

"I laugh with no humor again, I don't notice that Crynn starts to scoot farther away from the bars separating us. I don't notice the bars start to crunch into themselves like a strong, invisible force is squeezing them together jerkily. I don't notice the crackle of the speakers, alerting anyone in the hall that the guards are listening in. I don't notice the wild way my hands are moving through the air, I don't notice the hysterical pitch my voice has reached, I don't notice the crazy gleam in my eyes. I wouldn't though, I'm too caught up in my emotions." Raylee Damini is the world's first Heavie, someone who can control the stubborn force of Gravity. Though it comes with a price. The white-haired girl on the bottom floor of Illwood Asylum has captured Raylee's interest, the Government wants to use her special powers for violence, isn't white the color of purity? A mysterious visitor, disappearing doctor, and a girl who thinks she's a monster? Raylee has her hands full trying to survive her attacks already, so what happens when the visitor isn't so mysterious? The doctor is found? And the girl is a savior? Don't worry about the Blackbirds, we'll get to them later.

Ella2Cinder · Fantasie
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28 Chs

“I’m Her Brother!”

"And you're sure she wasn't lying?" Crynn asks me after I tell him what Digit told us yesterday.

"Yes! She was scared for her life, why would she lie?"

"Maybe because she thought you were going to let her go?"

"Why would I let her go?"

"Well I don't-" Crynn stops himself with a groan.

"Arguing about this isn't going to help,"

"Exactly so why don't you tell me about the planning you and your friends did." I scratch my sternum and put pressure in between my eyes. I have a headache coming and ibuprofen isn't an option for me so I'm irritable.

"Alpha is going to come to work with her Mom, who works here, did you know that?"

"Yes," I snap, "She's my doctor." Crynn looks me over while I rub my chest and clutch my stomach. Am I starting my period? I hope not. I remember hearing Bit give my guards an embarrassing talk about that.

"Anyway, Alpha is going to pretend that she was sent on an errand to retrieve you and Snowbird for an appointment. The rest of us are going to dress up as guards. Instead of bringing you two to the doctors, we'll sneak you out the back door and ditch the uniforms in the dumpsters. The back door leads straight into Night Forest. From there we'll split up and I'll take you around Prenford."

"What about Snowbird?"

"She can do whatever she wants, I don't know." He shrugs.

My entire body aches now.

"No. Snowbird stays with me." I start mumbling and my words slur, I whimper and clutch my head. It feels like my skull is splitting-- crap.

"Get the guards!" I order Crynn when the first strike of pain hits, I scream in agony. Why me?! My hoarse cries and blood-curdling screams drown out Crynn's questions, my writhing body is in so much pain I might burst! Through a haze of pain, I see Crynn pound on the door and watch a flood of guards come in. They rush to my door and chains grow from my necklace and my wrists to stop me from hurting myself more. Crynn is tugging on the guards and asking questions, they shrug him off and call Doctor Ingemar over their mics. Before I pass out, I hear Crynn begging to come with me, shouting,

"I'm her brother! Let me come, I'm immediate family!"