

Crimson eyes meet Icy blue before they charge at each other, filled with the intent to kill. 

Izuku quickly jumps over its head, attacking the spider's top as it didn't have an attack to pull if he was above the spider. The spider used its legs to stab at the boy in front of him, Izuku just dances around each strike. The spiders' legs dig into the floor, and Izuku sliced through one of the ends of the spiders' legs, but the leg wasn't entirely off. 'its skin is pretty thick. If I want to damage it with the dagger, I'll have to dig in deeper'. 

The spider threw it's leg forward like a spear making Izuku retreat back some. 'it has no blind spots, and eight legs can easily break through the floor and the rocks. Everything is threatening, but I have to get closer.' Izuku rushes forwards before slicing the top of its head then attacking it's back cutting where he has been cutting earlier. The blade finding the cut skin he had sliced at the beginning of the fight. He digs the dagger deeper with each slice. Izuku backflips before bringing his knife up, protecting himself as it slides against the leg sending sparks flying. A feral grin spreads across his face as his eyes were back to green.

'how long has this fight been going on? 5 minutes? No, maybe it was 10 minutes?' Izuku questions before jumping backward again, getting distance. 'oh no!' Izuku felt sluggish with his movements. 'my stamina is running out the longer this fight gets. I haven't even dealt a lot of damage either…' 


'the higher my fatigue is, the lower my speed becomes. I need to end this now' Izuku spins the blade around grabbing it, so the edge was points backward. 'the only way to win this is with the special ability… I need to inflict it on this guy'. 

-Effect 'Paralyze': Attacked foes have a chance to become unable to move. 

-Effect 'Bleed': Attacked Foes lose 1% of their health every 1 second. 

'I did my research on raiding.' The spider jumps as Izuku dashes forwards. 'Exploit weak points' Izuku glares at the head and eyes before the spiders' mouth open, and globs of toxic green liquid bubbles up. "Shi-" Izuku jumps as high as he could. The spider spits the green liquid at the floor where he was just standing. 

"ACID!? OF COURSE!" Izuku breaths in and calms himself. "of course, you hide your trump card." Izuku lowers himself again, digging his foot into the rocky floor. 'my time will run out if this goes on any longer, I can't play around. I need to be faster, close the distance with movements even faster than earlier' Izuku's foot cracks the floor as he digs in deeper. "A bit faster!"

[Skill: Sprint was Activated]

[Your movement will be increased by 30%]

The blue from Izuku's quirk and the green from his hair mix as he disappears into a blur and rushes the spider. He couldn't give it time to react if he wants to kill it before it killed him. Izuku put every ounce of strength into his blade as he sliced and cut around the spider's face. 

[Effect: Paralysis has Activated.]

[The enemy's resistance was too high. The Effect was Cancelled]

Izuku grits his teeth. 'I want to finish this fast as possible, but I keep missing the critical spots.' Izuku breaths out roughly as he kept moving faster. 


He took a deep breath. 'faster' Izuku attacks slicing faster and not giving the spider room to attack him. 'a bit more!' Time froze for Izuku as his body froze. 'what?'


Izuku quickly pulls his arms up and blocks the hit as the spider slams him backward with one of its legs. He groans and breaths out as the ground underneath him were broken apart. He opens his eyes, only too see the spider's leg coming for him. 

Izuku remembers his Daily Quest and the rewards that came with it. 

[Reward #1. Status Recovery]

"Status Recovery. Accept." Izuku states under his breath just as the leg slams down. The spider roars and tries to back away, but it was too late. Izuku was standing on its face with his dagger embedded into one of its eyes. The spider roars in pain. As each of it's eight eyes focuses on the blue glow of the boy's own eyes. Izuku rips the blade out from the boss's eye, as blood splashed across the greeny's face before he comes back down, stabbing a larger eye. 

[Effect: Paralysis has Activated.]

Izuku rips the bade away before driving it back down over and over again. 

[Effect: Bleed has Activated.]

