

Note: This was my first try in writing (it'll be cringe af) most of the chapters are not edited properly ( maybe one day I'll edit them:).As  English is not my First language they're will be some Grammatical mistakes as well, bear with me. This work is pure Fiction, Every name, character, Place, Business, Event, Locals even Incident is either my Imagination or Used as Fiction manners for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance with real person or event is purely coincidence. Anyway, if you do give it a shot then generally.                     " THANK YOU!!" folks      ___________________________                                             (Mature Themes | Mature Language) "Being married to an idol and falling head over heels for her is not what I expect from myself ." Fate Adierson 22y/o a simple small town Loving and humble person. Who considerate everyone's feelings and would rather get hurt than see others in suffer fighting with her past "I just want to have a normal life like everyone else.is it too much to ask "! Jennie Hang Kim 27y/o The Heirs and The IDOL with an almost perfect life, Loving Friends, Family, fame, fortune, and a caring boyfriend. Everything was good until Fate Adierson Came into her life and turned everything upside down, changing everything she ever believe. "your mistaken Fate I always get what I WANT!," " The moment when you made the mistake of coming into my life you were MINE'!" ------------------------------------------------------ One night faith intertwines their destiny together,

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53 Chs

41: NightOwls

Third Person POV,

The elder Lee of the Lee House observes the young  pairs and smiles ' They are good Now'

"Mom, how long are you going to watch them?" Joey asked keeping her voice low so the others won't  learn about their presence  

Miss Sera Lee tear her gaze from Fate and Jennie to look at her daughter who was standing next to her " I think The talk goes well " she whispered

She was worried when she didn't find Fate on the leaving room couch as she know Fate doesn't sleep in her room. But when she didn't find a glimpse of the girl she knew Fate would be outside. She was moving towards the side area where Fate would sit but someone stop her

"Miss Sera?"

The soft gentle call makes her turn around where Jennie was standing. In amusement, she stares at her waiting for the reason to know of  this sudden call

"Can I be the one? "

Miss Sera know what Jennie asks, but still, she thinks for a brief moment  " Okay" The approval was a risk yet she also discerns both of the pairs need to talk " Don't Dare to hurt my Daughter Jennie " she emphasizes those last words firmly

The words weren't a threat it was just the worries of a mother who have seen Fate growing up in the Lee family from a stranger to a daughter. The path wasn't easy not for both of them but she's maybe fussing too much now. She scarcely doesn't want to see Fate in distress

  There are numerous memories of Fate crying in the middle of the night, locking herself in the closet so no one could reach her, and her marks those she never let anyone see, even if sometimes they would bleed. She always overcomes the pain.

"I won't " Jennie answered ensuring she means it. 

  Miss Sera stares at her and smiled warmly  "I'm trusting you, go."

Jennie bowed and utter   "Thank You "

Miss Sera nods as the young girl left. she was wondering about going back to her room but as a  concern was still in her mind she wanted to make sure Jennie would keep her word.

When she stood in front of the sidewall peeking at the Young pairs thinking maybe they are arguing. However, there was a small difference Jennie was cuddling with Fate. And Fate was allowing her. it was rear to see Fate letting someone hold her apart from their family. it gives her relief to see them together

 She wanted to move inside leave, them alone in the spell of the bond of the night but also curious if Fate would forgive Jennie, which she did.  

"I don't think it's a good idea Sista be close to Miss Kim," Joey said to her mother glancing at her sister who is now being held by the idol


"Because even if I told her that Sista had enough in her life. She didn't listen and hurt her. I see no difference between her and the man. He used to beat her physically and Miss Kim beat her mentally." Joey spat not caring if her  words are  bitter

"Joey" Miss Sera softly called "Jennie always lived in a perfect world she doesn't know what Fate has been through and I don't think it will be good to tell her that. It's up to Fate if she ever wanted Jennie to know that"

She looked at her daughter her tone was calming "And about hurting, sometimes we only hurt the person we care about most, I'm not saying Jennie Maybe cares about her. Nor I'm taking her side  But I can see she is taking one step closer to Fate"

Joey's eyes tumble on her mother's " But she has a boyfriend mom! "

"Do you think she loves her boyfriend if she would love him? She would be with him and not come here ". Joey didn't talk back, she look at her sister, Fate is smiling now so are Jennie

" She is just using it as a reason. Because she knows if she chooses Fate the tremendous hate she will receive from the people not only her toxic fans but her family do you think they would accept? And the company, she is a singer the company has invested in her. All the losses how will she ever resolve it "

The reality was brutal but it could never be declined Her mother is right

"Everyone maybe finds two men in love cute but two women in Love? Have you ever imagined your favorite idol the person you always adore loves the same gender? "

"Well I won't mind cause as long as he or she would be happy "  

"Not every fan are same Jo some of them are too selfish to see them happy"

Joey looked back at her mother then at the pairs and sighed "Your right".

'But They do look good together '   

"One more thing tomorrow make sure you talk to Oliver because if you don't. I see no difference between you and Jennie too when comes to hurting someone  mentally.." Breathing out her mother  goes on

"The girl is doing her best just to make you know how much she like you. And if you don't like her or find it unpleasant to be liked by a girl just tell her that" she places her one hand over her daughter's shoulder " Dont Ignore her. Talk to her before it's too Late "

Joey wanted to argue but the serious firm looks on her mother's face only make her nod "Okay, I will Mom."

