
Soldier Boy in (MCU)

Benjamin is 23 years old, a orphan and American , his parents leave him with 20 million which invest in stock enjoy his life with 20% returns on his investments he is fan of comic and movie of mcu and the boys . His favourite hero is soldier boy. Because he knows that the pople like captain America does not real he believe in “with great power comes with great greed” . But what will happen when after his death god tell him that he has zero karma because in His entire life he neither did any good or bad deeds soul God give him two options either he reincarnate or live in void alone for entirety .

Lord_6866 · Filme
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13 Chs

Chapter 1 to 6 edit

{A/N: if you want i can do it this write a chapter put it in chatgpt and make this shit}

**Chapter 1: Past Life**

**- New York -**

**- Unknown Building Penthouse -**

In a luxurious master bedroom in New York, a person in his 20s named Benjamin was enjoying snacks while watching the third-to-last episode of "The Boys" season. He was living the life of a rich second-generation individual. Benjamin's parents had tragically passed away in a car accident when he was 15, leaving him with 20 million dollars in cash and some properties. He invested the money in stocks and gold, enjoying returns between 12 to 20%. Despite his wealth, Benjamin chose to live a modest life, avoiding excesses like drugs and parties. He was a big fan of MCU and "The Boys," with Soldier Boy being his favorite character due to the belief in "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

*[Benjamin's Point of View]*

Thinking to himself, Ben pondered, "A person with the ability to emit nuclear radiation from his chest and possess superstrength wouldn't consider himself a God; he must be quite the jerk." While sipping his Coke and finishing the episode, he suddenly felt dizzy and fell unconscious on his bed.

*[Main Point of View]*

Ben opened his eyes in a white room, facing a humanoid white figure that resembled the God from "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood."

*[Benjamin's Point of View]*

Upon seeing the figure, Ben recognized it as a God. He likened the feeling to an AI's knowledge of its creator. Nervously and fearfully, he asked, "Am I dead?"

"Yes," the authoritative voice responded.

"So, what will happen now?" Ben inquired with anxiety.

"No need to fear. You won't be destroyed. You lack both good and bad karma. You have two choices: live in the void, eternally alone, or reincarnate into a world of my choosing, similar to the MCU," God explained calmly.

Realizing he had limited options, Ben thought, "I have only one choice—to reincarnate into the MCU world. I need to ask for powers that will help me there." However, his thoughts were interrupted by God.

"To gain powers, you need a large amount of good karma points. You lack those," God stated.

Before Ben could react, God presented a pen and paper, offering 5 million good karma points in exchange for a signed will. The will stated that Ben had donated his wealth to charity.

"Shouldn't I earn good karma points for not using all my wealth?" Ben asked, feeling secure in God's calm presence.

"To earn karma, you need to donate without my influence. However, since you're dead, that's impossible. I can provide you a loan if you sign," God explained gently.

After signing the will, Ben's mind raced for the best power. After a month, he settled on a plan.

"I want a Kryptonian bloodline with the codex and no weaknesses," Ben confidently stated, hoping he had enough karma points.

"That will cost you 10 billion GKP. Even a normal Kryptonian bloodline costs 1 billion GKP due to infinite sun radiation absorption," God revealed.

"Can I have Soldier Boy's powers and appearance?" Ben asked, anticipating his remaining karma points.

"That will cost you 2 million GKP, leaving you with 3 million GKP," God replied.

Ben was elated and began planning his remaining karma points' use.



**Chapter 2: New Life - October 20, 1950 - New York**

*[Ben POV]*

Six years have passed since my encounter with GOD. I'm now six years old, and my earliest memories date back to when I was two. I was born on December 5, 1944. I live with my grandparents and my mom. My father, who I've never met or even known the name of, died in the military in 1945.

"Ben, wake up! You'll be late for school," my mom's loud voice calls out.

I'm currently in the fourth grade, even though I have a photographic memory that could allow me to graduate high school early. However, my family wants me to have friends my own age, so I oblige, fearing that my "GKP" will decrease if I disobey.

