Reon could not stop looking at Hitori as he ate his noodles. He was enjoying the noodles, she could tell, but he did not want to show it on his face.
Hitori lifted his eyes and gave her a peek. "Eat your soba, Reon, it is getting cold," he said.
She shook with fear– a chill ran down her body– and her heart skipped a beat. Was I staring too hard at him? Is he mad again? She wondered.
Hitori finished before Reon, as expected, and got up from the table. He took the bowl to the sink and took the dish, which had side dishes in it, to the sink. Reon thought she should take care of the whole thing, so she protested:
"Leave them, Hitori!" she got up, "I will clean—"
"You do not have to wash them. You are my guest, I will take care of the dishes."
"Ah, but I made you dinner tonight. Let me wash them just for tonight, we can later divide the work—" she stopped. She realized where she was getting the things to.