
Snake Charmer

THIS IS A Harry Potter FANFICTION. A girl who lives 3 lifetimes. He is her Destiny and She is his Doom. How long can a Gryffindor remain a Gryffindor?

LunaNightShade2023 · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Chapter Three: December Of Fifth year

Asteria smirks and slowly bends down scooping up snow in her hands , making a tight snowball. Before a wide grin appears on her face as she slowly raises her arm back, aiming it at the back of Tom's head. Throwing it as hard she could. But it hovered an inch from the back of his head. Asteria's eyes widen and she shreiks as it is hurled back at her. She ducks as it rushes passed her. A giggle bubbles out of her throat as she stands up, staring at Tom who was giving her a disappointed glare.

                                                   "Honestly Dumbledore you thought that, that would work on me?" Asteria smirks and shrugs her shoulders lightly.

                                                                                                     "It was worth a shot." Tom snorts and rolls his eyes. Since the snake interaction, Asteria Dumbledore had warmed up to him. He wasn't excepting it because it was like the girl hated everyone and purposely stayed away from everyone. Like she had something to hide. She was still fairly closed off. But, Tom found he didn't want to stay away from her.

                       He liked her company. He liked hearing her laugh and complain about the first years. She was bloody brilliant too. Her face paled and she staggered on her feet, out of reflex he reaches forward wrapping an arm around her waist pulling her flush against him.

                                             "What just happened are you okay?" His voice was low and worry leaked through. Her small fragile hands tightened around the tops of his arms as she peeks up at him through her eyelashes. She tried to ignore the growing warmth in her face, as the world spun around her.

                                                                                              "I'm fine. Just a little dizzy." She replies softly. Tom's mouth turns down in a frown as his eyebrows knit together. It was rather cold out here. He huffs an annoyed sigh and lifts her into his arms.

                                                                                           "Ri-Riddle! Put me down!" She frantically wraps her arms around his neck, burying her face in her arms. Tom's shivered as her warm breath tickled just below his ear.Tom cuts his eyes at her. She was quite adorable when she was flustered like this. Tom chuckles lightly as he turns on his heels walking back inside of the castle. Asteria groans at the sound of students whistling and making other sounds as they walked passed them. Someone kill her now!

                  Tom made his way to The Great Hall. It was the warmest place that was the closest. He gently sat Asteria at the Gryffindor table before walking over to his own table. Her head whipped around as she stared at the boy. He was so strange and gentle with her all of the time. What was his deal? Butterflies ravaged her stomach as Tom lifts his eyes to meet hers and smiles. Her cheeks warm and she looks away from him quickly. Stupid Riddle!

              Students would be leaving for Holiday soon and Asteria would be stuck in this stupid Castle for Christmas. That bothered her. But at least she had her father here with her, She shook her head as her Papa came to mind. She knew that she would not be able to see him. And that hurt her. No matter what he had done, he was still her papa and she loved him more than anything.

                        The week flew by and Asteria busied herself as other students packed to go home. She was scanning the bookshelves for a book to read in the library. It was quiet here. She loved that. Her eyes narrow at the creature book that was just out of her reach. She glances around making sure that no one is watching before she stretches up on to her tiptoes trying to give her more height to retreive the book. Her fingertips barely brushing the spin. She frowns, narrowing her eyes at it. Until a hand reaches out and snatches the book from the shelf, offering it to her. She slowly goes back down on her feet, turning toward the person.

                                                       "You really are short." Tom muses. Asteria stares daggers at him taking the book clinging to it.

                                                                                             "Thank you Riddle. Happy Christmas." She calls over her shoulder before exiting the library. A Strange pulling sensation tugging at Asteria's middle and her eyes widened as she looked down at the book. Oh Merlin No! Inhaling a shaky breath she turned to see Tom exiting the Library.

                                                                                            "RIDDLE! Get My Father!" Her scream echoed through the Corridor and then she was gone.

                              Rage consumed Tom. The book had been turned into a Port key! But who would want her?! Tom dropped the book in his hands and took off toward Dumbledore's class room. Surely he would be in his office. A strange sinking feeling was filling Tom's middle the faster that he ran.

                         Tom pushed his mind forward making the door to the classroom swing open. He skid to a hard stop looking around. Professor Dumbledore and Professor Dumbledore stood there staring at him with a stern expression.

                                                           "Asteria been taken by port key." Tom's body stiffened even as he said it. Dumbledore's expression turned icy before he apperated right there in the room.

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