*[Author's Note: The concept of bad karma is removed, only the GKP (Good Karma Points) remain]*

"Status," I say, and a colorless screen appears:

- **Name:** Benjamin R@&$%s

- **Age:** 6 years old

- **GkP:** 98

- **Dept:** 5,000,000

- **Powers:** Locked until 15

- **Skill:** Photographic memory, photographic moment

My powers remain locked until I'm fifteen, so I earn GKP by helping with household chores. After being reminded to get ready for school by my grandparents, I head down for breakfast. My grandfather, John, is a police commissioner, and my mom, Lorraine, is a police officer, recommended by my grandfather after retiring from the military.

*[End of Ben's POV]*

*[Lorraine POV]*

It's been nearly six years since I met that man. We were seen kissing by Peggy. He explained his love for her, and that night, I successfully seduced him. However, he left, confessing his love for Peggy, deeming it an accident. I discovered I was pregnant and lied to my parents, telling them I was married to a deceased military officer. I lived happily with my child, but Peggy eventually found out.

I admitted to seducing him, and a physical altercation ensued. I managed to convince Peggy to let me raise the child, but she would monitor him. She now demands to meet him on his sixth birthday. I plan to tell Ben about his father and consider moving to a new house for safety.

*[End of Lorraine's POV]*

*[Peggy Carter POV]*

After Steve's death, I discovered Private Lorraine's file. She retired suddenly and faked marriage to a deceased officer. I tracked her and found her blonde, blue-eyed child. I confronted her and learned he's Steve's child. Instead of taking him, I decided to protect him from those seeking to exploit his blood for new super soldiers. My loyal agents watch over him.

*[End of Peggy's POV]*

*[Main POV]*

Ben contemplates how to return GOD's GKP quickly. He can earn GKP by saving lives or dealing with outlaws. Different levels of deeds yield varying GKP:

**Saving Lives:**

- Normal person: 1,000 - 2,000 GKP

- Good-hearted person: 5,000 - 10,000 GKP

- Selfless person: 15,000 - 25,000 GKP

- Heroes like Captain America or Howard Stark: 30,000 - 50,000 GKP

**Dealing with Outlaws:**

- Street level: 1,000 - 5,000 GKP

- City block level: 5,000 - 10,000 GKP

- City level: 10,000 - 20,000 GKP

- State level: 20,000 - 40,000 GKP

- Country level: 100,000 - 1,000,000 GKP

Ben contemplates his options while planning to harness his powers.

*[End of Main POV]*

*[Author's Note]*

The protagonist contemplates their strategy to earn GKP through noble acts or dealing with criminals. They also ponder the potential impact of their powers.


**Chapter 3: 6th Birthday - December 5, 1950 - New York - 4:00 A.M.**

*[Main POV]*

As Ben wakes up on his sixth birthday, he's filled with excitement. He reflects on how, in his past life, he missed the chance to enjoy time with his parents, but this time he's determined to cherish moments with his new family. Though it's early, no one is around as he sits on his bed.

He eagerly anticipates the events of the day, including learning about his father's identity and meeting someone special. Ben already knows his dad is Captain America due to his resemblance to his mother, Lorraine, who resembles Natalie Dormer.

*[End of Main POV]*

*[Ben POV]*

As Ben's thoughts drift towards his mother, the system detects inappropriate thoughts, resulting in a GKP penalty. Frustration simmers, as Ben believes the system deducts points despite his earnest efforts to collect them through kindness and sharing.

Ben ponders the dilemma of collecting GKP without powers, which will unlock at age 15. He devises a plan to begin his hero career at 15, aiming to make America crime-free and pay off his 5 million GKP debt within 5 years.

*[End of Ben's POV]*


*[Main POV]*

Ben's birthday party is a joyous occasion, attended by relatives and neighbors. Among the attendees is Hayley Atwell, the actress who portrayed Peggy Carter. Ben finds himself captivated by her beauty, and he calmly introduces himself to her, displaying an unusual level of composure for a child.

