
Chapter 10

"What the fuck did you do?" Feodor enters my bedroom a fury ball of fire. His eyes dark and staring. Feodor nearly never gets angry. He is the most considered and caring guy I know, which doesn't really suit his job description as he is supposed to be a very mean and uncaring person. Sometimes I am not sure to why he decided to choose this job, but he seem to be good at it so who am I to question his motives. "What are you talking about?" I immediately stand up straight feeling like a five year old girl who got caught with her hands in the cookie jar, although the five year old will know what she did as she is doing it as to I whom doesn't have a foggiest. I clasp my hands together behind my back. Standing there like a dumb struck teenager, but there is no fear, no sweating of palms, no heart raising or even a twitch of anxiety. The only emotion peeking from behind the curtain is uncertainty. I don't know what the fuck I did. "Do not play innocent with me, Isabella." He whispers stalking towards me. "I told you to stay out of this." He places both his hands on my shoulders which by the way send a numbing feeling through my body. Even when he is mad his touch is like silk. "I told you." He sighs against my cheek before lightly pushing me onto the bed. "You are my goddess." He swallows as his body hovers over mine, his legs resting between mine.

"My gift." I breathe, almost panting beneath him. I love him so much. I lift my hand to cup his cheek, but as usual he is too quick for me and with a swift move of his strong arm he grabs my hand pinning both my hands above my head. "What did I do?" I question him through panting lungs, but he doesn't answer me. His other hand softly drifting over my body as his eyes follows the tip of his finger over my cheek down to my torso and back up again. A sigh escape my mouth as his finger tip touches my bottom lip, but it doesn't seem to have an effect on him as he just keep moving his finger through my hair as I start to fight the restrained on my hands.

"I told you…" He whispers barely for me to hear but I don't give him an answer. I wanted to so badly, but I didn't do anything. "I never ask you for anything, never…" His finger runs up and down my sternum. "The one time I ask you something…" He whisper against my torso before starting to plant kisses down my jaw.

"What did I do?" I question him again starting to get annoyed being unable to move partly because he was pinning me down, but mostly because of the numbing effect he had on me as he is assaulting my upper body with his touch, but suddenly his eyes fires up again and with one darting move he grabs my phone from the pillow next to us and rise to his feet, leaving my alone and without his soft touch.

"You know what I do. You more than anyone knows, yet you deceive me and go do things behind my back." Feodor's voice is a bit harsher than any way he ever speaks to me before, but he wasn't shouting. He never shouts.

"What did I do?" I ask him again this time putting more power into my question, but he doesn't answer me. Instead he continues pacing up and down on the carpet, scrawling through my phone. "What is it you are looking for? Maybe I can help." I slowly sit up on the bed. I have never hidden my cell phone from him, although he never before felt the need to go through my phone, but I let him. I do not have anything to hide. We are honest with each other. We started out slow and promised to be honest. I would almost say lucky. We were two peas from the same pod. He knew everything about me and I do believe that I know him. Feodor comes to a sharp halt catching my attention as our eyes meet. Fire emerged from his eyes and I could almost smell smoke as his brain started to fry when with one quick swift of his arm my phone crashed against the bedroom wall and scattered into pieces, which made me jump in reunion.

"What the fuck did you do that for?" I shouted after him as he walked out the door making a quick sprint for the kitchen cabinet where the Vodka bottles are gathered in the back for only him. I do not even think Lilith knows about them. It seemed like the best hiding place as Lily doesn't cook and barely ever use the kitchen. "What did I do and what the fuck did my phone do? I just upgraded a month ago you know?" I storm after him; watching him pours himself a glass of vodka.

"I can buy you a new one." He mutters before gulping down the cold liquid down his throat.

"I know you can. By the means of it so can I. I can buy me a new phone." I through my hands in the air. "We can each buy me one and the next time you decide to throw my phone into a million pieces I would have a fucking spare." I growl at Feodor who only seems interested in the next shot of vodka. "Fuck you, okay!" I raise my voice and return to the bedroom to see what I can salvage knowing that there wasn't anything I could do. The pieces of glass and aluminium decorated my bedroom floor.

"Where are you going?" Feodor opened his mouth for the first time when I pass the kitchen heading for the door. The words flung from his tongue as if nothing happened.

"I am going out." I snap.

"For god sakes, I told you that I was going to buy you a new phone." He calmly whispers as he strolls towards me. "I will buy you a new one, okay?" he breathes against my cheek. The smell of vodka, clinging to every word.

"I don't want a new phone. I want an answer. Tell me why I need a new one." My words now softer against his stubble.

"Viktor told me to bring him your phone." This made my body tense. Why wouldn't he just ask me himself. He could have bloody hacked the darn thing. There is nothing on my phone that… "Lilith." I froze. "He wants to know where Lilith is?" I stagger a few inches backwards.

"You know you could have just told me this. Now what are you going to tell him? You fucked up my phone and now this is going to look bad. There was nothing on there." I point in the direction of my room where the phone lies.

"There was an outgoing call." Feodor pointed out to me.

"Yes, an outgoing call that I could explain." I take a seat on the edge of the back of the couch, brushing my fingers through my hair. "Wait.. I will tell him that I lost my phone. I will tell him that…"

"You can't do that." Feodor closes in on me wrapping his arms around my body. "If you tell him, he will know that I told you. I will tell him."

"I would like to rip his fucking head off, before…"

"You know that would be impossible." A husky chuckle escapes Feodor's chest as he interjects me.

"Have you met me?" I question him cautiously knowing what he meant. I might physically be able to rip the old man's head off, but his minions will surely blow my guts off as I do.

"This is why I love you." Feodor grins. "But I am begging you to listen to me and keep calm. We are doing this my way." He orders. "You keep all that..." He points to my angry flooded body. "for when I come back."