
Chapter 11

Lilith's POV

"So what do you want to do today?" I moan at the sound of Arthur's voice plunging me from sleep. I am so tired. I need more sleep. The past couple of days were draining. Physically and emotionally. If I have to hear one more gunshot or be scared for my life for one more minute I might just kill myself. I open my eyes at the realisation of my last thought.

"Anything that doesn't have to do with somebody losing a life over." I cringe at my own words. This has become part of my daily routine. Someone dies. We run. I survive. "I was thinking… shopping." I smile as I sit up from the couch which has become my new bed. I cannot seem to sleep all alone in the enormous house of Arthur's and I can't expect to sleep in his bed with him. So I sleep on the couch in the living room and I noticed him sleeping on the other couch although he always seem to be awake before me and going up to his room as if he didn't fall asleep next to me on the couch and moved over to the other couch during the night, but I know. He might want me to think that he sleeps in his bedroom, but I know.

"Shopping?" I can almost taste the disbelieve in his voice. "Yes, you know. Clothing, my own pyjamas… maybe some 2min noodles and coffee that hasn't been stacked in the fridge beforehand." I bat my lashes at him. "Maybe some fresh fruit and a book or two. Then we can have a picnic." I smile.

"A picnic?" Before I could stop my finger was following the lines creasing on his forehead. "I don't do picnics." He mumbles grabbing onto my wrist. "Don't do that." He pushes my arm towards me. He is such a stubborn ass.

"Fine." I huff. "I will go by myself." I stretch before getting up to my feet.

"If you try… I will." He launches at me bringing me back onto the couch.

"God… I am not even dressed. Do you think I will go out like this?" I point to myself.

"You won't go out either way." He smirks pulling me up against his body. "Come with me." He demands but I don't comply. He has to listen to me for a change. "Would you stop pouting and just come?" He turns his back to me and head up the stairs. My curiosity gets the best of me as always and I leap after him as an excited puppy would.

I was in awe and very much disbelieve as soon as I entered his room. The bedding was very flower'ish and canvases of all sorts of photo angles of Protea flowers were hanging on the walls. Light oak furniture stood in place not an inch out of line, but except for the furniture everything else was perfect in the room this wasn't Arthur's room. Not by a far. Flowers? Really? The white walls… maybe, but the peachy curtains… no.

"So who ate the garden and decided to get sick in your room?" I try to crack a joke at the morbid atmosphere surrounding us, but that only seemed to piss him off more.

"Do you want something other to wear than those dirty cloths you are wearing now?" Wow. Could he have been nicer about it?

"Let me tell you something!" I point my finger at him as I slowly close in on him. "I have been kidnapped and kidnappers don't usually let you pack a suitcase before taking you against your will. I have almost been killed the one time I almost… ALMOST got my clothing. I have been stuck with a man twice… or maybe three times my size who's clothing doesn't really fit me and for your information." I take a deep breathe. "I have been washing me clothes every time you leave me alone for the day. So these…" I point to my purple top and black jeggings. "Are clean!"

"Even your underwear?"

"Even my underwear!" I could feel my face warm up as my cheeks turned red. He must be feeling the warmth radiating from my face, because I am completely pushed up against him, but he doesn't seem to mind as his arms are surrounding my body. My eyes meet his as I slowly look up, but his eyes fall almost immediately to my lips sending more warmth down my body. I slightly open my lips to breathe. Why would he ask me such a stupid question and furthermore Why would I answer?

"Let me get this right." Arthur positioned his body against mine, lifting me up against him and I wrap my legs around his waist to support myself. "You washed ALL your clothing everyday to keep them clean." I nod at his silly question folding my arms around his shoulders as he moves towards the bed of flowers. "You walked around in…" He pause for a brief second before placing me softly onto the bed. "Naked." He breathes slowly before finding his feet and leaving me alone and wanting on the bed.

"You are cruel." I whine as he walks away from me.

"You are not my girlfriend." He wink over his shoulder when he opens two cupboard doors and enter the closet. A walk-in closet. That had my attention so once again like the typical puppy I was cut out to be, I followed him forgetting the last sentence he uttered. I walk along the right side of the inside of the closet. My fingers dancing over the dresses hanging on rails, colour coded of course. Versace, Chanel and names I haven't even heard of before, but they were expensive that part was obvious. I continued lurking like a mentally retarded person over all the clothing which by the way still had their tags on until I saw the underwear. Victoria's Secret underwear. This made me turn towards him.

"Do you bring all your 'not girlfriends' to this house and torture them with all of this?" I swirl my arms around the room.

"Only the one's I rescue from being killed." He smirk.

"And they happen to all be the same size?" I place my hands on my hips.

"Size?" He frowns creating those lines on his forehead again.

"Do all the girls you date just happen to be the same size?" As me?

"I don't date." His words as stern as a rock.

"Then whose clothing is this?" I question pushing the limits.

"Pick a few outfits if you would like and get out of my room." He mutters harshly and turn around and walk away. This was totally weird, but I would be damned if I was going to walk around in the same clothing as I have been for the past few days. So I did what any normal person in my position would have done. I 'shopped'. I took some shorts and tops. A pair or two of long jeggings. One dress, a girl can dream. And only the underwear that would cover my important parts. Nothing sexy, although these were much sexier than I have ever bought myself and I got the hell out of the weird pink room.

After a mean cleaning session in the maybe too hot shower. I towel dried my hair and threw on a pair of shorts and a shirt. The material felt great against my skin and I felt relaxed for the first time since that night. "Arhur?" I shout after wondering through the halls in search of the man who saved me not being able to find him when I heard him calling forme from outside.

"Hi." I mouth as I step onto the green grass in front of the glass sliding open the door leading from the kitchen. He was laying on his stomach on a red and white checked picnic blanket staring at me as I walk towards him. His eyes never leaving mine.

"I thought you might like this." He swirls around turning on his back with his arms crossed underneath his head and I lay down next to him looking up at the light blue skies, but to my surprise there is no sky. The beauty of nature is covered with more nature. Green nature.

"Why are there so many trees in the back yard? A view of the sky would be nice." I pipe on, but he doesn't say anything. He just closes his eyes trying to hide the fact that he is smiling. I made him smile. I think, but that was a good to honest question. The yard was kind of small as it is. In fact our whole surrounding was covered in trees. We are in the middle of nowhere.

"Where are we?"

"We are safe and no one is losing a life today." He muttered under his breath.

"And I did shopping; we are kind of having a picnic. Can I ask you something?"

"You just did." He makes a valid point.

"Who am I?" This caught his attention. "I mean… Who am I to you?"

"You ask difficult questions." He sit up bringing his knees up. "I am not sure. You were not at the wrong place at the wrong time. They wanted you there. You were supposed to be there. You are supposed to tell me who you are." He sighs pinching at the end of his nose.

"What am I to you?" I wasn't talking about everything that happened these past days. I wasn't talking about my identity.

"You want to know why I saved you?" He stares at me and I nod in confirmation. "My enemies wants you dead. I don't know why and I don't care. I was supposed to get you out of the country and into safety, but you…" he breathes in loudly. "I couldn't just leave you all by yourself. You…" He didn't continue. He softly placed his hand on my cheek lifting my head slightly up until his lips met mine. His soft lips brush against mine as he tries to force the words from his lips to no avail. I part my lips slightly to breath when he crushes his mouth against mine deepening the kiss and I let him. His tongue swirls around licking and flicking as he taste me and I him.