*[End of Main POV]*

*[Ben POV]*

After mingling with the guests, Ben retreats to his room, aware that his young body tires easily. His mother, Lorraine, visits and reminds him to keep his father's identity a secret. Ben acknowledges the potential danger this secret poses to his family.

Ben reflects on the potential risks and realizes trouble might find him sooner or later due to his powers and his father's legacy. He cherishes his family deeply and acknowledges that, despite his past life's memories, he truly loves them.

*[End of Ben's POV]*


*[Peggy POV]*

Peggy expresses reservations about Lorraine revealing Steve's identity to Ben. However, upon meeting Ben, she senses he's not an ordinary six-year-old and believes he can indeed keep the secret. Though she's drawn to him, she acknowledges the need to protect his secret and their legacy.

*[End of Peggy's POV]*


*[Main POV]*

Peggy contemplates her desire to protect Ben and reflects on the love she shares with Steve. She acknowledges the challenge of safeguarding their secret while ensuring Ben's safety.

*[End of Main POV]*



**Chapter 4: Time Skip - December 6, 1959 - New York - Abandoned Factory**

*[Ben POV]*

Excitement fills me as I shout, "FINALLY! FINALLY!! FINALLY!!!" Yesterday was my birthday, and I've turned fifteen. Worried about not getting my powers, I refused to give up. After two hours of intense physical exercises in this abandoned factory, I was breathless. Then, a warm feeling enveloped me, restoring my energy. I summoned newfound strength to accidentally destroy some machinery.

Taking control of my power, I directed a radiation-infused blast from my chest. The resulting explosion left me without clothes due to the intense heat. Thankfully, I managed to halt the fire using sand. After more experiments, I headed home.

*[End of Ben's POV]*


Ben checks his status:

**[System Panel]**

- **Name:** Benjamin Rogers

- **Age:** 15 years old

- **GKP:** 50k

- **Dept:** 5 million


- **Super Strength:** Comparable to Captain America

- **Medium Healing:** Immunity to aging past 25

- **Heat Blast:** Radiation-infused chest blast

- **Super Senses:** Superman-level senses


- **Full Control:** Over all powers

- **Growth:** Strength enhancement through training

- **Photographic Memory:** Perfect recall

- **Photographic Moment:** Mimicking physical activities seen once


- **Master in Science, Mathematics, Martial Arts, Gun Mastery, Melee Weapons**

- **Master Spy**

Determined to protect himself, Ben learned martial arts and espionage with the guidance of Peggy and his mother. On his fifteenth birthday, he completed his training and now plans to clear New York of danger.

*[End of Main POV]*

*[Peggy POV]*

Five years since Ben requested training, I orchestrated his Shield training as a recruit. His rapid mastery astonished all, from gun mastery to infiltration. He excelled to an unmatched level, even among Shield's best agents. If he awakens his super strength, combined with his field experience, he'll be unstoppable.

*[End of Peggy's POV]*

*[Main POV]*

Ben proposes discussing something with Peggy and his mom tomorrow. He hints at a surprise, and the thought of his manipulative plans forms an evil smirk.

With his inherited intelligence and photographic memory, Ben's investments grew immensely. He's on track to launch an investment firm, and the next chapter will delve into that venture.

*[End of Main pov]*


**Chapter 5: Benjamin's Investment Funds**

*[Ben POV]*

Let's talk about how I can articulate myself. For instance, when I wanted to learn martial arts from Peggy, instead of asking to learn how to fight, I phrased it as "I want to learn how to protect myself."

So, yesterday on my birthday, my grandpa informed everyone about my investment talent. Now, neighbors and relatives are approaching me to invest their money. I suggested my grandpa open an investment company under his name for convenience.

By age 10, I'd expressed my desire to graduate from high school. Despite initial opposition, my family agreed. I now hold Ph.D.s in biology, physics, chemistry, and economics. But let's get back on track. Tomorrow, I'm launching my company.

