
Solitude makes me the strongest

A man trapped in some unknown dimension becomes the strongest after being alone for so long and having one familiar thing that happens every 10 years [attention you are fr-error] [stem reboot. [Attention you will be free in 10 years so do something] and after along time he is finally free what will he do. He even gets mistaken for the villain and a hero when he just wants to explore his new environment peacefully. The origin of the solitude will be revealed later so will the origin of why the story takes place how he ended up where he woke and who he is. The writing may be bad at some points but I will make the story good 1 or more chapters a week And if you want to read a novel better than this go check out villain retirement it’s a great novel There will also be a side story later of what he experienced in solitude but this will happen later

Frozen_fruit · Fantasie
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47 Chs

Voyage with ghosts

After leaving the auction house Grimm and Neko meet back up with Tony.

"Did you find a boat?" Grimm asked, "No boat would go there or any boat that would was already gone or someone else rented it." "Then we take a rowboat there." "A what?" "You heard me your rowing us there. No other options." Grimm said

After they secure a rowboat all three of them hopped into the boat and Tony started rowing toward the worlds end. After 3 hours a ship was on the horizon. It was not an ordinary ship as it was a little bit transparent. Grimm saw the ship "Let's ask them to take us there." Grimm said pointing at the transparent ship. "Are ships supposed to be transparent in this world?" Tony asked, "No they are not." Neko said, "Don't mind the small details."

After rowing for a few more minutes they got right next to the transparent ship. Grimm jumped off the rowboat and onto the deck of the transparent ship. There was no life aboard the ship only ghosts. "Who trespasses on my ship? All who do shall die." The ghost captain said. "Hey buddy I come in peace I just need a ride to the worlds end." Grimm said "I do not care about what ye want this is my ship prepare to die. "I tried to do this nicely but if I must you will be purified?" "Those are some big words for a weak-looking guy. Kill this trespasser and his soul will join us as part of our crew." as the captain said all of the ghosts onboard started rushing at Grimm and Grimm grabbed the nearest one's head and crushed it.

"How did you attack us we are ghosts and you are alive your attacks should just pass through us." "You should have taken note of the first move I made which was walk on the deck. If the whole ship is a ghost then how can I walk on it as if it is an ordinary boat?" Grimm said while picking up another ghost and hoisting him in the air "This must be trickery." "Not Trickery but magic my friend. I suggest you take us to our destination or else all of you will perish starting with the one in my arms." "Ok fine we shall take ye." The captain said.

Grimm then put the ghost down and walked to the side of the boat and looked down at the rowboat where Neko and Tony were. "Come on aboard," Grimm said as he tossed a nearby translucent rope ladder down for them to climb up. Tony tried to climb the ladder but could not get any grip his hands just passed through it was the same story for Neko. "How do we get on board," Tony said

"I forgot about that wait moment." Grimm then jumped onto the rowboat and grabbed both Neko and Tony and jumped back up on the boat. "This is how you two get on. I will have to hold you both the whole way." Grimm said while holding both of them. "Alright, we are ready to depart." "Hoist the sails." The captain said and all the ghosts started getting to work.

The trip to worlds end went smoothly except for the part Grimm accidentally dropped Tony which made him pass through the boat and fall into the water.

"We should be right above the Cave of Crossroads we just have to swim down," Grimm said "How deep is it." Tony said. "You think I know," Grimm said and then let go of Tony dropping him in the water. "You too Neko," Grimm said dropping her Tony, and Neko both landed with a splash. "Why did you drop us." Neko said, "I have been holding the two of you for hours its only fair." "How so" Neko replied, "Cause I said so." Grimm said and then he looked at the captain of the ship and said "Thank you for the ride." He said as he passed through the boat landing in the water.

"Now we dive."

They swam downward until they found an underwater cave it had no water in it. It was very dark and it had a lot of paths to who knows where. "This must be the cave of crossroads."