Izuku's attacks focus on the eyes of the beast as he was relentless in his attacks. Until the head of the spider explodes in a fountain of blood falling backward. In front of it, Izuku stands with the blade prepared for another attack. 

[The Dungeon Boss Has Been Slain.]

Izuku breaths out calmly while walking away from the dead boss. 

[You Leveled Up!]

[You Leveled Up!]

[You Leveled Up!]

"Thank goodness I didn't accept the daily request reward… who knows what would have happened" Izuku turns back to the beast as he wondering. He stabs below the head to see if there was anything inside the boss. He found a different kind of crystals. 'maybe I could sell these… they are one of a kind' Izuku scratches his cheek, getting more blood on himself. Izuku leans against the blue crystals as the entrance explodes inwards. 'ah, I forgot these assholes.' 


Name: Midoriya Izuku         Level: 21

Job: None                  Fatigue: 0

Title: Wolf Slayer


Mp: 391

Strength: 53    Vitality:30

Agility: 38   Intelligence: 30

Sense: 32

                      Remaining Points: 3

The eight men he was inside with walks into the cave, only to see a dead boss and the boy they tried to kill waiting for them. 

"What, this guy is still alive?" The Flammer quirk speaks up first. 

"is the boss dead?" The leader asks. 

The group, on the other hand, spoke to themselves. "What happened?"

"Did he kill it by himself?" 

"Was that spider just big and stupid?" The flame quirk user glares at Izuku. 

"It seems I underestimated you, Greenie…" The leader speaks up while chuckling. The leader looks at Izuku, not seeing a single weapon on him. 

"Hwang, what do we do now?" One of the crew asks their leader. 

"We kill him," The leader smirks. Izuku lowers his head some. 

'what foolish thoughts…' Izuku holds back his glare once he looks up with a neutral face. "I have a question, have you ever killed a human before?" 

The group all grinned. "Have you?" Each had their own tool or weapon ready. The leader had a shield available. 

'what a quirk to be wasted on the likes of you,' Izuku thought before a notification pops up. 

[An Emergency Quest Has Been Issued.]

[Emergency Quest: Kill The Enemies!]

There are entities nearby that intend to MURDER the 'Player.' Slay Them And Ensure Your Safety.

If This Quest Is Not Completed A Penalty Will Be Issued As A Result

Enemies Required To Be Killed: 8

Enemies Killed: 0

Izuku's eyes go wide, seeing and reading each message three times. 'What is this!?' Izuku felt his body fill with dread. 'the quirk suddenly' The flame quirk user attacks. 



There are entities nearby that intend to MURDER the 'PLAYER,' Slay them and ensure your safety.

If this quest if not completed, your HEART will STOP.

Enemies Required to be killed: 8

Enemies Killed: 0

Izuku was blasted backward to the opposite side of the boss room. "let's get the crystals and get out of here. If this place closes, we may be trapped." The leader spoke as Izuku laid out over broken rocks, and his green eyes were dull. 

'why… why… Why… Why…WHY?' Izuku's mind shuts down before kickstarting. 'why did I forget that?' 

'this world… focuses on the survival of the fittest more than anything else.' Izuku's hand curls around the destroyed rocks around him. 'my thinking was wrong until now' He thought back to getting his ass kicked every day for 13 years. His mother overprotectiveness even if she won't do anything to help. 'every day I walked into school and out of school covered in burns, scars and never helped… I mistook home as a safe place' Izuku slowly sits up. 'I mistook these dungeons as a safe place.' 

He looks at the quest. 'ENEMY' Izuku didn't feel dread anymore. 'my quirk is forcing me to murder. 

If this quest if not completed, your HEART will STOP.

'Kill if you don't want to be killed?' Izuku felt some blood rolling down his face from his forehead. 'Wouldn't it be awkward if I died? This isn't a coincidence, nor goodwill' Izuku crushes the rock in his hand. 'this is what my quirk needs…' 

[HP: 1360/2600]

'my quirk isn't going to make me strong' Izuku looks at the enemies ahead of him. 

"Huh, that guy is alive?" one of the men questions. 

