
Snakes and Ladders (A Hollywood SI/OC)

Hollywood, the land of dreams, the birthplace of modern cinema, the-. ah, who am I kidding, it's just a big old game of snakes and ladders. You either go up or down, depending on whether you got a ladder, or a snake in your corner. But what happens if you just, flip the board over? Let's see what happens when Richmond 'Ricky' Stirling attempts to do precisely that. Why wouldn't he? When life is just a game for him. Don't forget to add this to your collections for daily updates, and leave a 5 star review will you? It'll be much appreciated. Do share your honest feedback though. As an author, I strive to improve myself and I can't do that without my dear readers' varied opinions. Also, don't forget to join my discord server: https://disc ord.gg/uh2fS Guatb P.S, here is my p.a.t.r.e.o.n account for additional chapters: https://www.patr eon.com/user?u=42 576719 (remove the spaces after copy pasting the link) or just search 'Archonstine' on patreon... whichever works

Archonstine · Filme
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69 Chs

American Beauty

Author's note: I now have a p-word as you all know, so if you feel like reading 4, and soon enough 5 advanced chapters at the measly price of $3, then do join. The link is in this book's bio, or you can just search 'Archonstine' followed by p-word on your browser.

Also, join my discord will ya? For movie and tv-show recommendations and character images. The link is in this book's bio.

Also, donate some power stones. I've still got shitty harem fics ahead of me.

[Edit: Sorry for the re-publish, just had some minor grammatical changes I wanted to make]

22nd July 1996 (Monday)

San Diego Comic-Con

Ricky Stirling (POV)

"Rebecca, tell me you're done with the mic." I reveal an exasperated expression as she fumbles the wire connected to the mic.

"Yes-yes! Almost done, just a sec." She said without meeting my eyes.

"Rebecca, within a minute, the screening will come to an end, and I'll need to go and address the audience… just, get it done fast."

Without waiting for a reply, I pick up a water bottle and quench my thirst, gargling a mouthful just above my throat, before promptly swallowing it.

"Okaaay, and we switch it on and… done, the mic is functional." Rebecca said before handing me a sheet of paper, "These are the talking points your publicist passed on, he told me to tell you to not deviate off-script."

"Becca, can I call you Becca? Yeah Becca it is. Now listen, do me a favor will you?" I asked, while handing her a $50 bill, "Find Gary and give this back to him, tell him I did some prep on the ride here."

"I-, he told me to tell you, that he figured you would say something like that, and gave me a $50 bill, telling me to ensure that you go through it right away." She responded without missing a beat.

Huh, who knew? It seems the people around me are starting to become accustomed to my genius. Well, I know for a fact it's my raw intellect, they on the hand… believe it to be eccentricity, a quirky attitude brought on by the fame that was unleashed on me at such a tender age.

Well, joke's on them. If they want me to be eccentric, then who am I to deny their wishes?

"Becca dear, here you go" I hand her 2 $100 bills, "Do me a favor, take this script back to him, look him in the eyes, and say word for word, 'I'm getting too old for this shit'. Make sure to have exasperation plastered on your face when you tell him that, before ripping the script to shreds in front of him and throwing the shreds in his face, and for the pièce de résistance, spit on his atrocious crocodile leather shoes before storming off."

When she didn't move for a second, I offered her another $100. She was waiting for it apparently, cause the moment I enclosed the additional bill in her hand, she snatched the script from me and took off running.

Ah Gary, dear old Gary. When will he learn? When will they all learn?

My actions might seem impulsive to the common rabble, but that doesn't mean I have not deliberated on the potential ramifications they might cause. I'm a mad genius, no doubt about that. If I open up to a psychiatrist, I have a feeling by the end of the session, he'll be the one needing further help.

I'm completely and utterly crazy. But… what they don't realize, is that there is a method to my madness.

Well, I don't know what it is yet, but I'll be sure to tell them when I figure it out.

Anyways, the movie is about to wrap up in seconds flat. The atmosphere in the cinema hall is beyond tense, and even the slightest movement or a sudden sound can elicit a variety of reactions from the frightened crowd.