*[End of Ben's POV]*


**Next Morning**

*[Main POV]*

Peggy arrives, feigning annoyance at being kept in suspense. Ben teases her a bit before revealing his secret: he awakened super strength during training. Peggy and Lorraine scrutinize him skeptically. However, Ben proves his claim by bending an iron rod, leaving them both astonished.

Despite their concerns, Ben assures them he has control over his strength and won't reveal his secret. Peggy advises him to avoid attracting S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, but Ben asserts his independence, though his mother tempers his rebellion.

*[End of Main POV]*


**One Month Later**

*[Main POV]*

In an office on Wall Street, Ben's investment prowess has become the talk of the town. Workers discuss how Benjamin's funds consistently generate profits, making even the bullish or bearish market irrelevant. They admire his skill, although some skepticism remains about a rookie achieving such success.

*[End of Main POV]*


**-Unknown Office in Wall Street-**

*[Main POV]*

A month later, Benjamin's fund becomes a household name on Wall Street. His initial $1 million and $8 million from clients skyrocket to $500 million, boasting an astounding 5,455% ROI. Everyone clamors to invest in Benjamin's fund, even attracting unwanted attention.

Ben has a master plan, utilizing his newfound popularity to gain the support of political figures. With his earnings, he purchases a new villa for his family and custom gifts, including a pistol for Peggy. However, his success also draws the interest of criminals.

*[End of Main POV]*


**In a Random Warehouse**

*[Main POV]*

Criminals are leaving their gangs, citing Ben's influence as a reason. They're terrified, referring to him as a "ghost" due to his mysterious impact on crime.

*[End of Main POV]*


**[Main POV]**

The streets are changing rapidly, all due to the phenomenon known as Benjamin. His investment prowess and influence are transforming New York City's criminal landscape.

*[End of Main POV]*



**Chapter 6: Ben a.k.a Ghost**

*[A/N: In the previous chapter, we explored Ben's business life in the day, but in this chapter, we'll delve into a darker side of his activities. A warning: this part might get quite dark.]*

*[Note: The MC isn't a purely bad or good guy. He has certain actions and thoughts that might be considered morally questionable, like smoking weed or requesting sexual favors from girls he's saved.]*

*[Ben POV]*

It's been a month since I began my hero—wait, anti-hero—activities. I've got a darker side that's ready to show itself. But to understand that, we need to rewind a month.


**-One Month Ago-**

*[Ben POV]*

In a shady alley, I'm discussing with a dealer about getting a custom shield. I've chosen a gold titanium alloy shield with an eagle drawn on it. I've also opted for a Soldier Boy-inspired outfit. I'd have preferred vibranium, but Wakanda isn't sharing.

Suddenly, I hear a woman's voice crying for help. I rush over to find five criminals attempting to assault a woman. I intervene swiftly, taking down the criminals. Afterward, I engage in a rather crude conversation with the woman, Jennifer, involving threats and favors.


**[Jennifer POV]**

*[Jennifer POV]*

My life took a horrifying turn today. After narrowly escaping an assault, a man in a mask saved me. But then, he showed a dark side. I made a choice, one that would lead me down a dangerous path of revenge.

*[End of Jennifer POV]*


**[Ben POV]**

*[Ben POV]*

After analyzing Jennifer using my system, I realized I'd unintentionally triggered her mutant abilities to awaken early. Not a great start. I've also received a "lifetime forgiveness card" from God, which emboldens me further.

I've started hunting down criminal gangs, sometimes with my bare hands, and other times with a pistol I stole. My actions might seem dark, but it's all part of my anti-hero agenda.


**-One Week Later-**

*[Ben POV]*

I should've told you about a gift I received from God on my 15th birthday—a "lifetime forgiveness card." This card allows me to commit certain actions without losing GKP. It's given me the confidence to deal with Jennifer and a few others.

*[End of Ben POV]*


**[Main POV]**

*[Main POV]*

As Ben continues his anti-hero activities, he takes down criminal gangs, utilizing his newfound powers and skills. The actions may seem dark, but they're all part of his unique approach to cleaning up the streets.

*[End of Main POV]*