'I saw that it wanted me to be strong' Izuku leans forward from the throne of broken rock. "It's great that it's clear," Izuku spoke coldly. "The quirk uses me, and I use the quirk." The men were too distracted to pay attention to Izuku as he stands up. The darkness grows around him. 

"Hwan, has your skill deteriorated?" His buddy jokes. 

"How Embarrassing he should be able to kill anyone in one shot" Another joke comes out another member of the group. Izuku observes and listens. 

"Hwan, you should have done it seriously." The leader leans against his friend. 

"I… I guess so," Seiji chuckles, but inside he was freaking out some. 'I definitely put my all into that attack… was my aim off?' 

Izuku walks forward as his hair covers his eyes, letting shadows coat his face. "You played around with a person's life, so are you ready to face the consequences?" Izuku asks coldly while stalking towards the 8 men.

"What is that bastard saying?" One stands with his arms cross, no weapon in sight. 

"If you guys are villains," Izuku glares as his eyes turn blue. "I'm saying you should be ready to become hunted." 

The group went quiet as it was an 8 vs. 1 fight.

"I'll take care of him, boss" The won with the sword quirk walks over. Throwing his arm around Izuku's shoulder. "It looks like you don't understand this situation very well" The villain smirks, lowering himself to see Izuku's face. Soft blue light comes from Izuku's right hand. "Hm?" The man asks as Izuku wasn't looking at him when he felt something cold against his neck. 

Izuku flicks his wrist forward as blood sprays across the floor and in front of Izuku as he just keeps his eyes on the 7 others in the dungeon with me. A soft "Ah…" came from the villain who's throat was just slit. 

Izuku's dagger had blood across the tip of the blade. "One," Izuku counts off. 

Enemies Required To Be Killed: 7

Enemies Killed: 1



"That bastard, when did he?!" 

The group yells as Izuku just walks forward with his dagger as his side pointing downwards. 

"Where did he get the Knife!?" 

Izuku grips the handle tighter. 'I ended up killing a person's blood kept rolling off Izuku's chin onto his shoulder and neck. 'A human…although I can say that the quirk orders me, it doesn't change the fact that I killed someone.' Izuku looks down at the dead man next to his feet. 'If I don't kill, I will be killed… I can't run away anymore.' Izuku points the tip of the blade towards the group. "If only the strong will survive,' 

Izuku's entire life was sheltered by his mother as he would break from the slightest touch, Katsuki and his friends tried their best to break his body and spirit. Katsuki broke his body, but he got back up, his mother destroyed his mind… he's still standing. All Might was the one that broke his spirit yet, here he was' Inside Izuku's head, his old self died in an explosion 2 weeks ago. He was no longer a weakling to be messed with. Izuku's eyes burn blue as he glares coldly at the enemies before him. 

"I don't know what he just did, but don't let your guard down" The leader tries to stay firm, but the group of criminals could see the shadow's behind Izuku. "Seiji, give him one more blow." The leader orders as Seiji light a massive fire in his hand and attacks. One moment Izuku was in the way of the blast. The next, he was gone in a blur. 

"Your quirk is annoying." Seiji's eyes widen as he stares into cold blue eyes before feeling 20 different cuts across his body. Then Seiji's world went dark. 

To the others watch a long time friend get shredded apart, and blood sprays everywhere inside the room. 

"THAT BASTARD!" Two enemies attack Izuku by jumping at him. Izuku sidesteps the first one as his sword cracked the floor. The man felt a cold chill to his side, seeing Izuku's blue hoodie before feeling Izuku's dagger digging into his spin. 

The second attacker went for a side attack. Still, Izuku merely deflects the blow and stabbing the villain in the stomach while holding his arm. Izuku's face held a small frown as the man starts coughing blood. 

Izuku turns his attention to the rest of the group, dashes forwards dodging their attacks while slicing their skin. 

"MY BODY ISN'T MOVING!" One man screams. 

"Is it his quirk!? I thought this place was his quirk!?" 