For the last time, the two of them look at Fate and get witness a moment of teasing. Where   Jennie was moving closer to Fate with a devilish grin on her innocent-looking face

Joey cleared her throat "I think we should go inside "

Miss Sera didn't disagree "Let's go"

Afterward, Miss Sera Lee leaves for her room with a smile. Joey goes upstairs and keeps wondering about what her mother said. If she has to talk to Oliver who is next door then why wait?

Before she could stop her steps she was already in front of her room the lights were still on. 'Aren't they sleeping?'

With a little pause, she knocked.

It didn't take long for the door to open reliving Oliver's wearing Jerry's pajamas with slumbering eyes that went wide to greet Joey including a small smile. Oliver looks tired but still, she did her best to make the small smile look more welcomed

"Can I come inside ?" Asked Joey

Oliver moves a little letting the younger inside "sure it's your room, after all, don't need to ask twice." Stir in senses she said, curious about this sudden visit when Joey Lee usually ignores her most of the time whenever she tries to talk

Joey entered her room, but didn't see Amy "where is Amy?"

"She's on the roof with Jerry. You know couples."

"And why are you still awake?"

"I was checking some emails from my phone" Oliver answered rubbing the back of her neck


"why are you standing, sit down?" Oliver smiled looking at Joey who was still in front of  her  "Do you need anything?" She implores

"No. Yes, I  want to make a decision. But before that, I want to ask you some questions." Joey sat on her bed crossing her legs

Oliver's brows wrinkled was that a 'No' Or a 'Yes?' She didn't say anything only nod understanding this is maybe a little serious

"So what's the question?"

"Sit down first " Joey order

"Oh, okay?" Oliver  pulled  a chair

"Will you leave me when you find someone better than me?"

Before Oliver could sit down the question made her stand up straight, she didn't expect this.

"No! Not at all!" She answers hastily

"What if a handsome boy came?"

As the questions came Oliver only grew confused, wondering, If all these questions were being asked by Joey, this was maybe the first time she had seen Joey become outspoken about something in front of her

"If a handsome boy comes, I will still want you"

Joey thought for a while "a girl. What if a girl came?"


"Yes Beautiful,   pretty, smart, Will your answer be the same " This time Joey's  tone was aggressive

Oliver let out a soft giggle and settled down on the chair " Joey Lee the most beautiful, pretty, handsome person I know is you, and about beautiful faces. Maybe you are forgetting I'm a photographer every day I have to deal with beauty " her words were sincere but those last remarks were playful, earns a eyes roll and a smirk from Joey 

"Okay, then Oliver Evanoff I'm warning you" Joey gets up slowly her steps stridden forward  " maybe you are elder than me But..." Placing her knees between the small gap in Oliver's legs, one hand reach up to hold her chin making the elder gulp at the sudden change of authority, eyes only obeying the others with amazed  

"I Don't Share." Joey rasped Hot breath trickles over the elder face  "Better not forget that." Her grip shrank, to make sure wards don't get avoid

Oliver's palms raise loosely to  Joey's grip, stroking gently her lips curled up gleaming with enthusiasm " I won't dare " she gasped

Joey smiled " then Tomorrow will be our first Date"

"Really ?"

Joey laughed with a grin smug that lead the elder to follow "Yup!"

At the rooftop, Jerry  scoffed at her lover " So you knew that maybe we are reincarnated and this whole afterlife shit but didn't tell me about it?" 

Amy laughs lightly and cuddles against her girlfriend " for your information Miss Youngseo Jerry Lee, you didn't pick up my calls because you were too busy dreaming about me cheating on you" those clarifying words earn a subtle slap on her arm  

"But that didn't mean you won't talk about it!"

Delicate fingers brush Jerry's raven locks " I thought you won't believe me. I just didn't want you to get disturbed by the all-afterlife visions thing" Amy spoke quieting her voice

"Yoseogkin..." Jerry's gaze greets her lover's admiration genuine ones " I will always believe you no matter what it is"

"I know" she rested her hands on another cheek " I'm sorry for not telling you"

"I'm sorry too. For ignoring your calls "    Jerry peeked a sweet kiss on her lover's lips, head resting on her shoulders liking the moment they were having.

But the moment didn't last long as "What they are doing at this hour?" Amy mumbled to herself as her eyes look down at the garden where Jennie and Fate were standing next to each other

"Who?" Jerry gave attention to her lover's stares to find her best friend smiling with The Idol 'Whipped ass !'

"They seem happy" Amy enunciated seeing how relaxed Jennie look. " this makes me worried "  her suspension is getting high now the way Jennie was holding Fate's hands as she helped get to get up from the grass. That grip doesn't seem to lose easily 

"Me too"

" Do you think maybe Fate like Jennie?" Amy asked

Jerry crossed her fingers " N-No of course not!".

Knowing how much Fate is in love with the idol she doesn't think it would be good to tell her lover  that afterall Amy Halton is the manager

"You know what let's go inside it's cold " she stated grabbing Amy's arms and pulling her closer to go back. Even though Amy was frowning    but didn't say anything only followed. Jerry mutters swear words to Fate cause of her she couldn't enjoy her night with her lover a little longer

'Fate Adierson you better prepare an explanation!'