I see this as an absolute win.

Oh, this is my favorite part of the movie, the voice recording of Janice's father, sobbing uncontrollably, crying with anguish. 

Well, not Janice's dad really.

It's me.

I know, I'm just that awesome.

Now how exactly did I disguise my voice as that of a 50 year old man, you ask?

Vocal Mimicry: Lvl 71

I won't lie, it was difficult to learn at first. After my first few attempts, I was going to classes with a sore throat for days on end.

But once I figured it out, leveling up was surprisingly easy.

It took me 2 weeks to reach Lvl 28, and then it was smooth sailing.

Another 2 weeks, and I was Lvl 69.

I stopped there, partly because there were other skills that required my continued effort.

But like, 80% of the reason was… well, you can figure it out. *Wink*

Since I was too lazy to get to Lvl 100, I figured 69 was a number as good as any, if not considerably better.

Oh wait, the credits are rolling… and there they end.

Not really much to put there now right?

Anyways, that's my cue I guess.

And so with a renewed gusto, I entered the cinema hall from the side, appearing in front of approx. 200 people. It started with 300, but I don't have to guess why the numbers whittled down that fast.

And seeing my face in front, right after I had died a horrifying death in the movie… you know what? I'm gonna have some fun here because, why the hell not?

So I stared pensively for a second, my face devoid of any expression, eerily blank. And then I stomped my left foot hard, and roared with a demonic snarl, my eyes bulging as my face undertook a horrifying transformation. My snarl so realistically diabolical…


Vocal Mimicry skill has leveled up!

Vocal Mimicry: Lvl 72

Suffice it to say, it was pandemonium for the next few seconds-, sorry minutes.

The audience had a varied reaction, some leapt out of their seats, racing down towards the exit only to be blocked by the 'conveniently' stationed security guards, each of whom had 'conveniently' received signed copies of 'Messiah', with bookmarks within that looked suspiciously like $100 bills.

What a satisfying coincidence.

Now the runners had no luck, the ones who stayed seated either froze in shock, or fear, could be either really, though I would like to think it's the latter.

Quite a few had jumped up on their seats, leaving their shoe prints on the leather. 

Damn, looks like I'll have to tip the Janitor too. It's really the right thing to do.

The ones sitting in the front rows, oh they ran back, a few of them tripping on the stairs due to their faces being transfixed on me.

It's a pity the Gamer's Mind can't help me stop my laughter, cause soon enough… I'm cackling like crazy, rolling around on the floor and shit.

And Rebecca had truly exceeded expectations at her job, the mic was working perfectly, projecting my infectious laughter through the hall, halting everyone as they finally came out of their immersion, as the haze of fear finally lifted from their stupid little heads.

You know normally, cooler heads would prevail, after all, I appeared in front of them in a suit.

But my public speaking skill ensured that my voice would sound better than that of others on the mic, more realistic, less affected by the buzz generated by the speakers. Not to mention, my CHA at full blast.

That's partly why they got scared enough to run for the exits.

But things calmed down pretty quickly after my laughter diffused the tense atmosphere, as everyone realized the magnitude of the prank that they got caught up in.

All of them returned back to their seats, probably thinking this was a marketing stunt.

They would be right to think so.

After finally managing to compose myself, I flash my charming smile and start my little spiel.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to offer my sincerest apologies for my little… prank, yeah let's call it that. For quite a few of you, it might have been in poor taste, but you have to understand. Looking at all of your faces, your fear so blatantly evident… I just couldn't resist it, again, Sorry."

A few of them started nervously laughing, most likely to try and look tough in front of the others.

But I continued…

"If you're wondering why my face looks familiar, it's because I'm Ricky Stirling, yes, the very same Ricky who died a truly gruesome off-screen death at the hands of Janice possessed by a demon." All of a sudden, my tone became solemn, as I finally put on a serious facade.