"That son of a bitch!" 

The three that screams suddenly convulses and bleeds. 

[Effect: Bleed Has Activated]

[Effect: Paralysis Has Activated]

[Effect: Paralysis Has Activated]

Each one screams before Izuku killed them one by one. 

"I… IN A FLASH ALL OUT MEMBERS!?" The lonely leader yells. "You bastard, you were hiding your skills!" 

"You saw the boss I killed," Izuku walks closer, only stopping a few feet away. 

Enemies Required to be killed: 1

Enemies Killed: 7

"I didn't expect all my friends to be defeated." The leader glares harder at the green-haired man. Izuku watches as the shield turned red. "I WILL KILL YOU!" The leader charges forward, intent to kill Izuku only to freeze up as a hand was in front of his face. 

"Takeshi… you're fierce and strong," Izuku states in a bland and neutral tone. "But there's one thing you don't know" Izuku's hand grabs the man's face before slamming Taskeshi backward into the floor, making a shockwave of broken rock flying. "I'm always leveling up ceaselessly." 

Takeshi stares up at cold blue eyes remembering the bright green eyes when they first meet. He felt terror in his heart as he starts coughing. 'w-w-what just happened?' Takeshi was left on the floor, sprawled out. 'Did he just slam me into the ground?' Takeshi stares up at the shadows that cover Izuku face. Only the cold blue glow of his eyes could be seen. Izuku's dagger at his side, ready for the last kill. "W-wait! D-Don't kill me!" Takeshi sits to his knees. "Spare me! I-I'll give you money! You can have all the crystals here and whatever else", The man begs. 

"Three times." Izuku tilts his head to the side. "Are you asking for forgiveness from someone you tried to kill three times?" Blood was still pooling out of Izuku's forehead and down his face to his neck. 

"S…STOP IT!" Takeshi screams. "You, do you think you will get away with this?!" 

"No one will know what happened here. It's my quirk after all", Izuku stares down at the man with indifference. 

"YOU BASTARD!" Izuku didn't need to hear another word. In a simple movement, the dungeon was silent as Takeshi's head rolling away from his body. Blood slowly pours from the neck and head once they were separated. The body slumps over, and Izuku puts his knife back into his inventory. 

'my clothes became a mess again.' Izuku stares down as his dirty jacket; it was covered in burn marks and bloody. 'Plus, with my body growing, they don't fit anymore. I guess I will need to buy new clothes' Izuku looks around the room before stepping over the bodies and leaving. The entire dungeon starts to shake and crumble. 'the dungeon is closing… time to leave', Izuku follows the route back to the portal.

Quest Reward

"Emergency Quest: Kill The Enemies'

Completion Conditions Have All Been Met

Will You Receive The Reward?

Accept  Refuse

Quest Rewards

Choose Your Rewards

Reward #1. Status recovery

Reward #2 Experience points +10

Reward#3 Skill: 'BloodLust'

Will You Accept Your Rewards?

Accept    Refuse



Bloodlust Lv.1

100 Mana

-Using a strong energy, the selected target is put in a state of fear for 1 minute.

-Several Targets can be selected.

-Effect 'fear': All Stats -50%

Izuku walks out of the portal just as it shut and disappears. He looks back into the constructed building, not seeing a single body. Izuku walks towards the gate only to get punched hard. He grunts out before something slaps him. He starts floating now. He was weightless. 'what the...' Izuku grabs the gate to stop himself from flying away as a girl was glaring at him. "Can you explain why you would punch me then float me?" Izuku asks as even though he was floating, he inspects the girl that punches first then asks questions. She had brunette hair and had warm brown eyes expect they looked at him with rage. He's seen this girl somewhere, where has he recognized her from. 

"What are you doing on my family's property!?" She yells. 

'oh, that's right, the daughter of Uraraka family. Ochaco Uraraka' Izuku supplies his mind. 'well shi-' Izuku crashes to the floor, and he felt a massive boot crash against his chest, stopping him from getting up. 

"I want answers now!" She looks like a demon.