"I made this movie. I came up with the idea, I wrote the script, I provided the budget, I casted the various actors, I edited it. In short, this movie is my brainchild, my debut in Hollywood. Or well, it's supposed to be, but securing a theatrical release is not easy folks. Especially if your movie was made, looking like a documentary with a shoe-string budget." I shook my head, my tone laced with vexation, as I shared my woes to the crowd. My CHA and PRE worked hand in hand to galvanize them to my cause.

"But that's why I am here. In front of you all. Everyone in this hall saw this movie from start to finish, everyone here knows how good it truly is. You all experienced it, but that's not enough. Without a theatrical release, no-one else will ever see it, it would rot away in some studio's archive, dismissed for eternity. Your friends, your family will never get to enjoy it the way you all got to. And that… is a fucking travesty."

"But, that doesn't mean I will give in. Hell, I'll never stop trying. So here I am, in front of you all, ready to answer each and every question you have regarding the movie you saw. So, if you have anything to ask, raise your hand, I'll be here answering each and every one of your questions. No exceptions will be made. Those of you who want to leave, are free to do so, your re-entry will not be denied. And today, I'll be standing here, not leaving without solving every single one of your doubts."

"You all with me?!" I asked, raising my voice.

A resounding yes swept through the hall, as tens of hands were raised, and I started picking them one by one.

Phew, that went on for some time.

I exited the hall, to find Gary standing there with his arms crossed, undoubtedly unamused at my antic prior to the impromptu Q & A session.

"Ricky!" He started, his fake cheery expression clearly conveying his feelings. "You were in there for nearly 2 hours now… You got anything to say?"

"Your shoes look shiny, did you get them polished?"

And that was the last straw.


"Oh… what a pity, I would've tipped her another $100." My tone unrepentant.

Gary took a few deep breaths, before bringing down his voice, "Ricky, these shoes cost 2 fucking grand."

"Hey don't blame me! You were the one who flushed 2 grand down the toilet."

"Oh Yeah? Well… screw you Ricky. Screw you." AHA! And that's it folks! Gary raised the white flag, surrendering after a truly embarrassing verbal beatdown by yours truly!

"Anyways, it's almost 7, I'm going back to the hotel."

"Good night man, and… sorry for the shoes, and the script. If you want you can spit on my shoes?" I offered magnanimously, but he just kept on walking, pretending like he didn't hear me.

Just then…

"Ricky!" I heard a voice behind me.

I turned around to see… oh damn.

This really hot blonde with a… Well, let's just say she's equipped with some pretty 'massive' weaponry.

"Can I help you Miss…?"

"Oh! Silly me! I'm Paige. It's such a… pleasure to meet you." She said, her voice turning husky towards the end.

Oh My.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you too, Paige." My face lit up with an enchanting grin.

"I-, me and my friend just saw the movie, and we were blown away! You were sooo good in it!"

Hold on a sec… did she mention a friend?

"I'm sorry, did you mention a friend?"

"Oh! Yes, let me call her. PENNY!"

And then came Penny. Jogging towards us, bouncing and stuff…

"Oh my god! Ricky Stirling! I'm- I am such a huge fan of yours!" She nearly squealed, her cheeks flushed as she repeated the same damn line I've heard thousands of times before.

Only this time… I wasn't remotely irritated.

We made small talk for a minute, I signed their shirts, and just as I was about to leave… Paige spoke up.

"Well, we just saw your movie and we were wondering, it's just that, we had some questions that we thought you could answer… privately."

Their faces were flushed, oh… they were building up to this, oh you naughty girls.

After a quick use of Observe, confirming they were 21 and 20 respectively, I took out my card and wrote down the address of my hotel and room no. on its back.

"Here you go ladies, I'm free after 8, and if you make your way to my suite, I would be more than happy to 'satisfy'... your curiosity." I shot an alluring grin before handing the card.

Oh don't judge me! I have worked hard all these years okay?! I have built up my fame and reputation painstakingly… it's about time I enjoy the rewards a little more… thoroughly, don't you think?

I whistle while making my way to my car parked outside.

You know what? I'm okay with the fact that Gary didn't wish me a 'Goodnight' before taking off, cause I'm definitely about to have one of my best ones in forever, arguably the best.

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